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Name: Dark

Age: 21 moons

Gender: Male


Backstory: Used to be a Bloodclan member but escaped to the countryside, or as he calls it, The Wild Twolegplace.

Clan or group: None.

Mother: Shadow- a dark grey tabby with a white paw and golden eyes.
Residence unknown.

Father: Bark- a dark brown tom with a white muzzle and brown eyes. Residence unknown.

Brother: Twig- deceased at birth.

Likes: His new home and cats he can rely on.

Dislikes: Clans, fighting and lies.

Fears: Bloodclan.

Scenario 1

You meet Dark on your territory, that is unacceptable! This might be Wild Twolegplace to him but this is your territory to you! What do you do?

Scenario 2

One day, you decide to take a walk. The fields rustle and the trees sing, what beautiful day. Suddenly, a stray streaks out in front of you yowling "Run!" What do you do?

Or Make your own!

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