Chapter 1

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Darkness. That's all the tom saw. Darkness. There was nothing there. He could hear a voice. A soft yet gruff voice. It sounded tired yet calm. Smooth and wise. The tom heard something. It was odd. He felt the warm soft feeling under his paws and smelled the damp yet milky air around him. He could make out very view words. 

"He should be opening his eyes now Mossflame. He hasn't been coughing. He been eating properly and able to take milk down for once." The calm wise voice spoke, it sounded odd. Who was this cat. Was it his...Mother? That was the word right? It gotta be. The tom ears flicked when he heard another voice.

"Kits wake at there own time Crowwing, He will open them soon. Just be patient." This voice sounded rough yet kind. It soothed the kit ears and slowly He felt something move on his face, he felt something bright hit his eyes and he wanted to close them but stopped whining and opened them. The young tom blinked, the light burning his eyes a bit but he was able to make out the place around him. The young tom looked and saw next to him where walls, giant fluffy green stuff that blocked the son but on one side he saw a giant hole. He couldn't properly see what was out there so he decided to stay in his sanctuary. He looked behind him and saw a cat that loomed over him, a smile itched on her face. This giant cat was completely black. They had a pretty color eye though the tom will admit. She bent down and licked the young tom head, causing the kit to let out a squeaky noise. "Hey!" The young tom yelped, falling on his but as he let out a annoyed huff. He just woke up and this is how he treated. The nerve!

"Well look at little Larchkit. Already a sassy fellow like his mother." The other voice spoke but this belonged to a deep gray she cat with a milky white snout. She sat not far but above the queen, her green yet calm eyes staring dawn at the tom. Larchkit tiled his head but stood up. Sassy. He like that word. It filled him with something but he didn't know what. He puffed his chest out. He liked the word.

"Well that's true. He did inherited some of my personality." The black cat spoke, a smile to the gray cat before licking the young tom face, causing the tom to huff in annoyance. He didn't understand why lick him but he did get something. 'Black cat mommy?' Larchkit thought as he let out a little sneeze and turned towards the hole. "Out. I wanna see out." Larchkit chirped, lifting his paw and nudging it out towards the giant hole. Crowwing looked unsure but nodded and stood up, removing her tail around the tom. "You may play but be safe." Crowwing spoke as the young tom nodded. Larchkit stood up but felt odd pressure on his stubby legs. He huffed and fell but got up. 'I hope no one saw.'  He thought as he slowly walker outside, each step feeling like a stone being lifted. He finally got to the giant hole and the light that burned his eyes Finally came through. He let out a groan and shook his head. He decided to take one step and felt the ground change. He felt something hard, stiff but also soft. He didn't know to describe it or to describe the other cats in front of him.

There were many cats, deep silver to very odd blue. Most were licking each other. Some brown ones were coming in another giant hole with something stinky in there mouth snd dropped them in a pile with more stinky stuff. Larchkit let in a huff and walked out in the clearing. He felt odd. He felt scared but happy. He smiled proudly as he stood high. He didn't realize the other cats coming his way and let out a loud meet when something collided in him, causing him to fall on his back and groan lowly. He huffed. "Hey! He chirped as he saw a small brown cat with flame eyes like his mother get up, something was weird. She was only using her back legs. Her two front legs hung limp in the front and she seemed to be holding something.

"Oh my stars! I am so sorry! Are you okay?!" The cat mewed as she frantically rushed to the tom, gently using her nose to help him get to his paws. She look a bit frantic and extremely apologetic. "I hope I didn't hurt you! Who are you?" She asked, sitting on her back legs.

"Um I'm Larchkit. Who are you?" Larchkit chirped as he shook his head. He felt woozy but Decided to brush it off. He didn't understand how a cat could only use ones back legs. Don't all cats use there legs? "Oh! I am Nettlepaw! The medicine cat Apprentice! It so nice to meet you!" Nettlepaw chirped and in quite a chiper tone as well, she sat more and licked her back but froze. "Wait...Larchkit! Oh yeah! Your the half clan cat! The half clan curse!" She said, naively speaking in a tone that sounded like a child.

"Curse? What's a curse?" Larchkit asked, his ears flicking as he noticed others cats looking on and heard there muffled noises, laughter was it? He sat patiently but unfortunately a flash of black came and stood over the kit. Nettlepaw eyes widened at the cat that ran to the kit and she just realized what she had said. She didn't mean to be mean. "Crowwing! I am so-"

"Don't say a word." Crowwing spoke, her tone calm and not hostile but definitely a bitter tone. She reached her head down and grabbed the tom by his scruff. Larchkit let out mews of protest.m at being picked up without his permission. He stopped once he saw the look in his mother eyes, a undertone of anger in them. Crowwing turned and left to the nursery, ignoring the glares and growls of the cats around them. Unfortunately young Larchkit saw it all and was confused, why did everyone seem angry 

Nettkepaw is in Allegiance. She belongs to People_suckzzz 

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