Episode 12

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Stormkit: Heeeewo!!! Wewcom bwack!

Hollystream: Ugh....Stormkit...

Bassripple: *paws ears* Okay, all cats out there, do you want Stormkit to be an apprentice? Or stay a kit?

Stormkit: Whaaa? Iw'll be an apwentice swoon enouff.

Hollystream: Yes....but hopefully sooner then later.

Stormkit: Humph

Bassripple: Well, can we get to the-

Hollystream: DARES!!! Hahahahah! Beat you to it!

Bassripple: *rolls eyes* Well do you know where I hid it?

Hollystream: Yup! *takes out dare*

Bassripple: Darn, I shouldn't have been eating something with sugar in it while I hid that. She's got a nose like a fox.

Hollystream: I'm not sure if I should be offended by that or not. 

Bassripple: *shrug*

Hollystream: Great.....anywho, here's the dare! It's from Bluefeather3, and it looks like a good one! It-


Hollystream: Hold yer horses!!!! *ehem* It says to dare Sandstorm to tell Firestar she never loved him, then go live with Ravenpaw!

Bassripple: That sounds-

Ravenpaw: OOOO!!!

Hollystream: Ravenpaw! What are you doing here?!

Ravenpaw: Uhh...

Stormkit: Hey Wavenpwa, wherew did ywo gwo- oh.

Hollystream: Stormkit.....

Bassripple: Your not supposed to bring friends to the studio! You know the rules!

Stormkit: It's mwom's fwault!

Hollystream: And how is it possibly Icepool's fault?

Stormkit: Uhh, wewl...she wasn't watchwing mwe?

Hollystream:  -_-

Ravenpaw: Awkward....

*theme music*

Bassripple: Andddd now to the dare!


Sandstorm: *dizzzzzzzy*

Hollystream: Yer finnnne! *conks on head*

Sandstorm: Ooowww....

Bassripple: Her eyes look a little starry,

Hollystream: Pisha, she's a-o-k! *slaps on back*

Sandstorm: I-I think I'm going to be sick...

Bassripple: Not on the camera!!

Camera fixed with duct tape: *agrees*

*a while later*

Hollystream: There! Feel any better?

Sandstorm: N-

Hollystream: Great!! Here's your dare! You have to tell Firestar you never loved him, then go live with Ravenpaw!

Sandstorm: I think I'm going to be sick again....

Icepool: *enters* Great, are you guys going to make me clean that up too?

Stormkit: *looks innocent*

Bassripple: *looks guilty*

Hollystream: *looks confused*

Sandstorm: *looks sick*

Icepool: Ugh fine.

Bassripple: Soooo, the dare!

Sandstorm: *gulp* okay...


Firestar: Oh Spottedleaf, I love you.

Spottedleaf: Oh Firestar...


Firestar: ...

Spottedleaf: Err, we were acting out Romeo and Julicat!

Firestar: What? We were?

Sandstorm: -_-

Spottedleaf: *facepaw*

Firestar: Sooo..hehe...err...what's up?

Sandstorm: Well, where do I start? I've never loved you, kittypet, and I'm going to go live with Ravenpaw.

Spottedleaf and Ravenpaw: Yay! Now we can be together!

Firestar: Yes! Me and Spottedleaf!

Sandstorm: Uhh...

Ravenpaw: Yay! Me and Sandy!

Sandstorm: Oooo Starclan no....

Spottedleaf: *chuckle chuckle* ......wait a minute, don't you swear on the name of Starclan! >:0

Hollystream: Oh dear, here she goes...

Spottedleaf: Starclan has blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, etc.

Starclan: *looks on approvingly*

*four hours later*

Spottedleaf: has blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, etc.

Starclan: *less approving*

Sandstorm and Ravenpaw: *asleep*

Firestar: Ooooo! Ahhh! Oooo! Ahhhh! Go on!

Sandstorm: *wakes up* This is pathetic.......

Ravenpaw: Are you kidding?! She's doing this all in one breath!!

Sandstorm: *falls back asleep*

Stormkit: *yaaaaaawn*

Icepool: Leeeetz get out of here, before we are all asleep.

Bassripple: Agreed.

*back at the studio*

Stormkit: *one more yawn* so, wats nwext?

Hollystream: Hmm, let's see!

Bassripple: *takes out paper from behind ear* New magic trick I learned!

Icepool: *rolls eyes*

Bassripple: Annnnd it is from wattycat8! And it says-... *gasp* *choke* *sputter* *spit* *gag*

Hollystream: What?! *hugs cookie*

Bassripple: H-h-here...

Hollystream: *takes* Okay, now what is it- O_0

Icepool: Uhhhh....guys? What's the matter?

Hollystream: Uhm, weeeeelllll....here. Have a look. *paws over*

Icepool: *gasp* but...but...b.u.t...

Bassripple: *gag* I believe we have to anyway...

