Pelts & Eyes

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When I first make my warrior cat, I want to know the looks first. Sometimes the looks can help you with your cat name. So I like to think of the cats looks. First, particularly their pelt. Below, are the lists of pelts. I will choose an example pelt for my example cat. Brown. Below are pelt colors:

-Grey (dark or light)

-Brown (dark or light)

-Golden (dark or light)



-Orange (dark or light)


-Blue-grey (dark or light)

-Golden-brown (dark or light)

-Cream (dark or light)

So, you may pick one of those. Now choose if your cat is a tabby. Mine will be. So brown tabby for me. Once you are done thinking the type, choose the gender. Either a tom or she-cat. I'll pick a tom. Now, all we have to do is think of an eye color! Below are some examples! I'll just choose green for my example character. Below are eye colors:






Once you have that, your almost done! Here are some good eye and fur colors that go really well together:

-White w/ yellow eyes

-Black w/ green eyes

-Brown w/ blue eyes

-Brown w/ amber eyes

-Grey w/ amber eyes

-Cream w/ green eyes

-White w/ amber eyes

-Orange w/ green eyes

-Brown w/ green eyes

-Cream w/ brown eyes

You should copy one of those combos! Also, here is one last thing. Let's say you didn't make your cat a tabby. Like with Ashstorm, I didn't make him a tabby. He was a grey tom. What you can do, is make a tailtip, ears, paws, legs, underbelly, or chest another color. For example, with Ashstorm. He was a grey tom with black paws and amber eyes. I made him with black paws. Here are combos like that:

-Grey w/ white paws and amber eyes

-Cream w/ black underbelly and brown eyes

-Black w/ white paws and blue eyes

-Grey w/ black paws and amber eyes

-White w/ black paws and blue eyes

-Golden w/ orange striped and green eyes

-Brown w/ black chest and amber eyes

-Blue-grey w/ white paws and amber eyes

Alright, now you should have the looks out! My cat is a brown tabby tom with green eyes. Have yours? Okay, great! Let's move on to the second step of your character! Names!

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