Chapter Five

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  Wavepaw leapt at Shadowpaw, hoping to trip her and pin her down, but Shadowpaw ducked and slithered under her belly, dealing a couple of hard blows with sheathed claws. Wavepaw's bigger size and strength gave her the advantage of stronger,harder blows, but Shadowpaw's speed and agility allowed her to duck blows and race around Wavepaw swiftly. Both cats were evenly matched, until Shadowpaw used the back kick Peonyheart had been telling her to practise.

  Shadowpaw whipped around quickly so her hindquarters faced Wavepaw and kicked out with full force, sending her flying and hitting her head against the cave floor. Shadowpaw then dashed over and jumped on top of her, pinning her down.

  Wavepaw raised her white head, groaning loudly. "Where did you learn how to fight like that?" she rasped. Shadowpaw purred, saying,"Just my instincts."

  Wavepaw's eyes gleamed."Well, you're a pretty natural fighter!" she praised, ears twitching. "I haven't ever seen that move before.Can you show me, please?"

  Before Shadowpaw could agree,Peonyheart jumped in.No!Wavepaw might become better than you! Do you want to be the best warrior in the clans? Do you?

  Shadowpaw nodded to Peonyheart and turned to Wavepaw."Sorry,I can't,"she meowed awkwardly."Like I said,everything comes by instinct, so I don't know how to use it unless something triggers me in battle."

  Wavepaw had obviously believed the lie,so she said,"Well,you have no idea how envious I am! Perhaps we'll spar again sometime soon?"

  Shadowpaw nodded, and the two friends parted ways.

  In case Ripplestar accused her of slacking again,Shadowpaw silently picked up a trout from the fresh-kill pile and sneaked into the apprentices' den.There,she ate the trout, savoring its juicy taste.

  "I'd finish that off quickly, if I were you,"a voice said behind her. Shadowpaw choked and jerked her head to the direction of the voice.


  "Minnowpaw's selecting her prey right now, so you'd better hide it before she sees it and reports it to Ripplestar,"he continued, blinking concerned amber eyes at her. Shadowpaw was touched he had actually took care to warn her. "Thanks,"she told the ginger tom, burying the trout underneath the apprentices' den and curling into a ball, pretending to be asleep as Minnowpaw padded into the den, deliberately stepping on her ear. Shadowpaw winced in pain but was determined to not let it show.

  "So,"the black apprentice drawled to Tigerpaw, obviously trying to get his attention, "Want to share tongues?"

  To Shadowpaw's amusement, Tigerpaw rolled his eyes and curled up into a ball as well next to Shadowpaw, his fluffy pelt brushing against hers.

  Minnowpaw muttered something inaudible under her breath and exited the den to probably sulk.At the same moment, Wavepaw entered the den to see Tigerpaw and Shadowpaw curled up together, and let out a faint, knowing mrrow.

  "It's not what you think, Wavepaw,"Shadowpaw grumbled, glaring heatedly at the white she-cat. Wavepaw shook her head, purring, and said,"Do you have anything to do this afternoon instead of taking a nap with Tigerpaw or eating?"

  When Shadowpaw shook her head slowly, she purred and said,"How about I teach you how to climb trees and swim?"

  "Great"Shadowpaw jumped up, anticipation flooding her amber gaze.She followed Wavepaw out of camp and to a beautiful lake.

  The lake glittered and shone under the sunlight, causing its beams to ripple brightly over the water. It reflected the sky and the clouds, with gentle waves bobbing up and down caused by the cool breeze. Slender willow trees with pale bark surrounded the lake, and Shadowpaw longed to take a drink in those waters.

  Wavepaw halted and turned to her."This is Bluewater Lake.Which first, climbing or swimming?"

  "Climbing,"Shadowpaw decided, after a moment of hesitation.Wavepaw nodded."Right. When climbing, the thing you must concentrate on most is pawholds or footholds, or if the branch can support your weight. If you're not sure, test the branch with one paw, then the other.Like that one," she added, waving her tail to point at a low-hanging branch from the willow right next to them. It was thick, but burdened by many leaves. "I'll show you."

