Chapter 19 - A Big Step

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I was exhausted. In the day, Streamripple put me through multiple hunting or fighting assessments. On the other hand, in the night, Raincreek helped me sharpen the skills I had been taught.

Even as sickness in ThunderClan faded, hunger remained like a deep scar.

Despite recovering, Dustpaw seemed more gaunt than before, his eyes pained. Treewhisker died in his sleep.

Most of the Clan offered their sympathy. I could be wrong, but I noticed that Strikestar was almost distraught.

Knowing I was too late in relaying Raincreek's message, I was stabbed with guilt. My night time mentor simply said that I should not feel responsible for the tragedies of the Clan, but I could not shake that feeling off.

I woke up with a yawn, with my heart feeling heavier than before. I dragged myself past the remnants of the fresh-kill pile and met up with Streamripple by the nursery.

It smelled faintly of milk. My mentor noticed my curious stare and explained that Bluestorm just had her kits.

"Unfortunately, you are not allowed inside," Streamripple mewed. "Come on now, we are doing battle training today."

I nodded tiredly. Strikestar ordered the increase of battle training yesterday, though Woodspots seemed slightly unhappy.

"I notice that you are very fatigued lately," my mentor mewed. "Are you managing well?"

She sounded like a concerned mother, which made my pelt burn in embarrassment.

"I understand it is hard to become accustomed to Clan life, so you need to tell me if you are still struggling with the little things," Streamripple mewed gently, yet firmly. "After all, I am your mentor."

For a heartbeat, I was speechless. Realising that she was waiting for a response, I uttered a quick thanks. "I'm fine, just a little tired."

Streamripple acknowledged it with a nod and stopped walking. We were somewhere deep inside the forest, where the snow was piled up on leaves and branches.

Raincreek's words the other night came back to me.

"The Gathering is in a few days, you should convince Strikestar to let you attend it," Raincreek mewed.

"Why?" I asked.

"There are many things you can find out for yourself there," she responded.

"How do I convince him?"

"Impress your mentor and she will put in a good word for you."

"I am going to teach you the Leap-and-hold technique," Streamripple meowed. "It is effective against bigger opponents."

I nodded, determined to impress my mentor. She got into position and demonstrated a leap.

"First, you leap, with your claws unsheathed, onto your opponent's back. This puts you out of range of your opponent's claws."

"How do you counter it?" I asked curiously.

"Drop and roll. When your opponent attempts doing so, jump out of the way as fast as possible," Streamripple explained. "For this practice, keep your claws sheathed. You have to catch me off guard before using this move. Understood?"


I tensed, moving into a battle position. I burst into a run, straight towards my mentor, my paws digging up snow.

Much to my surprise, Streamripple responded with a charge of her own. I quickly recognised it as a move to overwhelm physically weaker opponents.

My night time training came back to me. I jumped, my paws barely touching the bark of a tree, launching myself off like I did some time ago.

I landed behind my mentor. Using all my strength, I leaped. It was not a perfect jump, but it was just enough for my paws to slam on Streamripple's back.

However, it was only for a moment, as I stumbled and rolled towards the side. I groaned in pain as I felt the impact of my fall.

Streamripple skidded to a halt, padding up to me and pulling me up. I shook off the snow and leaves that stuck on my pelt.

"That was a great improvement," she praised. "It's not perfect, but you will get there."

I felt warmed by her praise.

"Are you hurt by that fall?" she asked, looking over me.

"Just a sore back," I meowed.

"Can you continue? You seemed rather dazed," Streamripple commented.

I nodded. "Let's just keep going."


By the time we returned to camp, the sun was starting to sink beneath the horizon. I was panting hard, but it was worth it to - finally - earn praise instead of disappointment from my mentor.

Streamripple headed on forward. "Go and get a piece of prey from the fresh-kill pile. You deserve it."

I nodded happily. I did not eat all day, partially due to the shortage of prey.

What remained was a skinny vole. It's better than nothing, I decided, about to take it.

As I took the precious piece of prey, I noticed that Stormpaw was sitting at one side, staring into space.

I sat beside him. "Want to share? I'm pretty sure that you haven't eaten all day."

Stormpaw gave me a look before nodding. "Sure."

In a couple of quick bites, what left of the vole were bones. As I buried it, I realised that Streamripple was padding towards us.

"Good news," she meowed. "I have spoken to Strikestar and he agreed that you and Stormpaw will be attending tomorrow's Gathering. Keep up the good work."

Both of us exchanged looks of excitement, but there were uneasiness to them as well. The last Gathering we attended, Fangstar attacked the other Clans, aided by WindClan.

"If ShadowClan decides to attack under the full moon, StarClan will stop them," Streamripple reassured me, though there were uncertainty in her words.

What will I find out in the Gathering tomorrow that Raincreek wanted me to find out? I just have to wait and see.

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