Chapter 8 - The Ancients

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Bright green leaves crunched under my weight as I carefully studied Streamripple's movements. We were circling each other, waiting for one of us to make the first move.

Streamripple sprung, aiming for my right shoulder. Instinctively, I leaped upwards and collided with my mentor. However, as her weight was greater than mine, I was pushed down and pinned with a nimble paw.

"Interesting counterattack," Streamripple commented, letting me up. "It might have worked if you leaped with more force."

"Thanks," I mewed, getting up and shaking off some leaves that stuck to my pelt. "I'll work on it."

"We will work on it now," she meowed, much to my surprise. "You are going to practice jumping."

"Like SkyClan?" the words flew out of my mouth unknowingly.

"Never heard of a SkyClan," Streamripple meowed. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"Erm... just pretend I never mentioned it," I mewed awkwardly. "I will get to practicing."

I dropped into a crouch and leaped. My claws barely scraped the bark of a low branch and I awkwardly landed.

"Carry on," Streamripple prompted.

I repeated my actions, putting more force into my hindlegs. This time, I was able to grab the branch with my claws to pull myself up to the branch.

However, the thought of height persuaded me from climbing. I landed and looked at Streamripple, who gave me a look.

"Practice more," she meowed. "Jumping twice is not enough."

The thought of jumping again made me sigh as my paws were aching. I grudgingly obeyed and continued jumping.


After my sixth jump, I couldn't move my paws anymore. They ached so much that I felt that they were becoming numb.

"Alright, that's enough for now," Streamripple mewed, much to my relief. "You may take a break now. I'll take you hunting later."

"Thank StarClan!" I sighed, collapsing into a miniature leaf pile which made a satisfying crunching sound under my weight.

"I will be with the border patrol if you want to find me," Streamripple mewed.

After she left, only the sounds of a distant patrol and the usual forest sounds accompanied me. I let out a long drawn sigh, my muscles slowly relaxing after the intense training. It feels good to rest and feel the wind in such a nice weather.

I thought about heading back to the ThunderClan camp, where it would be safer, with chores I could do, but the day was too nice to waste working. Furthermore, it was my break time.

Involuntarily, my eyes drooped and closed. A wind of words stired past me before I fell asleep, speaking in a soft, whispery voice.

The pool will show the way...


And never forget...


Wake up.

I stirred, but my eyes refused to budge.

"Wake up!" The voice commanded, jolting me awake faster than lightning.

I opened my eyes to a new world. Light brown walls was the first thing I noticed as I drowsily stood up, trying to comprehend the situation. Where is the forest?

"I hope you have a good reason for sleeping like a hedgehog." It was a she-cat who spoke, her green eyes burning with a mixture of annoyance and anger. "Because I am not going to cover up for you!"

"R-rosepaw?" I mumbled.

"No, it's Clover Shine, you mouse-brain!" she meowed. "Did you knock your head too hard? Or is it that odd colourful fish you ate yesterday? Ugh, I should have never let Storm's Shadows catch that vile thing!"

Clover Shine's yowling woke me up fully at last, but it did nothing to reduce my confusion.

"Um... Ros- I mean, Clover Shine, if you don't mind me asking, where am I?" I looked around the den, trying to figure out my location.

"We are in your den, mouse-brain! At the forest part of the lake! Anything ringing in your head?" Clover Shine mewed impatiently.

That must mean... these are the ancients! The weird names, the lake, everything is piecing together, one by one!

"Hello? Are you still sleeping, Frost's Flame?" she meowed.

"I'm awake, I'm awake," I mewed.

"Good," she mewed. "We are going to hunt together with Thorn's Shadow today and I remembered that you were the one who wanted to hunt with us in the first place. If you don't feel up to hunting, tell me now so that you will stop wasting my time."

"No, I can hunt," I mewed. It was a chance for me to study the situation further and get to know other ancients. Thorn's Shadow sounds awfully familiar...

"Let's get going then."


*throws references to my other books like there's no tomorrow*

Can you find the link between this chapter and the prologue?

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