WolfClan RP

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                                      WOLFCLAN THE CLAN OF THE ANCIENT WOLVES

                                                        A CLAN OF SILENT STALKERS

WolfClan's territory is a heavily forested land with mountainous cliffs and terrain throughout the territory. These cats have adapted to the rocky terrain and heavy undergrowth and know every inch of their territory. These cats literally act like wolves themselves, they silently stalk, they communicate with howl-like yowls and much more. Read my book "When Fates Clash" to understand how these cats came to the Clans they are now. WolfClan's second leader, Jackalstar, or Jackalstep, was the master of all animals. She could mimic any animal, squirrels, foxes and even badgers. Jackalstar was proud and honored as a great cat because whenever there were disputes between her cats and badgers, foxes, etc. she would communicate with the animal and politely tell them to leave and in the end, no cat gets hurt, only rarely do they do get hurt and a battle breaks out. Jackalstar was Wolfstar's loyal deputy in the founder's time, she was able to speak to a deer and play with it when she was only one moon, her mother found her prancing around like a deer as the brown animal pranced as well, the two were in sinc. Find out more about Jackalstar in my new book "Jackalstar's Gift".



Maplestar-cream-colored she-cat with white tabby marks and dipped white tail. White paws and checks with mesmerizing green eyes. (Lettuccce)


Frostfire-white she-cat with ginger stripes, black ears, a scar down her right eye and a ginger paw. Icy-blue eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Medicine cat

Lotustail-mostly white furred she-cat with spots of red and the back of her ears black, pure blue eyes. (AwesomeFox123)

Medicine cat apprentice

Sweetsilk-white she-cat with a slightly pink back and paws with green eyes and long fluffy tail. (LilacAndBlackLace)


Sageeyes-golden she-cat with darker stripes and a white paw, with unusual round-like pupils and yellow eyes (sorta like in Naruto, Sage mode). (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Cracklingflames-pale gray-and-ginger tabby tom with silver eyes and a dark ginger muzzle

Nightatmosphere-ghostly black she-cat with green eyes and a tint of blue in them. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Owlscreech-dark brown tabby tom with white faint darker brown tabby stripes with white speckles on flanks. Handsome yellow eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Thundercloud-gray she-cat with a black stripe and yellow eyes. (Messyfur)

Flickerflames-silver she-cat with patches of ginger and green eyes. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Stormpool-Dark gray she-cat with cream splotches and leaf green eyes. ()

Iceleaf-white tom with blind green eyes. (Messyfur)

BloodWing-fluffy black she-cat with white stripes stained with blood, a fluffy wolf like tail, white underbelly with bits of red, white paws, long claws, fluffy white ears on the inside, long legs, and glowing yellow eyes. (Kpoplover5189)

Bearfur-long furred brown she-cat with green eyes. (Wednesday77)

Darkenedgaze-complete black tom with a thin agile pelt with a fluffier tail which is long, alluring forest green eyes. (Jerkpido)

Robinstrike-brown she-cat with dark gray-silver stripes and blue-gray eyes, paler underbelly, underside of tail, chest and around eyes. (RobinwingxCPI)


Birchpaw-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a scarred face, a long scar across his face and a gash over his left shoulder, another scar across his chest and a torn right ear. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Flutterpaw-light brown she-cat with white splotches and speckles, bright yellow eyes. (Open)

Messypaw-tortoiseshell she-cat with hazel eyes. ()

Hexpaw-tortoiseshell she-cat with a scratched muzzle from her littermate Newtpaw as a kit, unusual violet eyes and a torn tail. (Open)

Newtpaw-black tom with golden eyes and a white underbelly. (Open)

Pluckpaw-long-haired ginger tom with violet-colored eyes and a paler underbelly and white tail tip. (Open)


Dappledfern-dappled she-cat with unusual white spots and muzzle, soft yellow eyes. (Open)-Mother to Otterkit, a dark ginger she-kit with yellow eyes and white speckles around her muzzle (Open), Puddlekit, a dappled she-kit with amber eyes and white legs (Open), and Featherkit, a long-haired silver she-kit with amber eyes and white spots and a white muzzle. (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf)

Electricvolt-striking golden tabby she-cat with bright yellow eyes and a darker golden ear. (Open)-Mother to Shockingkit, a golden tabby tom with amber eyes (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf), Whitekit, a white-and-golden tabby she-kit with golden eyes (Naruto_Uzumaki_Leaf), and Gingerkit, a ginger tom kit with yellow eyes and a paler tail tip. (Open)

Specklekit-tortoiseshell she-kit with icy blue eyes and a white tail. (Wednesday77)-Daughter of Icywind who suffered from greencough

Emberkit-black she-kit with a fire orange muzzle and splotches, red-orange eyes that become more orange around her pupil. (Pokemimi)


Talonslice-dark brown tabby tom with a light brown underbelly, chest, tail tip and muzzle, amber-yellow eyes with ragged fur. (JackyboyXMarkyMoo)

Badgerpelt-black she-cat with white stripes from head to tail on each side. Blind creamy blue eyes. (JackyboyXMarkyMoo)

Leaf-bare is here and snow has fallen. Ice has been the most trouble in WolfClan territory as they struggled to shelter from the harsh winds of the season. Birchpaw, Specklekit and Gingerkit managed to free themselves from the claws of greencough but it was too late for the three honorable cats, Slippingfeather the elder, Icywind the queen and mother of Specklekit, and Ripplekit the only son of Dappledfern and to Featherkit, Otterkit and Puddlekit. The snow has started to fall less and signs of the sun have shown but leaf-bare is still here. Cracklingpaw and Nightpaw have earned their warrior names, Cracklingflames and Nightatmosphere. May StarClan watch over WolfClan, for a battle is soon to start and blood will be spilt.

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