The Beginning

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This reign of terror that has fallen atop of AshenClan all began with a single cat, whose name and reputation will ripple throughout the clans' world for seasons to come.

This cat was, seemingly, brave, courageous, and a perfect addition to the clan who had been suffering from small litters and sickly kits. From an early age, this cat quickly rose above the others.

As an apprentice he proved great potential, and every cat in the clan was proud. He quickly became one of the best fighters, and hunters, his age not getting in his way. His fighting skills, hunting skills, negotiation skills, everything seemed perfect, almost too good to be true; which the cats later found out, was too good to be true.

Shortly after achieving his warrior title, he became a mentor and became teaching, what seemed as a mini version of himself. Teaching this young cat all of his tactics and secrets, the apprentice became almost a threat to the magnificent warrior, proving to be just as good, and maybe, just maybe, better.

No more than a moon later after his apprentice became a warrior, he was tragically killed and his promising life ahead was erased.

The Leafbare following the newly made warrior's death, tragedy had struck and killed several cats, including the deputy. Instantly, without a doubt, the fierce warrior was made deputy and carried on duties without error, even gaining a mate in the process. Though soon, almost too soon, the leader had lost their last life and left the clan to the deputy.

Everything seemed perfect to all the cats of the clan. But the soon to be leader's version of perfect and the rest of the clans' version was very different.

After receiving his lives, he trashed out and rebelled against everything right, and everything his ancestors had worked so hard to make. He appointed his mate co-leader and together, they reign. They enslaved every cat with disabilities, lack of talent and unpure clan heritage.

A dark time has arose and it needs to end or the end of the clans will be. Are there any cats brave a enough to stand up, or even stop the two leaders, or will every cat fall at the massive grip these two cats have on AshenClan?

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