Episode 11

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Bassripple: Hello again! Sorry it's been SO LONG, our party kinda took a while to get over...

Stormkit: *dizzy* yah....I drank too much soda...

Hollystream: Did. You. Just. Hear. What. I. Heard.

Bassripple: Yes...yes I did...

Hollystream: I understood him!

Bassripple: Maybe he drank more soda then we thought...

Stormkit: What? What are you guys talking about?

Hollystream: O_o this is freaky...

Bassripple: Agreed. Oh, but we better get to the first dare suggested by fluffdoge for Stormkit!

Stormkit: ...

Bassripple: It says to have Stormkit dress up as a PENUT for three dares!

Stormkit: *still dizzy* no offense yo fluffdoge, but your-

Hollystream: *EHEM!* now, into your costume!

*push shove* *claw scrape* *screeching in background*

Stormkit: ...there are no words to describe this...

Hollystream: Great Starclan I just can't get used to him talking like that.

Bassripple: I dunno, it's kinda nice.....*snicker snicker* just like that costume

Stormkit: Don't. Tempt. Me.

Hollystream: *barely holding back*

Bassripple: Now the next dare! It's from Bluefeather3! It says to have Bluestar tell Mistystar she hates her.

Hollystream: That might be a problem...

Bassripple: Well, all our dares kinda are.

Hollystream: No, I mean the fight

Bassripple: We can just beam her in, then put her back. No one will notice.

Hollystream: Yah, plus I don't have anything bet on her.

Bassripple: Hollystream....

Hollystream: Err, to the dare!


Bluestar: *hiss spit swoosh claw....snap...snarl........* hey...where did everybody go?

Hollystream: Welcome back to WCTOD!

Bluestar: I thought your camera broke...

Stormkit: They made me fix it...

Bluestar: Oh, well...*snicker* I, ah...*snort* WHERE DID YOU GET THAT COSTUME? You cute lil PENUT!

Stormkit: *mumble*

Jayfeather: Don't tell anyone I told you those words *disappears*

Hollystream: Boy, he's agile for a blind cat *hears crash* maybe not...

Bassripple: Now, to the dare. Bluestar, you have to go tell Miststar you hate her!

Bluestar: That's random.

Hollystream: So you like it?

Bluestar: No!! Remember what your last dare got me into??!!

Hollystream: Oh yah...


Mistystar: Hey mum! Waz up? How's the fight going?

Bluestar: Uh, good?

Mistystar: Great! I say I hope you win, but that's kinda like betraying my clan...anyways, why are you here again?

Bluestar: Oh. Yes. *ehem* I hate you

Mistystar: ... Just because I am rooting for my own clan instead of you?

Bluestar: Well, that IS a little disloyal...

Mistystar: But I have to stay with my clan!

Bluestar: But you used to be Thunderclan...

Mistystar: Let's not bring that up again.

Bluestar: Let's not bring what up again?

Mistystar: *hissssssssssssss*

Hollystream: Hmm, that could get ugly.

Bassripple: Aren't you used to that by now.

Hollystream: Huh?

Bassripple: *facepaw* why do I even try... Well, next dare. It's from warriorcatsgirl777! And I like this one....it says to have Tigerstar go around the territories in a pink dress singing "I love pink pony princess!"

Hollystream: Oh yah, this dare is waaaay overdue.


Tigerstar: Don't. Let. This. Be-

Hollystream: Yup, it sure is!

Tigerstar: -_-

Bassripple: And your dare it to go around the territories in a pink dress singing "I love pink pony princess!"

Tigerstar: You have got to be kitding.

Stormkit: Nope.

Tigerstar: *sees Stormkit* *cracks up*

Stormkit: Aw Starclan not another one!

Hollystream: Don't forget! You have to wear that for the whole episode! *laughing crazily*

Stormkit: *wishes he could spontaneously combust*

Bassripple: Now, let's get to this...here is your pink dress! *pulls out pretty pink dress with glitter and sequins and all that sorta thins*

Hollystream: Oh! We also have a tiara and wand!

