Quiz #4: Results

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IF YOU CHOSE mostly As...you are EMBERSTAR!

IF YOU CHOSE mostly Bs...you are LARKRIPPLE!

IF YOU CHOSE mostly Cs...you are LEAFSTONE!

IF YOU CHOSE mostly Ds...you are TALONFLIGHT!



Age: Died when he was 112 moons.

Position: Leader

Personality: wise, natural born leader, extremely loyal to clan, intelligent, supportive, yet doubtful of claims, can be sometimes bossy, can have a short temper.

Fear: Disappointing Others

Clan: HollowClan, with a forest territory.

Mate: Cherrywing, a wise and trustworthy she-cat that gives advice when you need it, is calm and withstands your short temper.

Special Trait: Understands half-clan, kittypets, loners, and rogues, but treats them like normal warriors.

Cause of Death: Killed while defending his clan from a raid (Died of blood loss)

Ember --) Emberpaw ---) Emberwhisker ---) Emberstar

Story: Emberstar was formerly the kit of a loner, so he is able to respect and honor all of his warriors, even those with unnatural beginnings like he. When he was an apprentice, he was quickly teased and even his sharp mentor didn't really think much of his worth. 

However, he amazed himself with his battle skills, respect of the warrior code, and leadership qualities. When he was a warrior, he was quite popular with his clan. He mated with Cherrywing, a wise, trustworthy, and kindhearted she-cat who was friends with him since they were apprentices. 

Cherrywing became an apprentice three moons after Emberstar did. Emberwhisker trained two apprentices, Sparrowpaw and Whiskerpaw, before the leader of HollowClan, Oakstar, appointed him deputy in her place. Emberstar mourned his leader's death and led his clan through his nine, tough, lifetimes.  No cat doubted his leadership, as he was a natural born leader who proved himself during the young years of his life. 

However, due to difficult times, Emberstar became grumpy, considered "bossy" by other clans, has a short temper, and he is doubtful of "ridiculous" claims made by young cats. He laid down his final life while defending his clan from an unsuccessful raid, and died because of blood loss. His deputy and first apprentice, Sparrowwhisker, became leader after him.



Age: Died when he was 54 moons.

Position: Deputy ---) Loner ---) Unknown Rank

Personality: loyal, trustworthy, fair, stern, hard to warm up to, a surprising pick for a deputy, as he is curious and sort of an outcast.

Fear: Heights and tight spaces

Clan: LakeClan

Mate: Ivy(step), a loyal and kindhearted she-cat.

Cause of Death: Returning to save his clan from beavers (Neck snapped)

Larkpaw---) Larkripple ---) 

Story: Larkripple was a calm and shy tom. He had respectful hunting and fighting skills, although his sharp words caused him more trouble than anything else. He was a dedicated warrior, training hard to fix his mistakes. He had one apprentice, Silverpaw, who became "like a younger sister" to him. 

He also temporarily took training of Blazepaw and Honeypaw, when their mentors went missing because of twolegs. Because of his prickly nature, he wasn't the first-pick an apprentice would choose, and although no cat protested, it was still a surprise when Lilystar chose him as deputy. Larkripple proved that he had a fair sense of justice.

 He fell in love with a kindhearted and funny loner named Ivy and decided to abandon his clan to be with her. His clanmates were shocked and disappointed, some angry, but most mourned for the loss of a cat whom they learned to love, beneath his prickly and strict nature. Silverpaw, Lilystar, and Larkripple's family were devastated. 

After a dream from StarClan, (during which Ivy was pregnant with kits), Larkripple, torn between his duty of a father and to his clanmates, rushed back to save his clan from beavers. He held up the front line but died when his neck was snapped. His mate, 

Ivy, was taken into the clan, mainly because Lilystar recognized that the she-cat was Larkripple's mysterious mate and that the clan couldn't turn away a queen, one who could provide kits for them. Ivystep took a warrior name and was treated warmly by her clan. Her kits were treated like normal warriors.



Age: Died when he was 48 moons.

Position: Medicine cat---) Loner ---) Warrior

Personality: wise, gentle, soft-spoken, curious, hesitant and doubtful of yourself

Fear: Not being "smart" enough

Clan: RidgeClan, then, BreezeClan

Mate: Hawkflight, a feisty, outspoken, and energetic she-cat

Cause of Death: Fighting to save kit's life

Leafpaw---) Leafstone ---) Leafrunner

Story: Leafstone was a natural medicine cat from birth. He was wise, gentle, and soft-spoken, praised by his clan. He and his mentor, Heatherpelt, were extremely close, and Leafstone was never the same after her death. He became more hesitant and doubtful of himself, leading to near losses of lives. 

