AirClan RP

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                                           AIRCLAN CLAN OF THE LEAPING CLAWS

                                                     CLAN OF THE SKY HUNTERS

AirClan's territory is very forested with huge trees that touch the sky. And it isn't just a old elders tale. The founder and first leader Airstar was the first cat to ever climb all of these trees, you could even see old clawmarks on the bark on the higher trees as the great leader was born to climb. When AirClan was still developing, Airstar wanted to climb the trees that inhabited their territory, so he vowed to climb every single tree in his territory and reach the very top no matter how hard it was. Airstar was the cat that most cats wouldn't expect to become leader, he seemed childish and wasn't looked at as a leader by most of his Clan and the other Clans. But only WolfClan and StreamClan accepted his childish manor. But when it came to battle and defending his Clan then he would completely throw off his opponents because they would hear the rumor of him being weak and a kitten but when they faced off in battle he would fight harder than a tiger. A little later on in his life, Airstar climbed the tallest tree he had ever seen in his life, he had loved this tree from the day he had moved into this territory he didn't know how but he felt a connection between him and the tree. And now, this was the final tree to climb as he had promised his Clan and the other Clans so he could prove them of his worthiness in becoming a leader of a Clan. Duskstar was the first to say that he was just like Wolfstar, nothing was different and that they should just be one Clan instead of having Airstar as a leader of his own Clan, but Wolfstar saw Airstar's potential and said that Airstar and her were completely different. Airstar finally proved himself as he had finally climbed the tree, it took three days to climb it, rest and hunt, along with the rain that stopped him from climbing momentarily but he finally did it when he reached the top and saw all of the Clan's territories, he could even touch the clouds as they floated just above his ears. Airstar was then accepted as a leader and had his own Clan to be proud of as he was the only cat to climb such a height and even to this day, no cat has climbed that high. Airstar will always be remembered in AirClan, not just for his name in their Clan name, or his place as founder, or his childish manor, but for his climbing spirit that was true to his Clan and proved to be a excellent skill as he loves to watch young cats try and climb to where he touched the clouds from StarClan's ranks.



Crowsong-jet black she-cat with icy blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Medicine cat

Rosestalk-red tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and amber eyes. (Open)

Medicine cat apprentice


Skyrunner-mottled bengal silver she-cat with piercing blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Dreamworld-dark tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with a dappled coat and a white tail tip. Ghostly violet eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Apprentices: (available)
Cypresspaw-dark silver tom with black ears and tail with yellow eyes. (Open)

Ferretpaw-light brown she-cat with white underbelly and black chest with yellow eyes. (Open)

Dappledpaw-dappled she-cat with yellow eyes and a few dark ginger splotches around her face. (Open)

Flintpaw-black tom with yellow eyes. (Open)

Flinchedpaw-dark gray-and-black she-cat with piercing blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Queens: (available)
Firepond-ginger she-cat with blue eyes and scar across right eye. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)-Mother to Flamingkit, (a ginger tom kit with yellow eyes and a white striped tail and chest)-Open-, Searingkit, (a pale ginger tom kit with amber eyes and a dark ginger tail)-Open-, Blazingkit, (a flame-colored she-kit with green eyes)-Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf-, Burningkit (a dark oak-colored she-kit with oak-colored eyes and a missing ear)-Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf- and Whitekit (a white-and-ginger tom kit with blue eyes)-Open-

Elders: (available)
Woodfur-brown tom with dark black stripes and yellow eyes. (Open)

Taintedmind-white she-cat with a crazy mind and blue eyes. (Open)

Snow has covered the trees and land of AirClan as the cats fight against starvation, the cold and greencough. No cat has seized to greencough as they struggle with prey. Crowsong struggles to protect her Clanmates as they are being injured in battles with other Clans and animals and even rogues and loners. Kittypets have been scented in their territory and near their camp as the camp is heavily guarded due to the fact that Cypresspaw was attacked by a group of rogues a few days ago. Rosestalk is also suffering, not from any injuries but from the pain of not being able to help her Clanmates like she used to as her supplies are low.

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