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Brambles and ferns are used for camouflage. ThunderClan cats use them to confuse enemies and pounce on them from every side.

They have been trained to fight in these.enclosed spaces, paw-to-paw, with nowhere for trespassers to flee.

They can spin on the tip of a tail, find strength in a strike where there is barely room to draw back their paws, leap from a standstill while the enemy is struggling to turn around.

Most of them can leap from branch to branch like squirrels and drop onto their enemies' heads while they're still trying to find their trail on the ground.

To them, the forest is a magnificent place to fight. That is where they hone their stalking skills, ability to creep up on prey unnoticed and pounce with one brutal, effective leap.

One of the best ThunderClan battle tactics is the Lightning Strike - just like a bolt of lightning, straightforward, swift and deadly.

ThunderClan's ways of keeping the element of surprise:

1) Move quietly and communicate with signals. Cracking twigs, startled birds, and rustling bracken will tell the enemy exactly where you are.

2) Keep downwind of the trespassers so that your scent doesn't give you away.

3) Look for freshly broken twigs, overturned leaves on the forest floor, remains of prey or a clump of fur caught on a bramble. Any animal that moves through the forest leaves behind signs that it's passed by - and signs like this could lead you straight to the invaders.

4) Keep your mouth open to search for unfamiliar scents. Be careful: If there is scent when there is no breeze to carry it through the forest, it could mean that your enemy is close by.

5) Light-coloured pelts are easily seen against brown and green foliage, so stay in the thickest cover. Keep low - the enemy will be looking for movement at normal head height, not close to the ground.

6) Never miss an opportunity to perfect your tracking ability. In the nursery, kits sneak up on their mothers and pounce with their moss-soft paws. Apprentices leap out on one another from behind bushes and tree stumps. These are more than just games. One day, these skills could save your life and defend your Clan.

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