Dawnmist's Heart - Epilogue

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Dawnmist struggled to get up, the leaf-bare winds strong as ever. Her muzzle, gray with age, stretched towards water, any water. Larkleaf hurried towards her, afraid for her.

Don't be, she wanted to say. I'm going to die anyway.

Dawnmist lowered her head again, letting Larkleaf's form disappear from her mind, and the darkness engulfed her.




Go away and let me sleep!

"Dawnmist, wake up!"

You furball-...

Could it be?

Dawnmist opened her heavy eyes to see a very familiar black pelt with bright blue eyes. It couldn't be. He couldn't have made it to StarClan.

Beside him...an orange pelt. Foxclaw!

"Foxclaw...Demonclaw?" Dawnmist mewed, shocked. "Oh, StarClan. I'm dead, aren't I?"

"You're beautiful," Foxclaw corrected, leaning in to nuzzle her.

"Very," Demonclaw glared at Foxclaw but Dawnmist purred when she saw it was a playful glare.

What had happened in StarClan? And, if it was StarClan, where were the stars in her fur?

Dawnmist looked around the star flecked meadow. It was peaceful, unlike her last minutes. The pain was gone.

"I really am in StarClan." Dawnmist breathed.

Demonclaw and Foxclaw both leaned forward and beckoned. Dawnmist followed them and she felt a strange tingling in her. Looking down, she saw stars in her fur.

"You crossed the border," Demonclaw said simply, his blue eyes full of happiness and joy.

"Now you're officially in StarClan. Let me show you around," Foxclaw bounced around, excited as a kit, handsome as ever.

"This is the pool where we can look at the Clans," Demonclaw stopped their tour at a small pool.

Dawnmist touched her paw to the surface and it rippled.

Frogfern...Frogfern...Frogfern... she called in her mind.

The water stilled and she saw Frogfern's body in the water. He was in the nursery, with Echoflight, his mate. Her heart ached as she saw her brother taking care of Echoflight, who was due to have her second litter soon. This couldn't be present. The Clans were...in danger. And Echoflight would have a special role to play. It must be the future.

"It's amazing," Dawnmist turned her head away from the pool, facing Demonclaw and Foxclaw. 

And it's only just started.

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