Chapter Six

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Dawnpaw and Silverpaw crouched at the beginning of RiverClan territory. They could smell the fresh smell of fish rising from the border markers, and Dawnpaw's mouth watered.

"Where exactly is the Moonpool?" asked Dawnpaw.

Silverpaw pointed her tail to across the lake. "Aspencloud told me there was a stream in WindClan territory that led to the pool."

"What if we get caught?" whispered Dawnpaw.

Silverpaw stood and narrowed her eyes. The faint breeze coming off of the lake ruffled her fur, making her look like a StarClan warrior.

"Our ancestors will guide us," she declared confidently. In one bound, Silverpaw leapt over the scent-line and started padding, ears flat and fur puffed up. She spun around to look at her orange and white sister. "Are you coming?"

Dawnpaw nervously trotted to her sister. This better be worth it, she thought. Already storm clouds were gathering on the breeze, and not just the ones you could see with your own eyes.

Dawnpaw padded into the small cave, her paws trembling as they hit the icy stone. A star-lit pool of water lay before her as she and Silverpaw circled it, reluctantly lying down as they shivered. How can the medicine cats bear to sleep on this? she thought, suddenly sympathetic towards Aspencloud and the other medicine cats.

"Are you sure that Troutsplash and Bramblefang won't try to kill each other again?" Dawnpaw asked as her whiskers brushed against the ground.

"They're going to have to," Silverpaw replied gravely. "Unless they wanted to move to StarClan. They're both the stupidest cats I've ever met." That much is true, Dawnpaw thought. Who else would be fish-brained enough to think that StarClan would tell them to kill each other?

Silverpaw's voice jolted her out of her thoughts. "Dawnpaw, we need to touch our muzzles to the water in order to share tongues with StarClan." Silverpaw muttered. "Let's get this over with." Dawnpaw closed her eyes, flinching as water lapped against her muzzle.

"Hello, Silverpaw and Dawnpaw," a warm voice greeted them. Dawnpaw bumped into Silverpaw as she backed away, earning herself a flick of Silverpaw's tail. She turned around to see a familiar reddish-brown tom.

"Emberstar," Silverpaw breathed. He smiled at them sadly.

"Yes, it is me, Emberstar," he said. "We know why you have come today."

We? Dawnpaw thought, confused. She looked around to see hundreds of thousands of cats gathered together. Ferntail, Softwing, Waterheart...they're all here! She thought joyously. She shrunk away in shyness, earning herself another flick of her sister's tail. Dawnpaw glared at Silverpaw, who smiled back innocently.

" I was saying," Emberstar continued, amused. Then his eyes saddened as his expression turned solemn. "We know why you have come today. To ask about the prophecy."

Silverpaw nodded, her head moving so quickly that Dawnpaw wondered how she hadn't died yet. "Yes, Emberstar. What is the prophecy? How do we fulfill it? Are we even that cats in the prophecy? How do we kill Ivy? Wait, do we even kill-" Emberstar wrapped his tail around her muzzle, effectively silencing Silverpaw. Dawnpaw silently thanked Emberstar for saving her ears from deafness.

"Great StarClan, Silverpaw! Calm down. One question at a time," Emberstar said slowly, as if he were talking to a kit. Silverpaw took a few deep breaths before looking back up at Emberstar.

"I...I think I'm okay now," she said. "Are we the cats in the prophecy?" Dawnpaw shifted on her paws as she saw the starry cats gape at her sister. Silverpaw gulped nervously.

Emberstar stared at Silverpaw incredulously. "Are you serious? How many cats have told you that you two were the cats in the prophecy? Aspencloud, Lighteye, and Ivy. You really need to ask that question? Yes, Silverpaw. You two are the cats who have been destined to fulfill the prophecy."

Dawnpaw cocked her head. "Then how do we fulfill the prophecy?" Silverpaw glared at her.

"Do you really think that they're going to just going to tell us?" She whispered furiously to Dawnpaw. Emberstar chuckled along with the rest of StarClan.

"We aren't going to just tell you exactly how to do everything," he explained, sitting down. "But what we can tell you is that what you have to do at this moment, is defeat Ivy somehow." He paused, thinking for a moment before continuing. "Like I said, defeat her. Defeat could be chasing her out of RiverClan territory or killing her, remember that. I forgetting something? Oh, yes! Can't forget that!" Emberstar turned to them as he started to fade. "Be brave. You're going to need it."

"Wait!" Silverpaw called out. "You haven't told us the prophecy yet!" One by one, StarClan cats disappeared from view. Emberstar's tail dissolved.

"That, I'm afraid, is a question for another time," he replied. His paws and ears vanished. "Defeat Ivy now, and then...Aspencloud can tell you." Then, everything turned black.

"What now?" Dawnpaw sat up, rubbing her eyes. "We still don't know what the prophecy is!" Silverpaw sat up and scraped her claws across the stone.

She glared at the still water. "I guess we'll just have to do what they told us to do." Silverpaw rose to her paws, followed by Dawnpaw. "We're going to defeat Ivy, however we're supposed to, and be brave." Dawnpaw looked down.

"But I'm not brave," she whimpered to herself. "How am I supposed to do this?"

Up ahead, Silverpaw turned around. "Come on, slow-poke!" She yowled impatiently.

"Coming!" Dawnpaw yelled back. I still have no idea how to do this, she thought to herself. But for now, I guess I'm going to have to go back to being bossed around by Silverpaw again. She sighed, and sprinted off into the distance.

Please let StarClan be right.

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