Chap.8 The Plan

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Wavepaw followed Cedarstar back to camp. He hadn't done very well in training today. "I'm so bad at hunting." He groaned.

"You'll get better." Cedarstar said reassuringly. Wavepaw just nodded, his tail low. "Cedarstar!" Adderblaze's voice called. "The senior warriors are waiting." Cedarstar gave her deputy a nod. "I'll be right there." She promised. Adderblaze nodded and bounded away.

"Hey are the senior warriors gathered?" Wavepaw asked. "We're making battle plans." She replied flatly. "Go get yourself somethong to eat and practice your crouch." She instructed before heading towards her den.

Wavepaw waited a moment before following her. He sat at the den entrance, listening intently. "We could poison their fresh-kill to weaken them, then launch an attack." Adderblaze suggested. "Poison them?" Flintshade snorted. "I think we should take them head on."

"Wait, we are being listened to." Adderblaze hissed. "What do you want Wavepaw?" Cedarstar called. Wavepaw took a deep breath before shuffling into the crowded den. "I was just curious." He squeaked.

Cedarstar sighed. "You are apprentice." She said to herself. "I guess you can stay." Wavepaw grinned. "As long as you help." She added. "Okay, what do I have to do?" He asked,.puffing his chest out.

Guilt flashed in Cedarstar's eyes and she quickly looked away. "I'm assuming you heard every word?" She asked. "Yep!" He replied happily. "Good, tell no other cat and go explain our plan to Beechfern." Wavepaw nodded and bounded out of the leader' den.

"Beechfern?" He called, slipping into the medicine den. "Hi Wavepaw, what can I do for you?" Beechfern purred, her green eyes shining brightly.

Wavepaw explained the plan to her, Breezeleaf plodding in with a wad of herbs in his jaws. "Hi Wavepaw." He mumbled, setting them down.

"Breezeleaf, bring me some nightshade." She ordered. Breezeleaf's eyes widened. "B-but that's poisonous!" He gasped. Wavepaw faltered. "Maybe this is a bad idea...." He thought. "Its only poisonous if twenty berries or more is consumed." She snapped. "Now do as I told you!" Breezeleaf dipped hid head and scrambled out of the den. When he returned he was holding a leaf bundle of deep blue berries.

"Thanks." Wavepaw purred, taking the bundle. "Be careful with those!" Breezeleaf called after him. When he padded into the leader's den Cedarstar gave him a small smile. "Good job Wavepaw." She said, lightly brushing her tail across his head. "We've decided you'll be going with Flintshade, Heatherfall, and Acornpaw to complete the special mission." She stated.

Wavepaw stifled a yowl of excitement and dipped his head, backing out of the den. "Barkpaw!" He hissed, racing towards the apprentice's den, which was empty.

Tilting his head to the side, Wavrpaw glanced around camp and spotted him exiting the dirt place tunnel. As soon as Barkpaw saw him he bounded over. "Hey Wavepaw, did you get the news?" He asked, sounding excited. Wavepaw nodded eagerly.

"Hey Wavepaw, are you ready for our patrol?" Brightpaw asked, bowling him over. "Sorry Brightpaw, there's been a change of plans." He said. Brightpaw narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Cedarstar chose us for a special missiln." Barkpaw boasted, puffing his chest out.

"But what about our patrol?" Brightpaw asked, looking at the ground in disappointment. Wavepaw felt bad but before he could say anything Brightpaw had turned and trudged away.

"Hey, you two ready to go?" Wavepaw turned and found the patrol waiting for him and Barkpaw. Exchanging excited glances, the two tom's bounded towards them, ready for adventure.

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