Quiz #5: Results

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Age: 54 moons at time of death

Position: Senior warrior

Personality: Serious, experienced, respected, aloof, passionate.

Fear: Creepy things, the dark, not being understood

Clan: EmberClan

Mate: Liontail, a  passionate, feisty, and unique warrior.

Cause of Death: Died while fighting. (Raid) 

Hailkit ---) Hailpaw ---) Hailwhisper

Story: As a kit, Hailwhisper had no father to rely on. Her loving mother died when Hailwhisker was just an apprentice, leaving her alone. She was the only kit in her litter to have survived and her early life was a tragedy. 

Liontail noticed Hailwhisper and was curious...of why the warrior had been acting like that. Liontail attempts to be her friend and while they have many quarrels...Hailwhisper has secretly enjoyed his company. When Liontail proposes to be her mate, Hailwhisper rejects him, despite yearning for him herself. 

Why? She couldn't let anyone get close to her because they would all die...she was cursed. Hailwhisper keeps her mate at a distance but is surprised and probably guilty when Liontail treats her with a coldness that wasn't there before. Hailwhisper wonders if she made a mistake...

EmberClan soon goes to war with RippleClan, which lasted for more than twelve moons, some of the darkest in EmberClan's history. When Liontail nearly dies because of blood loss, Hailwhisper shoves all of her previous thoughts aside and shows a caring nature few but the ones closest to her have ever seen. 

She spent a lot of time in the medicine cat's den...yet no cat would argue because they always thought that Hailwhisper and Liontail would be together... and they approved that Hailwhisper cared for him and hoped that she would be more sociable to her clan. 

After Liontail recovered, they soon became mates. Shortly after this, Hailwhisper attacks RippleClan with new energy and enthusiasm, striking to fatally injure or kill instead of defending herself at all. Yet, she is horrified when she kills RippleClan's deputy, an older she-cat named Reedwhisker.  

The two clans held a truce for three months and came to Gatherings again. During this period, Hailwhisper gave birth to four kits, Frostkit (white she-cat with black stripes on her tail, a black spot below her left eye, and black underbelly), Blazekit (golden tom with white underbelly and green eyes), Cinderkit (light gray, almost white, she-cat with a light brown underbelly), and Shadowkit (black she-cat with white paws, ears, and tail). 

After a few moons of continued fighting, Hailwhisper was finally killed while fighting for her life. She lived to see her kits become apprentices and was killed during a raid. A few more moons of gruesome fighting after Hailwhisper's death, the clans decided to stop fighting, declaring there was no winner to a pointless war over the tension that had been building on for many, many, moons. 




Age: 32 moons at the time of her death.

Position: Medicine Cat

Personality: unique, headstrong, curious, responsible, quiet, calm.

Fear: Burdens: Both mental & physical

Clan: BreezeClan.

Mate: N/A

Cause of Death: Greencough 

Robinkit ---) Robinpaw ---) Robinclaw ---) Robinsight

Story: A warrior-turned-medicine cat. Robinclaw was a great warrior who was able to provide for her clan thanks to her hunting skills. It is unknown what made her turn into the path of a medicine cat...did she receive a vision from the Skyland of Dreams and Stars? 

Either way, BreezeClan desperately needed a medicine cat apprentice since their medicine cat, Mapleleaf, was getting older and older. Robinclaw had her name changed to Robinsight by the cats of Skyland, which meant they did approve of Robinsight as a medicine cat. Mapleleaf died towards the end of Robinsight's training, and never got to see Robinsight get her new medicine cat name, although she was probably one of the starry cats in the back.

Robinsight was unique, curious, and headstrong but those traits were balanced by responsibility as well as her other quieter traits. Robinsight proved to be a faithful medicine cat. She never got into a forbidden relationship, she always was loyal to her clan, and she did her duties well. She soon trained a younger apprentice, Cloudpaw.

BreezeClan faced "The Cloud of Sickness", or infection. Robinsight's apprentice, Cloudpaw, was a great access in stopping the infection, despite any rumors which were quickly shot do wn.Soon right after, there was an outbreak of Greencough. 

