Episode 9

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Stormkit: Hewow awl! Uh, we hawd swom...dwificwalties...so swowy fowr de daway.

Bassripple: Yah...difficulties...

Hollystream: Well, thank bloodclanleader123 and warriorcatsgirl777 for saving your sorry tail. *nom nom* *eats cookies*

Bassripple: Here, I brought you a peace offering *huge chocolate chunk cookie pie with extra chocolate chunk*

Hollystream: *completely forgets last dare*

Bassripple: Your so easy.

Hollystream: I know. What, wha?

Stormkit: *facepaw*

Bassripple: we have a quarter-moon worth of dares here, we can only fit some in this episode, so I suggest we get to it.

Hollystream: *wipes chocolate from face* Hm? Oh, yah. Who's the first from?

Stormkit: Wet me swee! *grabs paper* and wits fwom fluffdoge, we awaways get gwood dwares fwum hwer!

Hollystream: *nods* *eats more cookie*

Bassripple: It says to dare Firestar to eat a waffle! Wait, doesn't Firestar have, like, something against waffles?

Hollystream: *swallow* Yaaaaahhhh, I thought so too...I wonder why though *dreams of maple syrup*

Stormkit: Wets gwet hwim!


Firestar: Let's hope this time I only have to fight Tigerstar...

Hollystream: Nope! All you have to do is eat a waffle!


Greystripe: You really need to get over this dude.

Firestar: GAH!

Greystripe: He's a little sensitive about waffles.

Bassripple: I noticed. Where did you come from.

Greystripe: *shrug*

Hollystream: Well, Firestar, it's either the waffle or our croc-

Firestar: *runs to crocodile*

Crocodile: RAAUGH(translation: Yay! I've always wanted to meet Firestar! Can I have your pawtograph?)

Stormkit: *minifacepaw*

Bassripple: Well, I guess the waffle crises shall still go unsolved

Greystripe: I've felt like that for a wile now...

Hollystream: Hm? *just ate waffle*

Bassripple: Well, that didn't help...

Stormkit: Hway! I fwomd de nwext dware!

Bassripple: Good, we need a distraction.

Stormkit: It's fwom iggythekitten!

Hollystream: Right up your alley.

Stormkit: *facepaw*

Bassripple: It says to have Bluestar confess her love to Thrushpelt in front of Oakheart, then attack him!

Hollystream: I've been wanting to give her a dare...

Bassripple: Why?

Hollystream: Uh, do I need a reason?

Bassripple: *facepaw*


Bluestar: Please, I know this place, just let me go...

Hollystream: Pfft, your fiiiiiine!

Bluestar: Yah. Right.

Bassripple: ...

Hollystream: Here's what you have to do! You have to confess your love to Thrushpelt in front of Oakheart, then attack Oakheart!

Bluestar: O_o

Stormkit: Hewr we gwo! *zoom*

Oakheart+Thrushpelt: Hi Bluestar! *unison*

Bluestar: Heyyyyyy...

Oakheart: So what's hap'nen?

Thrushpelt: Yah?

Bluestar: *gulp* Uh, well, I actually love you Thrushpelt...

Thrushpelt: HAH! In your face! *yowls at Oakheart*

Oakheart: *teary eyed* Buh...buh...

Crookedstar: Warned yah bruh

Oakheart: *glares*

Bluestar: Oh, and I'm supposed to attack you now.

Oakheart: Wait a minute, your suppos-

Bluestar: *attacks*

Thrushpelt: *happy dance*

Crookedstar: *tackles Thrushpelt*

Bassripple: This is getting out of hand...

Stormkit: Shwood we bweak it uwp?

Hollystream: Naw, let's just slowly walk away...

Bassripple: Agreed.

*moments later*

Bassripple: Hm, let's turn off that monitor-

Hollystream: Oh wait! Mistystar and Firestar are betting on who's going to win! Oh wow! Three whole squirrels!

Stormkit: Mwistyswar waised hwim a twout!

Bassripple: *facepaw* fine, you watch. In going to do the next dare, from The_Shadeinator.

Hollystream: Ooo, with a name like that it has to be good!

Bassripple: What about the fight?

Hollystream: The way it's going, it still won't be over by the time we're done.

Stormkit: Agweed.

Bassripple: And the dare says to have Jayfeather run around saying his name is Jaykit! 

Stormkit: Not exwactwy fwunwy two mwe...

Hollystream: Ah, you'll be an apprentice soon enough

Bassripple: To the distress of many...

Stormkit: *scowls*


Jayfeather: My life stinks

Stormkit: Wewl...

Jayfeather: >:(

Hollystream: I bet your itching to know what your dare is!

Jayfeather: Of course, don't I look so happy? *scowls*

Hollystream: Yes, but in a weird way

Bassripple: *facepaw* Anyways, your dare is to run around telling everyone your name is Jaykit.

Stormkit: *still upset* Its nwot dat gwate of a dware

Jayfeather: Hm, a sympathizer. How unusual.

Stormkit: You knwo it

Hollystream: Let's get hopping!

*sends Jayfeather on his way*

Jayfeather: Uh, Ashfur?

Ashfur: Wha?

Jayfeather: My name is Jaykit

Ashfur: ? Oh, it must be medicine-cat stuff

Jayfeather: No, it's just my name

Ashfur: That means you were demoted!

Brambleclaw: *chuckle chuckle*

Leafpool: Oh my poor darlin-oh, wait, now I get my job back! *bounce bounce*

Jaykit: *non-kit-appropriate words*

Stormkit: Moufy, iwsnt hwe?

Bassripple: Yah...

Ashfur: *laughing tail off* Oh, this is about as good as the time I almost killed-Uh, wait, never mind...*awkward look*

Leafpool: *growl*

Brambleclaw: *about to attack*

Thornclaw: Hey guys! The fights are getting even better!

Brambleclaw: Really?

Thornclaw: Yah! Quick, buy your tickets before Greystripe ups the price!

Ashfur: What are the stakes?

Thornclaw: Well, Crookedstar seems to be winning with Thrushpelt, and Bluestar with Oakheart.

Hollystream: Aw tom! I had three mice staked on Oakheart!

Bassripple: It pays not to bet on fights.

Hollystream: They'll be betting on another if you don't keep your jaws shut.

Bassripple: *glare*

Stormkit: Dis mwight twake a wiwl, so I dink dis epwisode is compweet! Jwoin us nwext twime! Bwy!

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