He never forgave himself for her death or his leader's loss of a life, and never spoke unless he was directly addressed and forced to speak. He served his clan dutifully but loss the sense of faith and curiosity, but mastered this well by hiding his feelings. He met Hawkflight when RidgeClan and BreezeClan fought together to fight off a "clan" of rogues, and when tending to her wounds, felt his spirits lift. Hawkflight was about the same age as him (she was younger), and had spirit. She made jokes, was super energetic, and annoyed Leafstone to the point where he snapped at her, despite never doing that to many cats. 

Hawkflight was never hurt by this and teased him. They both showed extra care for each other and sought to spend time with each other, something the clan leaders of both clans noticed. When they left, Leafstone realized he was smitten with her. He was guilty at this and was caught daydreaming. He still served his clan well, but he and his future mate both messed up on their duties a few times. 

They soon met secretly, right after the next Gathering. Hawkflight was hurt and heartbroken when Leafstone rejected her proposal, saying his duty to the clan was too great and he didn't want to make a mistake like his ancestors before him. Hawkflight was extremely angry and snapped at Leafstone before leaving. However, they met, and Hawkflight admitted to telling Graystar, the leader of BreezeClan, about her feelings to him. 

Shocked and torn, Leafstone said he would give her proposal a thought and went up to his leader. His clan leader refused and was shocked that her medicine cat suggested such a thing, and punished him, making cats keep watch over him. The reason for that was, because, Leafstone never took on an apprentice. Seeing this, Leafstone sought out his best friend, Ravenflower, and told her the truth, as well as his situation. 

Ravenflower, seeing her friend's desperation, agreed to train. Leafstone told her StarClan would give her answers and after a few moons of training, ran away to be with Hawkflight. The leader of BreezeClan, Graystar, accepted him and made sure BreezeClan treated him with respects. Leafstone worked side-by-side with BreezeClan's medicine cat, but also trained as a warrior. To his delight, Hawkflight had kits. 

While he missed the jagged territory of his clan, he loved his clanmates and his mates even more. In a clash with RidgeClan (who wanted him back), he prevented the kidnappings of his kits, but was struck down. RidgeClan instantly backed away, his former clan leader realizing her mistake. BreezeClan and RidgeClan had a rift in their alliance after this event.

RidgeClan fell apart after this, as other clans targeted them but when Hopestar, a deputy chosen by Ravenflower (Leafstone's close friend) herself, arose, RidgeClan was repaired and honored again. It was revealed that Leafstone himself told Ravenflower that in order to save the broken-apart clan, Hopestar needed to become the leader. 



Age: Died when he was 53 moons.

Position: Warrior

Personality: brave, outspoken, loyal, prideful, perhaps obnoxious and disrespectful to other clans.

Clan: BreezeClan

Mate: Honeyflower, a fellow warrior, dedicated, scornful of her mate at first,  and unique

Cause of Death: Died in battle.

Talonkit ---) Talonpaw---) Talonflight

Story: Talonflight was the best fighter in the clan and he loved to brag about this fact. He was rivals with Honeyflower, a more respected and experienced she-cat. Honeyflower disliked Talonflight's attitude and she proved herself to be the best hunter in BreezeClan. 

They often fought about little things and Honeyflower often regarded the tom with scorn, even when he joked around with her. When he entered battle with RidgeClan (they were fighting over another tom named, Leafstone, whom Honeyflower regarded with suspicion but Talonflight was one of those who welcomed the former medicine cat warmly), he saved Honeyflower's life and nearly gotten himself killed by the process. 

All of the cats were saddened by Leafstone's death and angry at RidgeClan for getting their clanmate killed and attempting to kidnap BreezeClan kits. Honeyflower regarded Talonflight with respect and when she was offered the position of deputy, she turned it down. 

Talonflight was shocked and they argued about this. He quieted down after Honeyflower's outburst and regarded her with more warmth, comforting her after learning about her losses. They became friends and soon, it was rumored that they could be potential mates. After some moons together, they did. They spent many moons happy and he lost his life in another clash with RidgeClan.


I hoped you liked these results! Which life did you get? 

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