Although Robinsight and Cloudheart (who was still Robinsight's apprentice) managed to save many lives aside from one elder's, Robinsight died due to the fact that she had Greencough herself...yet she managed to disguise it as Whitecough during the final stages of Greencough.

Robinsight died, leaving the duties of medicine cat to Cloudheart. Although she died at a fairly young age, she never stopped guiding her clan and always came to Cloudheart whenever her former apprentice needed help the most.




Age: 76 at the time of her death.

Position: Deputy

Personality: loyal, honest, trustworthy, caring, calm, brave.

Fear: Drowning.

Clan: RippleClan.

Mate: Mudfoot

Cause of Death: blood loss after a battle

Reefkit ---) Reefpaw ---) Reefwhisker

Story: As a kit, Reefwhisker had a temporary fear of the waters. This meant she was scorned by many cats. Her mother disowned her at a young age and Reefkit did not feel any sympathy for her mother when the queen was killed by a fox. 

After several moons of training (her warrior ceremony was delayed because of Reefpaw needing to overcome her fear), Reefwhisker's fear of the waters have diminished. Although she still fears drowning, she has no fear of the currents around RippleClan.

As an apprentice, Reefpaw's best friend had always been Mudpaw, who was friends with her despite Reefpaw's former fear of the waters. When Reefwhisker confessed her feelings, Mudfoot accepted. The two became mates two months later.

Lilyflower had always treated her apprentice with the same amount of respect an apprentice would treat her mentor. Despite being the deputy, Lilyflower was an outgoing and carefree she-cat who believed that sometimes bending the rules wouldn't be too bad. Lilyflower became Lilystar after Reefwhisker was a young warrior. 

When Reefwhisker was a senior warrior, Lilyflower promoted her to become a deputy. Reefwhisker was killed in a battle against EmberClan, slain by Hailwhisper, who was deeply horrified by her actions. 

Reefwhisker, despite being dead, held nothing against Hailwhisper, knowing that RippleClan had given EmberClan many injuries and it was about time before some cat, even the deputy, died. Mudfoot and Lilystar grieved for her the most. Reefwhisker was briefly reunited with her parents...but while she accepted their apologies, she didn't want anything to do with them.




Age: 108 at death

Position: Leader

Personality: trustworthy, intelligent, experienced, serious, responsible.

Fear: Disappointing Others

Clan: RidgeClan

Mate: Flintfang (Love Interest: Blackstone)

Cause of Death: Murder

Duskkit ---) Duskpaw ---) Duskfeather --) Duskstar


As a warrior, Duskfeather had always been the first or second choice for deputy. She was clearly loyal to her clan and had the personality traits of her leader. As a kit, she used to be much more energetic...

Duskfeather's whole family had been murdered ever since she was very young. She fears of disappointing her family and her fear of disappointing others came from that time. Duskstar hated murder...it went against the warrior code but as leader, she made sure some major punishments were made for murders.

As being the most isolated clan, Duskstar made sure their clan would be kept in peace. What she did not foresee though was an attack from the inside...

Flintfang was an ambitious tom, who hid his true feelings very well. He attempted to charm Duskstar because he wanted a position of power. He murdered Duskstar's former love interest before changing his persona...becoming a charming and reliable tom. Duskstar was completely smitten with him and fell for him. 

When Flintfang made a proposal, Duskstar accepted, despite getting a warning from the Skyland of Stars and Dreams. Shortly after this, cats started being murdered from the clan. Duskstar couldn't do anything to stop it and while her reign was filled with fear and murder, she was a strong leader and worked along with the clanmates to find her murderer. 

Surprisingly, many of her allies were found dead. When Duskstar confronted her mate with all her evidence, Flintfang ripped all her lives out of her with a fatal blow that Skyland could not heal. Flintfang was killed as Duskstar journeyed into Skyland, greeting her kin and her dearest Blackstone. The leader was remembered for bringing strong during the time of pain.


Which result did you get? Be sure to leave a vote and a comment. Everything is super appreciated. ^w^ I hoped you were happy with your result!

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