The Clans Info

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The clans are the same, WindClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan (SkyClan will not be added here, maybe sometime in the future, but not at the moment, sorry)
The available positions are as follows:


Leader: Moonstar (See Moonbeam in my OC book)~Apprentice, Skypaw


Med Cat:
Mad Cat App:

Warriors: (Will add more if needed)

* Ravenwhisker (Snake_FlamePack

Queens: (Only three for now)


Apprentices: (Will add more if needed)

*Skypaw (HhwersIsGreat)

Elders: (Will add more if needed)




Deputy: Moonheart (Starclan4life)

Med Cat:
Med Cat App:

Warriors: (Will add more if needed)

* Frostbur; bracken colored Tom, with white spots, paws, and ear tips.

Queens: (Only three for now)


Apprentices: (Will add more if needed)


Elders: (Will add more if needed)





Med Cat:
Med Cat App:

Warriors: (Will add more if needed)


Queens: (Only three for now)

* Lighteyes (andi0316 look im using it!!!); pale solid ginger she-cat with bright and cheerful green eyes. Expecting.

Apprentices: (Will add more if needed)


Elders: (Will add more if needed)




Deputy: Rosethorn; Golden tabby she-cat(MythiCreature)

Med Cat: Poppyseed; pale grey, almost white, with slightly darker, thin, long, mackeral tabby stripes, tufts on her ears, grey-green eyes (MythiCreature )
Med Cat App: Shadepaw; really dark grey tom, with light gray eyes and lighter grey patches.

Warriors: (Will add more if needed)

* Daisydapple; tortieshell she-cat (MythiCreature)
* Northbreeze: White she-cat with green eyes, and silver tail tip, ears, and paws. (Hope2467)
*Kindleflame (Hope2467)

Queens: (Only three for now)


Apprentices: (Will add more if needed)

* Shadepaw (Mentor: Poppyseed)

Elders: (Will add more if needed)


Everything that doesnt have a name in it is open!

Update^^^ You all know your positions, I know them too. If you want one that I know is already taken, I'll tell you it's taken, alrighty?

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