Cat Rant // Star Flower

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Buckle up everybody, because it is time to let my anger loose.


Now, it's been nearly a year since I've read DOTC, so my information may be a bit skewed, but I hated her from the start. To me, she seemed way more manipulative and untrustworthy then anyone painted her to be. I felt that she knew what her father was doing and played the victim card, something that personally ruffles my fur.

And that's not even the start. The thing I hated about her the most is her relationship with Thunder and Clear Sky. She had a more than odd romance with Thunder, often active weird in my opinion. But as soon as he is no longer in a position of power BANG she dumps him. I'm not saying she's a power hungry cat

Oh wait, I am.

But the thing that truly annoyed me is that she went out with Thunder's father three seconds after she ditched Thunder. And the fact that she had kits with him, and had the nerve to do many things after that gets me really pissed. This subject is one I'm very sensitive about, and in my opinion, Star Flower is a sorry excuse for a cat. Let me quote the wiki for a second: 'She stands nose to nose with Thunder, as if she is daring him to gaze at her. Star Flower then tells Thunder again that she's heard a lot about him, which makes him feel uneasy, and then her glance drops to his paws. She reaches out and gives one of them a quick pat, telling him that they're not as big as some cats say, and that she could train him to fight with them. With a teasing glance, she then pads away.' Very flirty for a she-cat, but soon after that, she is caught meeting with Clear Sky. Clear Sky.

One more quote (or more like an anecdote):
'After Thunder leaves Clear Sky, after confronting him about Star Flower, Star Flower greets Thunder and he reveals that he saw her with Clear Sky, earlier. He snarls at her to stay away from his father. Star Flower sympathetically murmurs that she thought Thunder didn't have feelings for her anymore, after the whole One Eye ordeal. She says that she and Thunder were never meant to be together, but she and Clear Sky have so much in common. Thunder, however, says that Star Flower is pathetic and that Clear Sky is not anything like One Eye. He leaves, after that. Star Flower later goes back out with Clear Sky.
Star Flower and Clear Sky run around the forest and Star Flower reveals that she had once killed a snake when she was with One Eye. Thunder reproaches Clear Sky when he comes back with Star Flower in camp. Thunder and Clear Sky argue and Thunder chooses to leave. Thunder also coldly states at his father that Star Flower would never choose Thunder, himself, as he is not enough like One Eye. Star Flower watches Thunder and his new cats leave, but tells Clear Sky that it was a tough day but some trouble makers have left but now Clear Sky would get the chance to build the group he wanted to build. Clear Sky thinks now he finally has a mate worthy of him.' So basically, she fights and loses against Thunder a few chapters (and a book) earlier and then dumps him

Another thing that is horrible about her is one of the first wiki and canon appearance had purple eyes. Purple. Someone explain. Purple eyes are impossible. Pink maybe on an albino, but she is not one.

Alright, the only thing I liked about her was her acceptance to Micah. She was mediocre, almost okay on MFV, so I don't have her as much as I hate... no wait. I hate her the most.

In conclusion, if you like Star Flower, awesome! Just be prepared to admit that she was a manipulative, horrible character and was cruel to Thunder. All in all, I'd rate her a 2/10. Her role in MFV keeps her just above a 1.

Hawkie, out

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