Chapter One

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  The earl gray light of dawn filtered through the ivy-covered entrance of the nursery, dappling the cozy den softly with warm light. It shone on a mother and her kit sleeping by the inner walls, and an outcast by the entrance, dark amber eyes seeking freedom.

  Shadowkit turned around slowly, careful not to wake her mother, Coral, and her sister, Crystalkit. Her sister was a pretty, dainty she-kit with airs and graces Shadowkit couldn't stand, but her clanmates loved; they looked at Crystalkit with approval at her refined manners and sickly sweet purrs, and glared at Shadowkit with as much hostility as they could.

  Why was this?

  Shadowkit was the daughter of a rogue. 

  Coral was a rogue too, yes, but the she-cat had saved Ripplestar's life during a battle with MountainClan, earning the respect of the clan. Crystalkit had, at first, been hated too, but with her innocent, wide blue eyes and charming demeanour, well-she couldn't possibly harm anyone, would she? Such a lovely, sweet little kit would surely follow in her mother's footsteps, and become a great warrior one day. Like Coral, Crystalkit had light gray fur and large blue eyes;everybody loved her.

  And Shadowkit?

  Shadowkit had been scorned since birth because of her looks. She looked evil, everybody said. Shadowkit had a black pelt and dark amber eyes. Once, Shadowkit had clawed Crystalkit during her sleep-Shadowkit was having a nightmare, so she was struggling and flailing her claws everywhere. One of her paws scratched Crystalkit, and the clan had never forgiven her since. They marked her as a bloodthirsty rogue, and sneered at her wherever she went. So Shadowpaw grew up as an outcast, feeling very desolate and lonely.

  A rustling noise from behind Shadowkit caused her to turn around-Crystalkit was awake, and a very indignant, displeased Crystalkit.

  "Shadowkit!"Crystalkit hissed angrily, light gray fur fluffing up. Shadowkit glanced up in surprise-what had she done now? Hastily, she backed out of the nursery and into the main camp, hoping Crystalkit wouldn't follow her. 

  Shadowkit should've known Crystalkit wouldn't give up so easily.

  Crystalkit followed her outside, hissing, her gaze poisonous with hatred. "Look what you did this time!"she growled, twisting her body for Shadowkit to view.

  Right there, on Crystalkit's haunches, were visible, deep claw marks-which were still bleeding fast!

"I didn't do that!"Shadowkit exclaimed in horror. "I slept as far away from you as I could!"

  "And yet here I am, bleeding,"Crystalkit flashed back, drawing back her lips in a snarl. "You liar!"

  With a shriek of rage, Crystalkit flung herself at Shadowkit, bowling her over and sending them both skidding. Crystalkit strongly kicked out at Shadowkit and sent her toppling backwards. Shadowkit screeched, wildly hitting out at Crystalkit, and one of her flailing, accidentally unsheathed paws clawed Crystalkit in the muzzle.

  Right as this happened, Coral, their mother came hurrying out of the nursery. "Crystalkit!' she cried in horror, noticing her blood-splattered muzzle and clawed haunches. "Did Shadowkit do this to you?"

  Crystalkit gazed up at her mother, mewling pitifully. "Mom, Shadowkit clawed me when I was sleeping!"she sobbed. "And when I told her to not claw me anymore, she attacked me!"

  "I did no such thing!"Shadowkit exclaimed, horrified by Crystalkit's false accusation. "It was she who attacked me first-"

  "Such lies!"Coral reprimanded, glaring at Shadowkit. "This is your sister! You should show more loyalty to your own kin-"

  "Then where's her loyalty to me?"Shadowkit interrupted rudely, trembling with anger and horror. Coral clouted her on the ear and she fell backwards again, dizzy and stunned. 

"You lying she-kit!"Coral snapped, looming over her, blue eyes glaring down at Shadowkit balefully. "I didn't raise you to become this!"

  "But, mom-"Shadowkit protested, but was ignored when Crystalkit started wailing again. "Why did sister claw me?"she sobbed. Coral leaned down and gave the quivering Crystalkit a few soothing licks. "Hush, my dear,"she murmured. Her gaze hardened as she gazed at Shadowkit. "Why did you try to attack Crystalkit in her sleep?"she snapped.

  "I didn't!"Shadowkit wailed, shocked and indignant. "I-"

  "-Don't tell me what to think,"Coral sneered. "Clear out-I will report this to Ripplestar now!"

  Crystalkit turned away, but not before Shadowkit caught the glint of malice and spite in her eyes. Shadowkit gasped-it was Crystalkit who had scratched her own haunches, and blamed it on Shadowkit? Why did nobody believe her? Miserable, she turned away and raced to the elders' den-one of the only places she could achieve comfort.

