Life Stages of Cats

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Many fanfictions revolve around the life of cats, so it is important to take note of certain changes as cats age. Take note that wildcats usually live for approximately 4 to 5 years. Below will showcase the life stages of cats.


| Kitten | 0-6 moons |

A period when kits are growing rapidly and learning how to socialise, at the same time developing their own personality. They are usually mischievous and playful at this stage.

| Junior | 6 moons-2 years |

A period when cats are almost at their full size, and learns about life and how to survive it. They will be apprenticed to either a warrior or a medicine cat, until they are ready. At 12 moons, warrior apprentices are ready to become young warriors. Young cats can develop life-threatening conditions.

| Prime | 3-6 years |

A period when cats are matured - physically and behaviour-wise. They are usually healthy and active, looking decent and making the best of life.

| Mature | 7-10 years |

Equivalent to Twolegs in their mid-40s to mid-50s. There will be increased risks of suffering from health issues at this stage.

| Senior | 11-14 years |

Equivalent to Twolegs in their 70s. At this period, cats will most likely suffer from health issues.

| Geriatric | 15 years and above |

Equivalent to Twolegs in their mid-70s. It is an achievement for wildcats to reach this stage in life. They will have poorer senses and will be weaker physically.

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