Introduction and Info

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This is rather important so please read this chapter before skipping to the next which contains the forms!

Also let me just say;
The idea for this game was inspired by Jazfeather 's warrior cat hunger games.

On every even chapter you can guess in the comments who the murderer is and I'll reveal whether you guys were right!

The first person to guess who it is, with good reasoning, will recieve a prizeeee.

The idea:
The game is based around a murder mystery game but is a little different.

The idea is that every year four cats from each clan are sent to a new territory, chosen by one of the clans, to play a game. The game is supervised by a medicine cat.

The cats recieve roles. One of them is the "murderer" and the others are innocents.

The aim of the game for the innocents is to stay "alive".

The aim of the game for the murderer is to eliminate all cats.

The winning clan/ clans get a prize.

How does the murderer eliminate cats?
The murderer eliminates cats by battling with them and if he or she wins, the cat must return to the clans. If the murderer looses the battle, the other cat is free to go but may not pass on his knowledge of who the murderer is.

Any battle wounds are treated by the medicine cat who is watching.

How do the cats know when the game starts?
StarClan always sends a prophecy to all the leaders and medicine cats which foreshadows the games to come, it's different every time.

After this message the clan leaders have until the next gathering to pick their four cats and these cats will set out from the gathering place to the territory where the game commences the following sunhigh.

What are the rules for the cats?
1- do not kill or seriously injure any cat
2- do not leave the marked territory
3- obey the medicine cat
4- if eliminated, you must return home
5- do not tell others who the murder is if you know

What are the rules for the players (you)? And how will the game function?
Well, the next chapter will be a form which allows to you enter a character. Only enter ONE cat please.

Rules are, do not get mad if you are eliminated early, I will be choosing that at random and according to your cats main character traits.

Also, do not spoil anything in the early chapters if you've read on and found out who the murderer is.

I will be writing this in a story like way but if you have something you'd really like your cat to do/experience, message me privately and I'll try to integrate that.

It's also important to know that Applepaw, my oc(who you can name in my name the apprentice book!), will be the main character for the first few chapters and that after that I will be switching the points of view.

Please don't ask to be the murderer because I will choose at random. I will inform the person that their cat has been chosen. When you know, don't spoil, it ruins the game.

Where do I enter my cats?
In the next chapter!

If you have any more questions, ask in the comments and I'll answer!
I hope I've explained the idea well?

Anyways, I'm really hyped for thisss


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