3. Cloudtail

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Leafpool: StarClan gather I have an important announcement and I brought a very very important cat blah blah blah blah...

StarClan: O.o

Leafpool: *smiles mischievously* so....*rreeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyy llllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg drumroll and pause*

Leafpool: *DUN DUN DUN!!!* the guest is Cloudtail!

Cloudtail: Hi deady cats

StarClan: Ò.ó

Cloudtail: *doesn't notice* Leafpool why did you bring me to here this is just thistle-fluff nursery tales this is a vivid dream there is no such thing as dead cats in dreams blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

*Four hours later of Cloudtail saying stuff about StarClan*

Cloudtail: So my lecture has finished, BAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flies away with poptart and rainbow (basically the Nyan cat but not Bluestar this time)*

Snowkit and Mosskit: Wow it's the Nyan Cat! :O

Bluestar and Speckletail: Shush!

StarClan: how dare you...*clench fists*

Leafpool: Uh oh... * starts to back away and run*

StarClan: *Can't keep up cuz they keep on tripping others* 

Leafpool: *100 fox-lengths away from StarClan* phew that was close

Bluestar: RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

StarClan: fine.... *eyes red and breathing fire* we will get you next time Leafpool *faints because they are very tired and used up all that energy and most of them were trampled*

Leafpool: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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