Autumn's Promise - Chapter 6

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Autumn stood in shock as thoughts circled around her head.

I'm in love with Night Sky.

That's why I'm obsessing over him

Oh, Truth. What happened to me?

Autumn paced the den, kicking up moss in her frustration. I can't be in love with Night Sky. I can't be in love with him. I hate him! I've been trying to ignore him for days already!

But I wouldn't have spent that much time on any other cat.

Autumn let out a low growl; she didn't want to ponder on this anymore. Shaking her fur out, she padded out of the den. I have duties.


A call to her name made her head snap back towards it. To her surprise, it was Deer.

"What?" Autumn replied.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hunting with me," Deer dipped her head.

Autumn tilted her head in confusion. Deer and I have never really been friends.

"Sure?" Autumn kept her tone mild, but she knew her eyes were glittering with distrust.

Deer led the way out of the camp, Autumn following a few pawsteps behind her.

They padded through the woods lightly, sniffing for prey. Deer flicked her tail and Autumn spotted a fat mouse scrabbling for food at the bottom of a tree.

Got it, thanks. I can hunt, you know.

Autumn tried not to let her sleep-deprived self make a fool of herself, after all, Deer was a very respectable cat. As she watched, Deer pounced at the mouse, driving it towards Autumn.

Autumn moved towards it, but her movements were too slow, and her paws were to clumsy. Through tired eyes, she saw the mouse scurry away.

"Sorry," Autumn mewed, afraid that Deer would be mad at them.

Deer blinked at her through sympathetic and sharp eyes. "Do you feel slow lately?"

Autumn flicked her ears in irritation. "I'm not slow!"

Deer slapped her tail on Autumn's mouth, letting out a sharp hiss. "I smell fox-scent."

A fox.

Autumn perked up, eager to help her Clan. However, she became disappointed after Deer mewed, "The guards will deal with this."

"We won't get to help?" Autumn flared in anger. "I want to help!"

"You're a hunter, Autumn. Just because you're deputy doesn't mean you can do a guard's job," Deer mewed softly.

"I can fight!" Autumn protested. "I was almost made a guard!"

"But you weren't, Autumn." Deer's mew was stern. "Go back to camp and get some guards. I'll start with the patrol right now."

Autumn watched, giving up as Deer tapped her paw on the ground. Violet and Sky melted out of the forest, their expressions turning to shock as they smelt the fox.

"Go, Autumn!" Deer ordered, turning to help the guards.

Why can she help? Autumn snorted but listened to Deer and raced back to camp.

On the way back, Autumn felt insanely tired and her paws felt like they were dropping off, but she kept on going. She burst into the camp and ran into the guard's den. "Fox!" she alerted them, out of breath.

Autumn collapsed on the den floor, panting hard. Absolutely exhausted, she closed her eyes and dropped off into sleep.

Images flashed before her eyes as she dreamed. Images of a burning camp and a fire engulfing it. Images of Night Sky and her arguing.

Autumn woke up to see Storm leaned over her, his eyes worried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Autumn snapped, struggling to stand up.

"Deer saved you a squirrel," Storm mewed, before adding, "the prey pile was empty."

"Why would Deer save me a squirrel?" Autumn snarled, lashing her tail weakly.

Storm shrugged and dropped the furry creature at her paws. "Eat. You'll feel better."

Reluctantly, Autumn took a small bite of the squirrel. She chewed it slowly, swallowing it quickly. Suddenly, an uneasy feeling came over her and she felt disgusted and gagged, choking on the squirrel. Storm widened his eyes as she vomited the squirrel onto the moss.

Autumn coughed, clearing the squirrel from her throat. She pawed the squirrel before pushing it away. "No thanks, I don't feel too well."

Storm eyed her in concern, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Lately, have you been close to any toms?"

"No! Why would I be close to any toms?" Autumn hissed.

"You're always watching Night Sky," Storm mewed observantly.

"I'm not!" Autumn bristled, in shock.

Did the whole Clan know about her feelings?

"Admit it," Storm growled, his ears flat on his head. "You're in love with Night Sky."

"Fine," Autumn stood up shakily from her nest. "And why do you ask?"

"Because," Storm sighed. "I think you're pregnant."

That can't be true. I won't let it be true.

Autumn stood up shakily from the nest and paused at the entrance of the den.

As she left, she was aware of Storm's green eyes piercing her.

"Autumn! Are you okay?"

A voice shook her from her daze, and she gazed weakly at Night Sky. Annoyance flashed through her, but she didn't have enough energy to snap at him. "I'm fine," she managed.

"Autumn! I expect you to stay in your den to rest!" Sun called to her from the den.

"No! I'm perfectly fine!" Autumn hissed. "I can hunt!"

"Stay in your den! And that's an order!" Sun snapped before returning to his den.

"Shh," Night Sky interrupted her feeble protest. "I'll get you out, I promise."

Autumn looked into his dark green eyes. They were filled with warmth and the sun reflected spirals in them. "Okay," she grunted, padding to her den.

Autumn lay in her nest, regretting her decision to trust Night Sky. It was past sunset and the tom still hadn't shown up. Then, a hiss made her jump to her paws.

"Autumn! I've made a small hole in the back of the den. It's hidden, so come towards my voice. Sun will never find it!"

Joy raced through her and her pelt bushed out as she eyed the back of the den. Its stone walls gave her a sense of claustrophobia before she spotted a patch of stone that was darker than the rest of the wall.

She squeezed through the dark hole to find herself blinded. It opened up to a larger tunnel that was extremely dark. Immediately, she panicked and tried to leave but she couldn't find the exit again. "Help!" she yowled, terrified of the cave walls pressing on her.

Then, dark green eyes blinked at her in the darkness. "Quiet!" Night Sky hissed. "Follow me."

Calming down, Autumn crept through the tunnel and followed Night Sky through the dark tunnel. The smooth cave walls felt weird on her paws and they ached soon as they continued.

Soon, light began to show, and the tunnel curved upwards. Night Sky emerged from the tunnel first. Autumn squeezed through the small exit to find herself in a hollow tree. The tree had an uneven chunk of wood scraped off with claws; Night Sky's, Autumn presumed.

Autumn emerged to find herself on a cliff side, overlooking a salty patch of water. It was endless, the water rushed and slapped against the cliff. She viewed the sunset happily.

This is freedom.

"You did it," Autumn turned to face Night Sky.

"I promised I would," Night Sky replied.

"Thank you so much."

"I would do anything for you, Autumn. I love you," Night Sky whispered. "But you don't want me. I've seen the looks you shoot me. You hate me, don't you? Don't answer. I don't want it to be true."

Autumn flinched back as their pelts brushed. "Night Sky..."

"I should go. Use the tunnel to go back to the den," Night Sky backed away hurriedly, downcast. He was almost to the tree-tunnel when Autumn called out.


Autumn hurried to his side, her whiskers twitching in tension. "Night Sky, I love you too. I didn't realize it at first, but then I found myself always thinking about you. I was always watching you. And I believe that I feel the same."

Night Sky's pelt radiated shock. "Are you sure? Are you just being nice?"

"I'm sure, Night Sky. I love you."

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