Chapter 13

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Lionpaw's green eyes fluttered open. He blinked a couple times, his eyes adjusting to the light. It was the morning after the gathering, and Lionpaw barely got any sleep. Despite not being able to hang out with Coalpaw, he really enjoyed the gathering.

Then something dawned on him. Iceheart had promised to tell him about Firestar. Excitedly, he jumped to his paws, and shook the moss off his pelt. He looked around the apprentices den. Ravenpaw and Bramblepaw were still sleeping, meaning Coalpaw and Honeypaw were already up.

Sighing, he padded out of the apprentices den. He looked around, hoping to find Coalpaw. He really wanted to apologise. He spotted him by the fresh-kill pile. Lionpaw began to bound towards him, but stopped. What if Coalpaw was still mad at him? What if Coalpaw never wanted to be his friend again?

"Lionpaw?" A Familiar voice called. Lionpaw looked up to the owner of the voice. Honeypaw. "Hi" He muttered. Honeypaw looked uncomfortable. "Where are you going today?" She asked awkwardly, as she looked at her paws. "Uhh..well, I was going to go to visit Iceheart. She wanted to tell me about Firestar" Lionpaw muttered.

"That's cool. Can I come?" Honeypaw asked. Lionpaw nodded, and turned towards the elders den. "Iceheart?" He called. "Yes, Lionpaw. Come in" Iceheart replied. Lionpaw and Honeypaw walked inside and found Iceheart curled up in her moss bed. Lionpaw looked over at a dark figure in the corner, snoring softly. Nightstep.

"I assume your both here to Learn about Firestar" Iceheart muttered. "Very well, Make yourself comfortable" she ordered. Honeypaw gave Lionpaw and awkward glance before sitting down. Lionpaw sat down also, curling his tail around his paws as he did so. "Firestar was the first leader of Fireclan" Iceheart began.

"She was a brave leader. Always calm and knew what to do." Iceheart murmured. "Just like Wildstar" Honeypaw blurted out causing Iceheart to laugh. "Yes Honeypaw, Just like Wildstar" Iceheart chuckled. "How did she become leader?" Lionpaw asked, curiously.

"There was a time, where cats never got along, Lionpaw. They would cheat and steal, and lie to get what they wanted. Then one day, four siblings passed through the forest. Fire, Earth, Ice and Cloud were their names. They were appalled at the forest cats, who constantly battled one another for food, instead of sharing." Iceheart explained.

"That's awful" Honeypaw muttered. Lionpaw nodded in agreement. "Yes it was" Nightstep mewed from his moss bed, his gaze fixed intently on the apprentices. "Anyway, One night, Cats with stars in their pelts visited the four siblings. They promised that if the Siblings could change the forest cats way then the siblings would be granted Nine Lives" Iceheart mewed.

"Then what happened?" Honeypaw asked excitedly. " The siblings agreed, and so for moons they tried to persuade the cats of the forest. Then One day, the cats began to listen to them. They realized that the siblings were right. But they could not agree who should be leader of the forest. It was Firestar who suggested that there should be four groups" Nightstep explained. "And that's what happened, Fire, Ice, Cloud and Earth became Firestar, Icestar, Cloudstar and Earthstar. And the four groups became known as Fireclan, Iceclan, Cloudclan and Earthclan" Iceheart finished.

"Why did the forest cats begin to listen to the four leaders?" Lionpaw asked. "Yeah, Why?" Honeypaw muttered. "Well, four brave cats stood up and defended the leaders. Their names were Blazeclaw, Darkfeather, Featherstep and Grayfur. They became the first deputies of all four clans" Nightstep explained. "Wow!" Lionpaw muttered. "Wow indeed" Iceheart purred.

Lionpaw opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when a familiar voice called for him. "Lionpaw, Honeypaw, Time for training" Cloudfoot yowled. Lionpaw looked back towards the elders and nodded. "Thank you for telling us about the four leaders. I will be back later" He muttered and turned to leave. "Your very welcome Lionpaw and Honeypaw" Iceheart called.

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