  Wavepaw jumped and landed on the bark of the tree, claws digging in firmly to stop herself from sliding back down. She slowly wound her way to the branch and when she reached it, she pressed down hard with one paw, then the other. Suddenly there was a sharp, resounding crack and the branch split-and fell straight down! Shadowpaw watched in horror as Wavepaw dangled in the air with only her hind legs for support before she finally grasped a branch with her front paws and lowered herself down.

  "Great StarClan! Wavepaw, are you okay?"Shadowpaw gasped, dashing forwards to check her friend.Wavepaw blinked her blue eyes, looking puzzled.Then her brow cleared."We do that every time a branch snaps,"she told the younger apprentice.Shadowpaw gasped."May I try?"she asked.Wavepaw nodded er white head.

  Shadowpaw snaked her way up the willow, finding it easy to keep hold on a flexible bark. It was the branches and pawholds she would have to be wary of,she realised. Willow branches were very fragile and easy to snap.

  Engrossed in her thoughts, she wasn't being careful and Shadowpaw heard a loud crack. The branch she was standing on had broken! Down she tumbled until she finally landed smack on the muddy ground, with the branch falling onto her side.

  "Shadowpaw!"Wavepaw rushed forwards."Are you hurt?"

  The mud had cushioned her fall and the branch was very light, so there was no real harm done, but Shadowpaw was feeling sore."Ouch,"she grumbled, raising her head and beginning to groom her ruffled, muddy fur.

   Wavepaw tried to cheer her up"Well, at least you're good at climbing,"she meowed."You just need to work on what to do if a branch snaps.Cheer up! I learned how to climb for one moon!"

  Shadowpaw shrugged modestly and said,"I've had enough of climbing for today... Can you teach me how to swim now, please?"

  "Sure,"Wavepaw responded cheerfully."The first thing you need to learn about swimming is most of your muscles for swimming is at your hindquarters, so kick out strongly in the water, and that'll propell you forwards. Keep your belly tucked in so you can float, breathe with your mouth, and use your paws to help your hind legs and to control which direction you're heading to."

  Shadowpaw hesitated."That's a lot to take in,"she meowed as her brain struggled to process everything.

  "Tell me when you're ready,"Wavepaw meowed, slipping comfortably into the water and kicking out strongly with her hind quarters. Soon, she was swimming swiftly and smoothly.

  Shadowpaw sighed.She knew she would never be good at swimming, because of her small frame and her muscles meant for speediness on land, not strength in the water.

  "Come on,go try!"Wavepaw called to her.Shadowpaw narrowed her amber eyes and braced herself, expecting to drown. 

  Gentle waves washed over her body as she copied Wavepaw's movements unsuccessfully. Soon she began to go under, kicking frantically. "It's not working!"she called in fear, sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of Bluewater Lake.The last thing she heard before water swamped over her muzzle was Wavepaw yowling."Tuck in your stomach to float-"her voice was cut off as Shadowpaw's ears went under as well.

  Shadowpaw began to panic and started to think un-logically, her brain playing tricks on her. You can breathe underwater, her brain invited. Go on, breathe!

  Then her real senses kicked in.I don't want to die!

  Struggling not to breathe, her lungs about to burst, she tucked in her belly. Thanks to her light weight, she began to slowly rise upwards, pushed by the current and her hind legs. Up, up, up, was all she could think of as she desperately churned her paws against the water.

  Her lungs were screaming for oxygen and her muscles burned with the effort of swimming upwards. Her vision started blurring and yellow spots danced within her vision. Suddenly, there was a strong nudge at her side, and her eyelids drifted close.

  Then she blacked out.

Boy, I suppose this is long...

Next chapter coming out next week or next next week!

Sorry, but I'm a slow writer and updater...

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