  "Hello, Shadowkit,"Flinttail greeted warmly, fixing his blue gaze on her. "Come for a story?"

  "Yes, please!"Shadowkit bounced up and down eagerly, but was interrupted by a snarky laugh. 

  A silver-gray she-cat with pale, baleful amber eyes glared at Shadowkit. 

  It was Minnowpaw.

  "Well, well, look what we have here,"she sneered. "The bloodthirsty rogue kit who'll never become a warrior."

  "I'm not bloodthirsty!"Shadowkit protested. "Besides, of course I'll become a warrior! Go away!"

  Minnowpaw smirked and bared her fangs at this, hissing with amused laughter. "You really think so?"she taunted. "Didn't you know you're going to become a medicine cat instead? I overheard Coral and Ripplestar talking. Ripplestar said you were getting too bloodthirsty for your own good, and after that incident, he couldn't trust you to become a warrior and harm more of your clanmates. He decided that making you as a medicine cat apprentice would soften you up, and do you 'good'."

  Shadowkit stared at her in horror, before crumpling to the ground. Why does everybody hate me so?

  Upon seeing her crumpled state, Minnowpaw barked out a harsh laugh. "Weakling,"she snorted before striding out of the elders' den, leaving a juicy, plump trout behind.

    Lilypool, seeing that Shadowkit was hurt but didn't want to offered comfort, said kindly,"Well, which story would you like to hear-The Legendary Gathering or how the new clans were established?"

  Shadowkit swallowed her dismay and said,"How the new clans were established."

  "Right,"Lilypool said, glancing at Gorgewhisker. "Perhaps you would like to tell this tale?"

  Gorgewhisker nodded, taking over. He began the tale...

A long, long time ago...

  There were four strong, peaceful clans by the lake. ThunderClan, the clan of the wise and brave; WindClan, clan of the swift and lean; RiverClan, the clan of those who lived by the river; and lastly, ShadowClan, clan of the ambitious, stealthy and night-hunters.

  One day, the Twolegs came and spread across the land. Slowly, they were forced to leave.  

  With the help of an unknown 'Tribe', the clan cats made it to the lake, and they claimed the territories surrounding it. But then one day, the Great Battle came, and the land stained with gore and blood. There were only seven survivors- Lakestream and Hollowbreeze of RiverClan, Sunwind and Mountainpath of WindClan,  Swallowpelt of ThunderClan and Seawhisker-who used to be a rogue- and Leafthorn of ShadowClan.

  They received a message from StarClan-travel along the river, as it winds into the unknown. As you know, lakes flow into rivers, which flow into seas. So the seven chosen cats traveled along the winding river. 

  Finally, they reached a beautiful lake-Bluewater Lake. They at once knew this was where they were meant to be.

  Lakestream and Hollowbreeze claimed the valley next to Bluewater Lake as their camp, and Lakestream became Lakestar, naming LakeClan after herself.

  The stream continued flowing down to the sea. There it was tough and barren, but Seawhisker, the former rogue, loved it. He gathered many other rogues and made up camp on the beach, in a hollow of worn out boulders formed by sea salt,and  he became Seastar, leader of SeaClan.

  Next to the sea, slightly deeper inland, were green, tall trees where mice and rabbits were plentiful. Leafthorn and Swallowpelt staked it as LeafClan territory-an interesting mix of both ShadowClan and ThunderClan-and Leafthorn became known as Leafstar.

  And Mountainpath and Sunwind?

  They couldn't find any moors. They were free, speedy cats who loved barren spaces and chasing prey over rises and dips-but there was no moorland.

  So they went to the snowy, towering mountains sloping gently up from west of LakeClan territory. There were many similarities between the open moorlands and this barren, rocky mountain-soon, they grew accustomed to it. Mountainpath renamed himself Mountainstar after they found the Moonfire.

  And that is how the new clans came to be." Gorgewhisker ended.

  Shadowkit bounced up and down, flattening the moss in excitement. "I'm going to be a leader, just like Leafstar, Mountainstar, Lakestar and Seastar!"she squealed in excitement, amber eyes growing round. "I'm going to be the best leader ever known!"

  The three elders exchanged dubious looks. "No doubt you will, Shadowkit," Lilypool said, sounding unsure, but Shadowkit caught the note of unease in her voice.

  I can be leader! Shadowkit thought, lifting her chin, a determined look coming to her eyes. One day, I will prove them all wrong!

Great Shake=Earthquake(Twoleg language)

Riddle #1

Who is the warrior that stayed in the nursery forever once she became a queen? Whoever answers correctly will be able to replace Icefang as deputy, and will be given a shoutout.

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