Chapter 2

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Echoflight washed herself, keeping an eye on Dawnmist, who sat next to her, purring. They were once again in the clearing, two squirrels and a mouse sitting beside them. This grove is a nice place, she thought absent-mindedly. But it's not private enough.

"Do you think we should find a more private place?" Dawnmist suddenly mewed, voicing Echoflight's concerns.

"I think you're right," Echoflight sighed. "But however secure it is, we will always be discovered."

"Not if it's not in Clan territory," Dawnmist mewed slyly.

"You ShadowClan cat!" Echoflight hissed playfully. "Who knew you were that cunning?"

Dawnmist shrugged. "We should sneak out tonight and the next night and the night after that. We need to find a good hideout."

"I feel like you're right," Echoflight agreed. "What we are doing might be helpful for you, but it's not exactly helpful for Luckystar and Goldenperch. They might not like it."

"Yes," Dawnmist dipped her head. "Before the moon is at its highest, let's leave."

That night, Echoflight went to her nest before sunset, claiming she was tired. She noticed Dawnmist had gone a little earlier and curled up against her friend happily. They both woke up a little before moonhigh and crept out of the camp, dodging Dovewing and Duskpelt, who stood on guard.

They maintained their silence until they were out of earshot. Then, they gambolled around playfully before striking up a conversation and walking out of ThunderClan territory.

They padded around for a bit, sniffing inside every hollow tree and checking out every cave. But nothing seemed to excite them; nothing seemed to be special. Echoflight thought she had found the place when she discovered an abandoned Twoleg settlement, but as Dawnmist said, it was too far from the Clans, and would leave little time to actually talk and play; most of the night would be spent hiking to the settlement.

Echoflight had agreed, although it had been warm, infested with mice, and the hay underpaw had been soft. Privately, she didn't mind exercising her muscles, but Dawnmist was right in a way too. They had to leave enough time to actually talk.

It was a little past moonhigh when they found a dark hole hollowed out in a tree trunk. Echoflight waved her tail to Dawnmist and they slunk inside. Echoflight's eyes widened as she saw it was a large cave dug into the side of a hill, the entrance being the trunk. Dawnmist had a similar reaction before it came to them.

"This is the place," Echoflight mewed immediately.

"I know it." Dawnmist agreed, her body bristling with excitement. Echoflight walked deeper into the cave and froze when her paw hit something wet. It was a river. Her joy grew as she noted that the water from the river was glowing under a small hole in the cave roof that was letting the moonlight in.

"It's perfect," Echoflight mewed, in a trance. "I love it."

Dawnmist mewed her agreement and as if they were being attacked, they both leapt up and rushed out of the cave. What they were about to do would normally be frustrating, but this time, they would do it without complaining.

They found a nice place to gather moss and scraped the moss down with their claws. Soon, between the two of them, they had a nice pile of moss. The moon had just begun to fall. Echoflight picked up a bundle of moss, Dawnmist copying her movements. The two of them raced back to the tree and climbed into the hole. They spread the moss out on the cave floor, making it padded and warm.

Dawnmist threw herself down on the moss, panting with happiness. "Echoflight, you've been the best friend I've never had," she mewed solemnly. "You've helped me with my trauma, and I owe you."

Echoflight was in an uncomfortable situation. She had never been one with emotions, after all. "I guess," she mewed softly.

Dawnmist leapt forward and tackled her to the ground, a purr in her throat. Echoflight pushed her off without any trouble and sprang at the ginger she-cat. Dawnmist dodged nimbly to the side and responded with a paw, batting Echoflight away. Echoflight responded by catching onto Dawnmist's hind leg, finding it a little difficult to hold on due to her claws being sheathed, but holding on nonetheless. She clambered onto the ginger she-cat's back and flattened her.

Dawnmist shover her off, spitting in friendly anger. They play fought for a bit longer and Echoflight felt something she had never felt before; friendship.

Their friendship blossomed and thrived as they deepened their bond. Echoflight relished how Dawnmist seemed to trust her with her life. She loved how Dawnmist regarded her as a sister, nudging against her fondly. So, this was what she had missed out on. This was what Demonclaw hadn't given her. This was what siblings had. A bond that would never die.

Echoflight knew Dawnmist didn't have the best relationship with her siblings, Sunrise and Frogfern, either. They still loved each other though. But Echoflight had been made to kill Demonclaw.

I don't regret that. I had to do it. For the good of the Clan.

"Hello? Echoflight?" A piece of moss was chucked at her and she dodged it easily.

"Dawnmist!" Echoflight mewed sternly before breaking off into a purr. "Alright, stop that," she added once Dawnmist flicked another piece at her.

Dawnmist lay down, her head touching on the ground, her breath blowing the moss into the air before it floated down. Echoflight saw her chance of revenge and flopped down on Dawnmist's back, careful not to injure her. The younger she-cat squirmed around in discomfort before protesting loudly, using her paws to try and shove Echoflight off.

Echoflight leapt off gracefully to avoid Dawnmist's thrashing paws and smirked at her. Dawnmist made a low growl in her throat and knocked Echoflight down. Enjoying herself, Echoflight used her strength to pin Dawnmist down and put her paw at the ginger she-cat's throat, careful to keep her claws sheathed. "I believe I win," she announced proudly.

"Alright, you win," Dawnmist grunted before her tone changed more serious. "I can't thank you enough. You've been...a mini StarClan to me. You're just as good as them, perhaps better. After all, I don't see StarClan helping me."

Echoflight flushed and dipped her head. Dawnmist interpreted it as a thanks and leapt at Echoflight once more.

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