BreezeClan RP

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                                         BREEZECLAN CLAN OF THE QUICK REFLEXES

                                                        CLAN OF THE SWIFT STRIKES

BreezeClan's territory is an open moor with a few bushes and trees on the edge of their territory along their side that shares WolfClan's border. Their founder Breezestar was a sleek pale tabby tom with white speckles and amber eyes, he has a scar just above his left eye. Breezestar was known for his incredible speed, being the fastest cat that ever lived in the Clans, this cat was not to be messed with. He had lightning fast moves, and being very skilled at battle made him a dangerous opponent. Along with his temper, he was short-tempered and the only two cats to stand up to him when he attacked was Wolfstar and the future leader of WolfClan after her, Jackalstar. Breezestar was known for attacking other Clans and raiding them of prey and medicine supplies as well, he had done so to StreamClan, BoneClan and AirClan. But after seeing his own daughter Nightbreeze defending a cat he had attacked for denying his orders, he soon realized that what he had been doing was wrong. He loved his daughter with all his heart and if stopping his attacks would make her happy then he would do so, she had reminded him of his mate who died of giving birth, Lilaceyes. Breezestar then became more kind and returned all of the prey and supplies to the Clans he had stolen it from, they had forgiven him all except Bonestar who attacked his Clan and killed many of his cats. Breezestar was lost in depression as Bonestar had killed his only daughter Nightbreeze in the attack. Read "Breezestar's Appology Betrayed" for more information.


Silentstar-pure white she-cat with gray eyes and a bobtail. (kittythunder)


Medicine cat

Mistdusk-light silver-gray she-cat with long, thick fur that is unusual to be seen from BreezeClan, dark blue eyes. (Open)

Medicine cat apprentice

Emberpaw-fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes. (SundaySmoothie)


Leopardcoat-golden she-cat with a leopard-spotted pelt which makes her identical to Leopardstar (first leader of LeopardClan), golden eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Crookedstone-blue-gray she-cat with a crooked tail and paw, blind icy blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Lightwind-Golden she-cat with darker golden around her neck, almost like a furless mane, green eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Cloudflight-pure snowy white tom with a black tail tip and yellow-green eyes. (Open)

Bearthorn-huge dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a black underbelly. (Open)

Mottlefang-mottled gray tom with a white underbelly and darker gray muzzle, beady turquoise eyes. (Open)

Braveleap-ginger tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Blizzardclaw-big sturdy white tom with gray-and-brown stripes and blue eyes. (xXMoonwhiskerXx)

Cherryfall-white she-cat with pinkish orange on her tail and paws. (Blue_angels_heart)

Brownstripe-tan beige tom with dark brown stripes across tail and torso. (Blue_angels_heart)

Willowheart-light tan-biscuit colored tabby she-cat with icy blue eyes. (JackyboyXMarkyMoo)

Dovebreeze-light gray she-cat with pale green eyes. (CrackedPearls)

Badgerfang-black tom with shaggy fur and white paws chest and ear tips. White line from nose to tail and bright yellow eyes. (NightFrostySURPRISE)

Flickergaze-pale brown dappled she-cat, almost looks like a deer, deep green eyes and white tufts on the tip of her ears. (kittythunder)

Foxheart-pure red she-cat with a white tail tip and pale blue eyes. (beautifully-awkward)

Badgerclaw-black tom with one yellow eye and the other eye green, very large with long claws and big paws. (beautifully-awkward)

Russetclaw-small russet-colored tom with darker russet on his paw and his tail tip has a ring of scars and has very long claws. (KillerCatHat)

Sundust-golden tom with darker spots across his body and darker stripes on his legs and arms with amber eyes. (Rachcatz)

Amberclaw-sleek amber tabby she-cat with a fluffy tail and unusually long claws and dark blue eyes. (Yolokitty110)

Squirrelfoot-brown tabby she-cat with a white patch on her flank and dark orange eyes. (FabulousPenguin17)

Dewfrost-long furred russian blue she-cat with green eyes and silky fur. (LionblazeisBae)

