Chapter 15

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Lionpaw never knew Snowtuft. Of Course, he had seen her around camp, patrols and gatherings. But, he never physically talked to her. Snowtuft was Honeypaw's Mentor, that's all he knew. He wasn't Surprised that Honeypaw was upset.

Lionpaw watched, as they dragged Snowtuft's body into the centre of Fireclan camp. Her white fur was matted with blood, and her eyes staring up at Starclan. "Snowtuft was a great warrior, kind and caring. She will be remembered for many, many moons" Wildstar mewed softly, her eyes glazing with sadness.

"Sunclan have taken this too far" Tigerblaze yowled from the other side of the corwd. Mutters of agreement broke out. "Cloudfoot and I, will decide what to do about Sunclan in a moment. But first, Honeypaw will need a new mentor" Wildstar sighed. The clan fell silent, waiting for Wildstar's decision. After a moment, Wildstar finally spoke out. "Bluefeather, Step forward" Wildstar called.

The blue-gray she-cat stepped out of the and sat directly in front of Wildstar. "You are a loyal warrior, Bluefeather and Fireclan is lucky to have you. I ask you to mentor Honeypaw for the remainder of her apprenticeship" Wildstar decided. Bluefeather nodded and turned towards Honeypaw. Hesitantly, Honeypaw shuffled forward, and touched noses with her new mentor.

Nobody cheered. The clan was still silent, looking up at Wildstar for guidance. "For now, I will sit with Snowtuft's body. Cloudfoot, I want you at my den in the morning" Wildstar sighed. Cloudfoot nodded. "Clan dismissed" Wildstar ordered with a flick of her tail, and hopped down from highrock. The leader glanced in Lionpaw's direction before sitting down beside the fallen warrior.

Lionpaw observed the cats that stayed with Wildstar. Only the Cats closest to Snowtuft would sit through the night. Lionpaw got to his paws and turned towards the apprentices den. 'Sunclan will pay' Lionpaw thought to himself as he settled into his moss bed and fell asleep.

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