(151) Character Generator

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This is the simple part! 

Pick five numbers that range from 1-5.





You know the drill! There will be five "rounds" in total! 




If you still aren't sure, I'll use myself as an example.

My # is: 31345.

You could scroll to the end of the generator for more information if you don't know how to do this.


Right now, just generate a random five-digit #, the digits between 1-5.


1. Your first digit shall determine your prefix!

1: Snow/Tulip

2: Leopard/Fire

3: Dusk/Raven

4: Swan/Ripple

5: Tiger/Fern

2: Your second digit shall determine your suffix!

1. weaver

2. whisker

3. watcher

4. water(s)

5. whisper

3. Your third digit will determine your pelt color!

1. ginger 

2. gray

3. black

4. white

5. brown

(If you want to go more in depth, like "light-gray" or "jet-black" then go ahead!)

4. Your forth digit will determine your clan position!

1. StarClan

2. Elder

3. Deputy

4. Medicine Cat

5. Warrior

5. Your fifth digit will determine your traits.

1. brave and energetic

2. soft-spoken and calculating

3. clever and outspoken

4. determined and fair

5. wise and dedicated



My Comment would be something along the lines of:

  My # is: 31345. 

I am Duskweaver/Ravenweaver, a jet-black she-cat who is a wise and dedicated medicine cat. 


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