Ruby's Story; Part One

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I scrabbled up the crates, russet tail waving behind me. I spray hay up behind me in my clumsy climbing attempt, but I don't care. I wobble over the plank up onto the upper level of the barn. I creep along the edge before crouching precariously over. I take in the entire barn. It's dark, the twolegs had turned off the lights for their trip. The doors are shut. Cats creep out in the open, some interacting. Eyes glint out from the darkest corners. Eventually, I move my gaze directly below me.

Something is going on there, something that I know I want to see. I don't think they notice me, they're very focused. One of them is a yellow-golden tom with lots of fluff and a mighty mane. The other is a greyish-black tom with thin, wiry fur. Both are about twice my size.

The yellow one appears to be half-asleep, bathing in the shattered rays of sunlight pouring through the window. The grey one hopped up and the yellow one stood. Even though they were both large cats, the yellow one towered over the grey one. "Off," Growled the yellow one. The grey one hissed. "You have no right to say that, this is a public hay bale," He responded.

In one swift movement, the yellow one shouldered the grey tom away, and he toppled straight off the hay bale, temporarily immobilized on the ground. He stood and darted away. The yellow one smirked in a satisfied way and went back to sleep.

It didn't last long for the poor guy, because the next thing I knew, I had toppled off the edge and straight on top of him. He rolled onto his stomach, flattening me. His paws, accompanied by unsheathed claws, waved in the air. 

I made a choking sound from beneath him and he straightened himself up, looking at me. "What. Was. That," He hissed. "I-I'm sorry!" I yelped, scooting away from him.

He sighed and helped me up. "Ruby," I said. "Huh?" He seemed confused, before understanding. "Oh. Thor," He responded. "And that other cat?" I asked. "My nuisance of a brother, Loki," He growled. "Y-you treated your brother that way?!" I blurted. 

He looked at me and didn't answer my question. "I have somewhere to be." And with that, he trotted off. 

That night, I laid awake, thinking of Thor. He was indeed handsome, and his voice was deep and strong. I finally drifted into an uneasy slumber, not allowing myself to dream of Thor.


Uggggg that was so loooooong-

Grammarly says I sound "Confident, nervous, and disapproving"

Screw you, Grammarly. You only gave me an 84 on this chapter! >:(

I won't be updating until Monday or Tuesday, and the first thing I'll update will be A New Trail Blazed.

Bye for now!


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