Fallenstorm-brown furred she-cat with orange patches and a long tail and whiskers, bright orange eyes. (xXArgonianShadowXx)

Sunstorm-yellow-golden she-cat with some black patches and a long tail and whiskers, bright yellow eyes. (xXArgonianShadowXx)


Lightningpaw-dark gray she-cat with a lightning bolt on her forehead and chest, white stripes cover her pelt like a storm cloud during a lightning storm with glowing yellow eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Graypaw-big, sleek, slender, silver-gray-black tabby she-cat with a finely shaped head and left yellow eye and a bright blue right eye, a dark gray stripe down her back from her forehead to her tail tip and a bushy tail. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)-In Loving Memory Of Silverstream And Graystripe

Rabbitpaw-grayish-brown tom with redish eyes. (Bonnie_Forever )

Redpaw-mottled brown tom with a dark red-brown underbelly and legs, sky blue eyes. (Open)

Dewpaw-pure white tom with tufts on tips of ears and dark blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Ivypaw-slim black she-cat with white spots and a fluffy tail, pale green eyes. (CrackedPearls)

Starlingpaw-mostly black-and-brown she-cat with cloud-shaped patches and amber eyes. (Starlingfall_Potatoe)

Hoppaw-white she-cat with green eyes and faint pale gray stripes on her legs and fainter stripes along her spine. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Ivypaw-slim black she-cat with white spots and a fluffy tail, pale green eyes. ()


Duskynight-dusky gray-black she-cat with violet eyes and a fluffy pelt. (Open)-Mother to Hoppaw and Midnightpaw

Pebblewish-stone-gray colored she-cat with a missing ear and amber-yellow eyes. (Open)-Mother to Mousekit, (a light brown tabby she-kit with yellow eyes and a white ear)-Open, Volekit, (a dark brown tom kit with a tabby striped tail and legs, green eyes)-Open, and Vixenkit, (a stone-gray tabby she-kit with amber-yellow eyes and a pale brown underbelly)-Open

Redwing-chocolate brown she-cat with a red underbelly and white paws with bright jade green eyes. (UrainianUmbra)-Mother to Foxkit, (a chocolate brown she-kit with an orange underbelly, white paws and a bushy fox like tail with bright jade green eyes), Icekit, (a white tom kit with brown spots, black ears paws and tail and bright yellow eyes), and Stonekit, (a grey tom with black paws and ears with blue eyes)

Velvetwing-pale white she-cat with brown tabby splotches, dark brown tabby legs, pale brown tabby tail, and bright sky blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)-Mother to Thistlekit, (a mottled gray she-kit with broad shoulders, a broad head, a face patch on his left shoulder, another white patch on his face and amber eyes)-Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf-

Fornkit-black-and-dappled gray tom with white tabby paws and ears; sea blue eyes. (xXMoonwhiskerXx)

Tawnykit-dappled gray she-cat with white misty gray and black tabby spots; sea green eyes. (xXMoonwhiskerXx)

Bearkit-dark brown tabby tom kit with lighter stripes, one white paw and a fluffy coat, blue eyes. (JackyboyXMarkyMoo)


Tearingice-brown-and-white tabby tom with icy blue eyes and a black muzzle. (Open)

Rearingcrow-dark black tom with yellow eyes and a black face, tail, legs, and ears. (Open)

Coldfire-pale brown she-cat with white stripes across her stomach and hazel colored eyes. (Rachcatz)

BreezeClan suffers terrible luck as they had already suffered enough from the cold and lack of prey but a group of foxes attacked their camp. Though they fought them back and won, young apprentice and sister to Hoppaw, Midnightpaw, had joined StarClan after being thrown by one of the foxes, hitting the back of her neck against a tree as that had killed her. Another horrible loss as long deputy Rabbitbriar has finally joined StarClan. The Clan mourns for the two great cats and they look to Silentstar for guidence as she must now pick a new deputy in his replacement. Thistlekit has still yet to be made an apprentice like her siblings. Though the snow has stopped and new-leaf approaches, danger still lurks in the shadows as there are traitors amongst their own, hidden from view like darkness. Battles will soon start, and this time, amongst the Clans...

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