Tigerstar: O_0

Hollystream: Cum'ere!

*push* *shove* *screech* *shove*

*quite a while later, after many clumps of fur were torn out*

Hollystream: There! You look, er, well

Stormkit: At least their attention is off me...

Hollystream: Nope! Now we just have two things to laugh at! *pulls out camera and snaps pic*

Bassripple: You do know this is already all on film, right Hollystream?

Hollystream: Yah, what's your point?

Bassripple: *facepaw*

Stormkit: *shoves Tigerstar into the forest*

Tigerstar: I'm gonna get you guys for this...

Hollystream: Yah yah we've heard that before, just do the dare!

Tigerstar: Fine. *mumbles the words.

Hollystream: I can't HEAR you!

Tigerstar: Isn't that the point?!

Bassripple: Common, put some energy into it!

Tigerstar: Fine. *runs through forest* I love pink pony princess. I love pink pony princess. I love pink pony princess.

Hollystream: Wave the wand!

Tigerstar: *wave*

*a few minutes later*

All The Cats in the Forest: *laughing their tails off*

Bramblestar: Wow, dad, your humiliating me. *still laughs*

Hawkfrost: Same bruh

Leafpool: Always knew you had it in yah Tigy

Mothwing: -_- ... XD

Onestar: OMSC TIGERSTAR! You like it too?

All Cats: O_O

Onestar: I mean, uh...er...ehm....

Bassripple: There's always one...

Hollystream: Yup. *munches on cookie that seemed to just appear*

Stormkit: Yah....I've noticed that too. Hey, can I read a dare this time?

Bassripple: *glances at Hollystream* well, since we aren't going to give you more soda anytime soon, sure.

Stormkit: Yay! *grabs strip of paper that was randomly floating on the breeze* And this dare is from iiWoodenWaffles!

Hollystream: Mmmm, tasty name

Bassripple: *rolls eyes*

Stormkit: The dare is to have Firestar tell Bluestar he loves her, in front of Sandstorm!

Hollystream: Great! Of course, that will take Bluestar away from the fight again...

Bassripple: Good. *pulls leaver*

Firestar: ...

Hollystream: Hi! Did you enjoy our croc?

Firestar: *no comment*

Bassripple: I'll take that as a no. Anyways, here is your next dare! You have to tell Bluestar you love her, in front of Sandstorm!

Firestar: Are you kidding? I already have three she-cats who like me, and now I have to tell another that I like her? Are you INSANE?

Hollystream: Yup, except for the insane part.

Stormkit: Wanna bet?

Bassripple: *facepaw* anyways...*hits button*

Bluestar: *furs ruffled* Hi, Firestar, why was I called out of the fight AGAIN?

Sandstorm: Yah, and why am I here?

Firestar: *decides to be a complete ham* Bluestar, for the longest time I have been trailing after you, hoping, wishing you would notice me. But, alas, you didn't. That drove me to Spottedleaf, and eventually, uh...uh....oh yes, Sandstorm. Now, I have decided to tell you my feelings, hoping you shall understand.

Sandstorm and Bluestar: O_o

Bluestar: Well...er....................great?

Sandstorm: How. Could. You.

Firestar: *runs off like a scalded, well, cat*

Bluestar: Wait! Come back my luv!

Sandstorm: Wait? What?!

Bluestar: Uh.....

Sandstorm: *shoves back into the battle*

Bluestar: *forgets*

Bassripple: Well, this has been another 'interesting' episode of WCTOD!

Hollystream: Yup! And please leave your dares again if they haven't been used yet, someone probably missed them, or something.

Bassripple: Or the computer fowled up with all the cookie crumbs stuck in it.

Hollystream: *looks innocently*

Stormkit: *finally wiggles out of peanut costume*

Sandstorm: Heheheheheh!

Bassripple: Were you seriously just hanging around laughing at him?

Sandstorm: *shrug*

Hollystream: I would do the same.

Stormkit: Danks awot gwuys. *scowls*

Hollystream: Aw Starclan...the lisp is back

Bassripple: NOOOOOO!

Stormkit: Bwy awl!!!

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