Episode 7

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Stormkit: Hewo! Gus whut?! Basswippl said I cowld hewp todawy!

Bassripple: Shhh!!! I told you, not so loud!

Stormkit: Yah, bwt why?

Bassripple: Because we have a dare for Hollystream this time...*evil smirk*

Stormkit: Wan me to get hwr?

Bassripple: Sure, but make sure she doesn't have any cookies with her.

Stormkit: Dat might be a pwobwem...

Bassripple: I know, right?

*moments later*

Hollystream: *yawn* what now?

Bassripple: Did you forget about our show?!

Hollystream: Uhhhh....No! No, of course not...so where are we at again?

Bassripple: *facepaw*

Stormkit: We aw gowing to dw de fiwst dawr!

Hollystream: Okay, what is it?

Bassripple: Wellll, let me see *pulls out paper from behind back* ah, here it is. It is from Blazestrike...

Stormkit: Coow nam.

Hollystream: Totally. So what's it say?

Bassripple: Actually...its for you...

Hollystream: Uh, Okaaaaay, so what's it say? It's not too extreme, right?

Bassripple: *smirk*

Hollystream: Oh Starclan.

Bassripple: And it dares you to eat...A VEGETABLE

Hollystream: O_o

Stormkit: I dink she's in showk

Hollystream: *Starts to run*

Stormkit: I gowt hwr!

Bassripple: Do it! Do it! Do it!! *fans cheer*

Hollystream: Wait wait wait, wait. We have fans?

Bassripple: *shrug*.....here you go!! *shoves Hollystream in locked room with carrot*

Stormkit: ...I dawt dat woom was sownd pwoof.

Bassripple: So did I...Just remember Hollystream! You can't come out till you eat it!

Hollystream: I'll starve first!

Bassripple: We have a cookie waiting!!


Hollystream: Just give me a moment, okay?

Bassripple: Well, we'll get back to that later, onto the next one!

Stormkit: Can I opwen it?

Bassripple: Sure, I guess so.

Stormkit: Yay! And it is fwom HopeForHorses! Can I weed it twoo?

Bassripple: Uh...no, I don't think anyone will understand it

Stormkit: Wi wowld woo fink dat?

Bassripple: *facepaw* just trust me. *takes paper* and the dare says for Leafpool to go to Breezepelt and say that he is Thunderclan and she is his mother!

Stormkit: I dink dats purfwect! Wets gwet hwr!


Leafpool: Oh Starclan isn't my life already messed up enough?!

Stormkit: I gwess not!

Bassripple: Leafpool, you have to go tell Breezepelt that he is Thunderclan and you are his mother! Sounds like fun!

Leafpool: >:-(

Bassripple: Right...well, here you go! *presses button*

Breezepelt: What. Are. You. Doing. Here.

Leafpool: *gulp* You are Thunderclan...

Breezepelt: Your crazy!!

Leafpool: No, I'm your mother so your Thunderclan...

Breezepelt: I-



Breezepelt: Uh, I thought this was about-

*she-cats attack each other*

Bassripple: Well...I didn't expect that.

Stormkit: Swame

Bassripple: Okay, well we still have the last dare to do! And it is from fluffdoge! And it says to have Brambleclaw run around yelling YOLO!

Stormkit: YOLO?

Bassripple: Yah. Okay let's get to it!

Brambleclaw: What now???!!!

Bassripple: Sheesh, a little grouchy, are we?

Brambleclaw: If your father and brother were like mine you would be two.

Bassripple: Agreed.

Stormkit: *yawn* aw we goin to get twoo de dawr sowmtim twoday?

Bassripple: Yes, sorry. Brambleclaw! Your dare is to run around yelling YOLO!

Brambleclaw: YOLO?

Bassripple: Yes! Why do cats keep asking that?!

Brambleclaw: Never mind. Anyways, it doesn't sound too bad...

Stormkit: Wehw, we wiwl find owt!


Brambleclaw: *running through forest* YOLO! YOLO! YOLO!!!

*after considerable amount of time*

Jayfeather: Like seriously, what does that even mean??!

Lionblaze: You only live once!

Jayfeather: Uhm, clan leaders don't. And you didn't answer my question.

Lionblaze: *facepaw*

Ashfur: Heeeeyyyyy! Technically you shouldn't be saying that cause you will be a leader some day!

Dovewing: Yah! You will live nine times!!!

Brambleclaw: *gulp* I...uh...well...

Lionblaze: Let's get him!

*every cat attacks Brambleclaw*

Bassripple: Boy...that wasn't exactly expected.

Stormkit: I dink yowr wiht, dis inswint kit apwopwiet.

Bassripple: You can always leave.

Stormkit: Naw, it's fwun anywaws.

Bassripple: Okay then...Oh, we forgot about Hollystream!

Stormkit: Wiiight...at dis point maybwe we souwld forgwet abowt hwr...

Bassripple: Agreed, but the viewers would probably like to see.

Stormkit: If ew sway swo.

*goes up to locked room*

Bassripple: I don't see any signs of life.

Stormkit: *opens door*

Hollystream: ...

Bassripple: Uh, Hollystream? You alright?

Hollystream: *shudder* G-g-gi-vv-e m-m-eeee m-y-y co-co-co-coo-kie...I n-nee-d i-it...NOW

Stormkit: *BURP*

Bassripple: Stormkit, please tell me you didn't...

Hollystream: ...my...cookie...!!!!

Stormkit: Oh Stawclan, dat was a bwad idew...

Bassripple: You think???!!! *ehem* sorry viewers, but for the safety of yourselves we should probably stop the program right now...

Hollystream: My. Cookie.

Stormkit: Yawh, how abowt we dow dat...

Hollystream: MY COOKIE

Bassripple: Quick! Cut the camera!

*screen goes black* *odd noises heard in background*

Bassripple: Oof! *gag* See-ouch-you all-oowwww- next time! (Get off me you fat slu-whoops, bad idea...)

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