Quiz #3: Which Cat are you? (Pt. 1)

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 (Now for some RP time^^) 

1. You are standing on Sunningrocks, baring your teeth against the treacherous RiverClan invader. Who is the cat you are fighting and how are you going to fight him/her?

A. The cat I'm fighting is an honorable she-cat warrior with sleek, brown, fur. She instantly recognizes me and dips her head and backs out of my way, although she stares at me warily, wondering if her merciful decision was a bad one. May StarClan be with her.

B. The cat I'm fighting with is Crookedstar, leader of RiverClan. Under normal circumstances, he and I would be great allies. We exchange taunts and exchange skillful blows. I can't help thinking about Sunningrocks...this battle is rather pointless.

C. I do not know the name of the cat I'm facing. It seems like he is a fierce warrior of the clan and he keeps mocking and taunting me as we fight. I exchange blows with him and it is clear I am winning. He retreats while I look on, baring my teeth, and then join another fight.

D. I'm forced to fight a cat who just rescued me from the river sometime before. We pretend to fight, only scratching each other, and then hide away from everyone when they are distracted. She attacks another ThunderClan cat and I help my friend go against a RiverClan cat. The silver cat wants me to meet her by the borders at midnight.

E. I'm fighting the deputy of RiverClan. She glares at me with hateful eyes. We clearly have some scores. We have a vicious fight and she ends up nearly giving me the killing blow. I throw her off me and my clanmate helps me. She retreats, giving me a hateful look.

2. You are in the medicine cat den, your wound being settled by a certain medicine cat. You wince painfully as she rubs some paste into your wounds and you stare into her eyes. What do you say and how do you feel?

A. I'm most likely the one being the medicine cat!

B. I quietly thank her. Before I had offered to be checked up last but my medicine cat stubbornly refused. She tends to my wounds and afterward, I quietly leave.

C. I thank her but there is some iciness in my tone. I feel like I am envious of this compassionate she-cat. I quietly murmured a thank-you and leave, feeling a little guilty for snapping at her.

D. She and I have no special relationship. I thank her, tease her a bit, and then leave.

E. I thank her gratefully, slightly avoiding her eyes. Afterward, I seek her wisdom and find her words and comfort reassuring. I leave after a warm goodbye, wishing I could stay for just a little longer...

3. How often do you send out patrols? How do you do it?

A. I don't send out patrols in the first place. 

B. It simply depends on what we need the most. If things are very antsy, I'll be setting out border patrols. If we are on the verge of starvation,  hunting patrols are very obvious. I might send out water patrols or even herb patrols if things get dire.

C. I have never sent out patrols. I'll probably advise a certain ginger-furred deputy what patrols to send out though.

D. I'm not interested in sending out patrols. It's not my job.

E. I'm fairly new at sending out patrols and picking who is in it. A certain she-cat advises me since my leader cannot. Slowly, I get better and better at sending out patrols, despite the doubt and resentment I get from this position.

4.  Your clan is under attack. You see a cat charge into your leader's den. You see your warriors being overwhelmed. You see your former lover, in that enemy clan, being ambushed by a cat from your clan. You see your mate, charging into danger. You see your mentor, bleeding to one side. What do you do?

A.  I decide to heal my mentor, bringing him into the medicine cat den.

B. I save my clan, my heart-shattering in two. I will lose those who matter the most with my decision...but my clan must thrive.

C. I follow my mate, determined not to lose him/her. I follow his/her pawsteps and defeat the enemy cat before he/she gets the chance to harm my mate.

D. I save my lover in the enemy clan. I tackle my own clanmate and scream at her to "Run". There are yells of "Traitor" being shouted.

E. I rush into my leader's den, everything else blurred. I rush in and save him/her from being murdered by a traitor to our clan.

5. What would you say you're good at?

A. Healing!

B. Leading!

C. Hunting!

D. Following!

E. Protecting!

6. Would you want to have kits?

A. No, because I would break the warrior code.

B. Kits will get in the way of the clan. I have made mistakes with this before...

C. Yes, but there's only one cat I would like to father them.

D. Yes, but at the same time, they might cause the death of someone I love...

E. There's too much going on for me to think about that.

7. Say warrior cats could read. Which book would you pick to read?

A. StarClan and Herbs 101:  The Guide to Becoming an Epic Medicine Cat

B. ThunderClan Leaders: A Tribute & Memorial to ALL T.C Leaders


D. All About RiverClan or HOW TO CHARM A SHE-CAT

E. Into the Wild by Erin Hunter (Duh! ^^)

8.  How did you die?

A. Nobly fighting a dangerous cat from another clan and not giving in to his/her requests.

B. Leading my clan to safety by causing a diversion.

C. Going on a dangerous quest and getting an infected wound.

D. I am still alive. Maybe I'll die because of old age or sickness.

E. Bleeding from wounds while ending the life of my enemy once and for all.

The next chapter will feature which result you got!

(It will be very obvious though. :D)

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