Chapter Eight

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Dawnpaw looked around the grassy plain, her eyes scanning for any threats. Nothing. She sprinted into the pine forest and headed in the direction of the RiverClan border. Keeping her paws as light as she could as she ran, her ears were pricked and alert. The pine needles shivered as a soft, cool breeze shook the trees slightly.

"Hey, you! Where are you going?" Dawnpaw jumped and whirled around, startled.

Dawnpaw glared at the Silverpaw, who was looking smug and self-satisfied. Stop scaring me, she thought. I don't appreciate you imitating a ShadowClan warrior!

A familiar figure appeared in the distance. A black and white tom turned to look at her, and she grinned.

"Tanglebrook!" She exclaimed as her former mentor gave a weak smile. He seemed so tired, so frail.

"Hello, Dawnpaw," he greeted, dipping his head. His tail twitched uncomfortably, and he constantly shifted on his paws.

What in StarClan is Ivy doing to him? She wondered. I mean, Iceleap said that she was starving the disobedient cats, but...oh, of course. He is disobedient. Well, at least to Ivy. Fishbrain. She shook her head, and rolled back into her haunches.

"Lets skip the formalities," Silverpaw said tonelessly. She drew a silver paw over an ear.

Dawnpaw rolled her eyes and stood up. "Well, Tanglebrook, we've chosen our plan for attack. Well, for attacking Ivy, at least. It'll be a day after the Gathering— this moon." Tanglebrook cocked his head in confusion.

"Dawnpaw, I know that I never taught you battle strategy. But surely even a half-trained apprentice can tell that if we take on an entire Clan, we'll be killed!"

Dawnpaw shifted her paws. "I am not half-trained, Tanglebrook." Silverpaw sighed, exasperated.

"But lets get back on topic, Dawnpaw," meowed Silverpaw, struggling to keep her temper in. "Unless you want ShadowClan warriors descending upon us and ripping us to shreds."

Dawnpaw glared at her sister. Then she glared at Tanglebrook. "I know not to take on an entire Clan with only six cats. Silverpaw has it all planned out," Dawnpaw explained. "We need you to tell all the RiverClan cats that you possibly can to get ready for battle after the gathering. Tell them to prepare to fight for our clan. Every single RiverClan cat- as long as they haven't decided to join Ivy yet. According to Iceleap, that would be every RiverClan cat."

Dawnpaw felt a rush of adrenaline just thinking about regaining RiverClan. Just imagine- everything could be normal again! She thought happily. All of us could be at peace again. Me, Silverpaw, Tanglebrook, Iceleap, Bramblefang, Troutsplash, Minnowtail...

Dawnpaw's face twisted in anger and frustration and slammed a paw into the dying grass, effectively driving out all happiness. What am I even thinking about? Nothing will be ever the same! Silverpaw looked over at her, her face scrunched up in concern.

Dawnpaw focused back on Tanglebrook, who was just staring into space, a hopeful expression on his face. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself before speaking again. The sun began to peak out from beneath the earth. Streams of orange, yellow, and red marred the night sky, converting it into its bright counterpart.

"You might want to go back to camp now," she murmured quietly, breaking Tanglebrook's trance. "Don't forget, if you need us, just find us in the twoleg den." He shifted on his paws as he stood up.

Tanglebrook grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry," he started, embarrassed. "I-I forgot where it is. Could you please remind me?" Dawnpaw rolled her eyes. Tanglebrook's getting old! She laughed mentally.

"Sure. It's past the ShadowClan border. Towards the Sun-drown place— well, at least where the elders say it is. As Silverpaw told you, it's far away, and you should scent us before you actually see the den. So you should find us pretty easily. The whole place practically reeks of us." She stood up, shaking off dust. "Got it?"

"Got it."

Dawnpaw stared at him steadily. "Good luck, Tanglebrook. The entire RiverClan is counting on you."

Tanglebrook swallowed, and shook out his pelt. "They're counting on you two apprentices as well." He padded closer to Dawnpaw and rested his bony tail on her head. "I am proud of you, and proud to be your mentor."

There was silence on the border. Even the birds had stopped their chirping, and the sun seemed to have stopped it's rise.

"Sorry to break up this touching moment," Silverpaw said, "but it's dawn, and the ShadowClan patrols will be here at any moment! Let's go, Dawnpaw!"

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