Icepool: *shudder*

Hollystream: Ahh, give it a rest. I had to EAT a CARROT!!

Bassripple and Icepool: HIIISSSSS!

Stormkit: *gets a hold of paper* EEWWWW! It sways mum and Basswippwl hwave to KISS!

Bassripple: It sounds even worse out loud....

Icepool: *nods* Especially when Stormkit reads it

Stormkit: -_-

Hollystream: Aww, common, you know you wanna!

Bassripple: *shoots death glare*

Hollystream: Okay....maybe not

Icepool: Well, I suppose we should get this over with.

Stormkit: *zooms camera in* I bwet dwad wiwl wov dis!

Icepool: -__-

*huge crowd development*

Bassripple: Really??!

Hollystream: Awe, isn't this cute!

Icepool: *non-kit appropriate words*

Stormkit: Mummy swaid a bwad wowrd!!!

Icepool: *facepaw*

Hollystream: Let's get to it!

*all falls silent*

Icepool: Soooo....

Bassripple: Ugh, common. For once we have to face up to our dares.

Icepool: Ugh.




Stormkit: Ewwww!

Bassripple: *gag* you said it.

Icepool: *cough cough sputter* well, that's not very flattering...

Hollystream: *chuckle chuckle*

Bassripple: Hissssssss...........

Icepool: Well, good thing your crush wasn't asked to kiss you!

Hollystream: Yah your-wait, what??!! I have a crush??!!!

Icepool: Maaaaaaybe!

Hollystream: WHO IS IT?!

Icepool: Hmm, I've forgotten. 'P0p', there is goes, right out of my mind.

Hollystream: *twitch* *twitch*

Bassripple: Well, while the she-cats sort that out, the next dare! It's from bloodclanleader123! It's to have Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw act out Titanic!

Stormkit: Fwun!

*moments later*

*Icepool still hasn't told Hollystream* *Hollystream is freaking out* *protecting already broken camera from crazed she-cat*

Bassripple: Err, a few *oof* technical difficulties....

Hollystream: TELL MEEEEE!

Icepool: Hm, let me think....Nope!

Hollystream: *eye twitches*

Bassripple: Anyways, we have Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost here!

Hawkfrost: He is always announced first >:(

Brambleclaw: Sure am, bro!

Hawkfrost: *scowls*

Bassripple: Err, we can always announce you first later...

Hawkfrost: Too late. You've missed your chance. The leaf has fallen from the tree. The water is under the bridge. The branch has broken off. The-

Stormkit: WE GWET IT!

Bassripple: Soooo, dare time!!

Brambleclaw: Well, I'm sure I will be awesome at it, even if I do say so myself.

Hawkfrost: And you certainly do...

Bassripple: Your dare is to act out Titanic!

Brambleclaw: OOO SO WE GET TO ACT OUT A SHIP SINKING? That's so original!

Stormkit: Fwor swome weason I fink dats not what day had in mwind...

Brambleclaw: I'll be the Titanic!!!

Hawkfrost: Oh, common! You always get to choose first! I wanna be the Titanic!

Brambleclaw: No! Finders keepers losers weepers!

Hawkfrost: I'm gonna tell father on you!

Tigerstar: Now now boys, I'm sure we can work this out peacefully-what am I saying, go ahead and fight!

*long time later*

Brambleclaw: So, it's decided, I'm the Titanic!!!

Hawkfrost: *missing fur, swollen eye, limping, etc.* okay....fine. I'm the iceberg.

Brambleclaw: YAY!! Toot toot!!! Here comes the big ocean liner!!

Hawkfrost: *stands still*

Brambleclaw: Lots of Twolegs just having fun, listening to stuff, and such,

Hawkfrost: *stands still....ish*

Brambleclaw: YAY!! Toot toot!

Hawkfrost: *stands not-so still*

Brambleclaw: TOOT TOOT!!!

Hawkfrost: GGGRRRRRAAAA! *slams into Brambleclaw*

*crash* *roll* *rumble*

Brambleclaw: *makes obnoxious noises like a boat crashing* WOOOSH!!! BOOM!!! BANG!!!

Hawkfrost: *annoyed*

Brambleclaw: YAY!!!

Hawkfrost: *attacks again*

Brambleclaw: YA-hey!!! Ouch!! Wait a minute, I thought the-ow!- iceberg only hit once!

Hawkfrost: Well, you never met iceberg Hawkfrost!

Brambleclaw: Uhhh......

Hawkfrost: *attacks*


Bassripple: Ooo, let's turn off the monitor.

Stormkit: *shudder*

Bassripple: Yah....so...

Stormkit: Dat was...odd...

Bassripple: Agreed.

*Hollystream still freaking out*

Bassripple: Well, since I doubt that will end any time soon, join us next time!

Stormkit: And weave your dawres!

Bassripple: Please!!

Stormkit: Bwy awll!

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