Chapter Eight

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  "Wow!"the word burst from Shadowpaw's jaws before she could hold it back. Not that she could help it. The cave was entirely made of crystal, silver and gleaming and polished metal underneath the sun. The cave roof stretched skywards, like a pyramid, and opened up to the sky so rays of sunlight beamed downwards, to light up the cave.

  "Cloudstar's den is there,"the leading tom growled, jerking his head at a large opening in the wall before he padded away to join the other cats.

  Shadowpaw warily entered the dimly lit den, finding a gray and white she-cat with piercing blue eyes sitting on her nest of moss, tail curled neatly over her paws. Her eyes shone fiercely, and she looked even more intimidating than Shadeheart.

  "Who are you, and what are you doing in my den?"Cloudstar spoke, her voice laced with a hint of a threat.

  Shadowpaw knew her life was at stake here if she didn't behave properly. "Greetings, Cloudstar," she meowed, dipping her head in respect. "My name is Shadowpaw, and I am an apprentice in LakeClan."

  Cloudstar shifted slightly, her gaze never wavering. "What are you doing here, then?"

  Shadowpaw hesitated, shuffling her paws against the floor. Finally she said,"I came to warn you about the upcoming plans of LakeClan."

  "And why would you betray your own clan?"Cloudstar questioned, eyes narrowing into a glare. "You are lying."

  Shadowpaw kept her cool. "Very well, Cloudstar. Believe that of me, if you wish. LakeClan has never accepted me as one of their own. Most of my clanmates hate me because I was a rogue's daughter, and they consider me to be bloodthirsty, vicious and a murderer. Now, will you please listen to my warning."

  "Go on,"Cloudstar ordered."But keep in mind, Shadowpaw, if you lie, MountainClan shall make things very difficult for you."

  "Yes, Cloudstar,"Shadowpaw shrugged it off. "Today, an apprentice found some prey bones smelling of MountainClan-"

  "What?"Cloudstar roared, rising to her paws. "Liar!"

  "Cloudstar, he might have been mistaken,"Shadowpaw said calmly. "It might have been some rogues trying to stir up trouble."

  At this, Cloudstar seemed to calm down, and sat back onto her haunches. "Very well," she meowed, her narrowed eyes still sharp and full of blue fire. "Continue."

  "As I was saying,"Shadowpaw said. "This apprentice found some prey bones smelling of MountainClan, and reported the incident back to Ripplestar, in front of the entire clan. Now, Ripplestar wants LakeClan to attack MountainClan tomorrow sunrise!"

  "Filthy scum,"Cloudstar muttered. "Shadowpaw, do you know how LakeClan will attack?"

  "No, but I can guess,"Shadowpaw responded thoughtfully. "He might try a sneak attack- but I'm sorry, I can't be totally sure. Ripplestar will call a meeting at sunhigh, briefing us about the battle tomorrow. Do I have your permission to come back and report to you?"

  "Yes, you have my permission," said Cloudstar. "Thank you for coming to warn me. You may go."

  "Yes, Cloudstar,"Shadowpaw nodded and rose to her paws, preparing to leave.

  "Oh, and Shadowpaw?"

  "Yes?"Shadowpaw turned around at the sound of the MountainClan leader's voice.

  Cloudstar was sitting on the moss, her tail flicking backwards and forwards. "If you don't feel accepted by LakeClan, feel free to join MountainClan."

  "Yes, Cloudstar."

  Shadowpaw padded out of Cloudstar's den, feeling totally shocked and with the leader following behind her. Cloudstar leapt onto a ledge just above her den opening, and let out a yowl. "Taloncry, Silvermist, Gorsefern! Kindly escort this apprentice back to the border of LakeClan, but do not, I repeat, do not be seen by any cat from another clan. Is this all understood?"

  "Yes, Cloudstar,"the three warriors replied. Taloncry was the leading tom from just now, Silvermist was a silver she-cat and Gorsefern was a sandy brown she-cat with striking green eyes. They were very hostile at first, but after Cloudstar had explained everything, they were a lot friendlier, and Shadowpaw soon grew to like them, on the way back.

  This could be my clan,Shadowpaw thought.But I couldn't just leave LakeClan like that... Could I?

  As they arrived at the clearing Shadowpaw recognized as not far from the LakeClan border, Taloncry turned to Shadowpaw and dipped his head.

  "Farewell,"he meowed. "Take care not to be seen, and thank you for coming to warn us. May StarClan light your path."

  "May StarClan light your path as well,"Shadowpaw echoed, and she turned and loped away, not looking back even once.

Well this is short... 

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