Quiz #7: Which Cat are You?

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1. How Trustworthy are you, especially with secrets?

A - I'll always be able to keep a secret.

B - I'll only break someone's trust if I think it's for the best.

C - If you keep my secret, I'll keep yours.

D - I only care about keeping secrets for those who are closest to me.

E - I'd rather keep my secrets to myself. So should you.

F - Not trustworthy at all.

2. How much time do you spend with your family?

A - I'm too busy...although I'd love to get the chance to.

B - I wish I could be with them all the time! I love spending time with my family.

C - As much as I can. Sometimes, I feel like I spend too much time with them. Sometimes, I spend too little. 

D - Whenever I'm not busy, I'm willing to spend time with them. I'll certainly be there for them if they need me.

E - I spend more time with them than I actually want to. I have better things to do.

F - I prefer to spend my time alone and I am spending my time alone.

3. Out of the following, who is your favorite warrior cat out of these choices?

A - If I have to choose...it's always been Jayfeather.

B - Bramblestar. He can be a mouse-brain at times but he always means well.

C - Firestar. Why do people hate him?

D - Can I pick an underrated cat? One that's never received a pov chapter before? 

E - Do I have to...? Fine, it's Leafpool. She gets more hate than she deserves.

F - None of these.

4. Favorite book/film genre?

A - ...Romance.

B - Adventure for sure!

C - Fantasy is the best~ 

D - Action. What'd you expect?

E - Sci-Fi. It's the best one!

F - None of these. 

5. Would you defend/fight for your significant other/mate? (Doesn't have to be physical.)

A - Yes but my loyalty goes to my clan first.

B - Of course!

C - I would if I have one.

D - Why is this a question?!? He/she is the most precious thing to me! 

E - Why is this a question? Do I need to get a significant other in the first place?

F  - None of the Above.

6. How would you react to someone telling you to leave the clan because of a past mistake?

A - Calmly respond with reason.

B - Flare up with shock and give them a glare.

C - It depends on how I'm feeling. But I'd never actually do it.

D - Fight them.

E - Try your best to ignore them. It mostly works.

F- None of the Above.


And that's it for this short quiz~ There are actually six cats you can choose! If you chose mostly "Fs", that just stands for a neutral option. I tried to make some of the options less obvious than my previous quizzes.

Just a warning, you might wanna change some of your answers if you put mostly F's. That means your result isn't accurate and you're not like any of the cats on the list. 

As always, the results are in the next chapter!

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