Name By Favorite Number

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So pick a number! I'm going to do as much as possible so enjoy! And please don't comment on what I missed because I know I missed a lot of them.

Number: (1-108)
1- Hazel
2- Mouse
3- Berry
4- Poppy
5- Cinder
6- Cedar
7- Rowan
8- Birch
9- Maple
10- Oak
11- Crow
12- Raven
13- Feather
14- Grass
15- Snow
16- Ice
17- Rain
18- Holly
19- Lion
20- Jay
21- Tiger
22- Leopard
23- Lark
24- Goose
25- Bird
26- Eagle
26- Hawk
27- Kite
28- Buzzard
29- Squirrel
30- Bramble
31- Bracken
32- Thorn
33- Fern
34- Blossom
35- Bumble
36- Briar
37- Sand
38- Dust
39- Lily
40- Weasel
41- Rabbit
42- Pine
43- Heather
44- Breeze
45- Mud
46- Ripple
47- Petal
48- Wave
49- Running
50- Reed
51- Ivy
52- Dove
53- Feather
54- Rock
55- Pebble
56- Stream
57- Clover
58- Fire
59- Flame
60- Gray
62- White
63- Ginger
64- Brown
65- Smoke
66- Ash
67- Black
68- Night
69- Clear
70- Mist
71- Steam
72- Dark
73- Bright
74- Fern
75- Nut
76- Acorn
77- Apple
78- Toad
79- Rose
80- Fox
81- Daisy
82- Sea
83- Bubble
84- Amber
85- Bark
85- Minnow
86- Moss
87- Branch
88- Sage
89- Moon
90- Hail
91- Sleet
92- Blizzard
93- Splash
94- Mole
95- Vole
96- Sparrow
97- Robin
98- Nettle
99- Thistle
100- Lizard
101- Adder
102- Snake
103- Honey
104- Owl
105- Willow
106- Swamp
107- Marsh
108- Swan

Number: (1-23)
1- Claw
2- Heart
3- Whisker
4- Pelt
5- Fur
6- Tail
7- Wing
8- Feather
9- Pool
10- Cloud
11- Storm
12- Stripe
13- Nose
14- Leg
15- Foot
16- Leaf
17- Light
18- Shade
19- Frost
20- Fall
21- Tooth
22- Fang
23- Shine
24- Song
35- Ear
26- Blaze
27- Flower
28- Eye
29- Belly
30- Face
31- Leap
32- Step
33- Strike

Ok, this took longer than I thought, but it was worth it.

I picked 84 and 11, so I'm Amberstorm. Comment below what you got!

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