Chapter Thirteen

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Here's another chapter!!

Crystalpaw's POV

  At the sudden shriek of horror coming from Wildsky, Crystalpaw awoke and dashed towards the source of the sound, Dawndrop following close behind. At the center of the clearing, there lay Ripplestar, limbs stiff and foam frothing at his mouth.

  "What happened?"Crystalpaw gasped to the cat next to her, which happened to be Grassflame. Grassflame looked around, green eyes shadowed with terror. "Wildsky, Ripplestar and I had finished our hunting patrol, and we were settling down to eat," she reported. "Wildsky had a mouse, I had a pike and Ripplestar had a trout. Then he was suddenly like this."

  Dawndrop frowned in suspicion. "Was anybody close to the fresh-kill pile?" she demanded to Grassflame. The she-cat thought hard, and shook her head. "Not a soul."

  "Crystalpaw, fetch yarrow from my den,"Dawndrop ordered, beginning to massage Ripplestar's belly. Crystalpaw nodded, still stunned, and ran to the den and picked it up.

  "Here,"she said breathlessly, putting it down next to Dawndrop. Her mentor didn't look at her, only nodded curtly, and whispered,"Check the trout Ripplestar ate,"in her ear.

  "Why?"Crystalpaw asked in confusion. "Just do it,"Dawndrop snapped. With a jump, Crystalpaw picked up the half-eaten trout and flipped it over to where it was bitten. Immediately, red liquid began to flow through the opening. Curious, Crystalpaw bent down to take a look but a paw pushed her over.

  "Don't!"Dawndrop hissed, eyes wide with fear and rage. "Just as I thought- deathberries!"

Shadowpaw's POV

  Shadowpaw's eyes widened at Dawndrop's words. Faking a look of shock, she turned to Wavepaw as the other LakeClan cats began whispering to one another.

  "That's pure evil!"Wavepaw shivered in fear. "We have a traitor amongst us!"

  "Who could have put those berries inside?" Shadowpaw wondered aloud. "Everyone is under suspicion!"

  "No..."Wavepaw whispered in fear. "Ripplestar is going to die!"

  The clearing stilled as Ripplestar jerked up and vomited, but only a little mucus left his jaws. Soon he was splayed there, limbs twitching feebly, wailing in pain like a little kit. "Calm," Dawndrop murmered. "Soon you'll be healed. Crystalpaw, get some poppy seeds," she commanded, and when Crystalpaw placed them next to her, Dawndrop mushed them into a pulp and forced the poultice into Ripplestar's mouth. With a last, agonizing yowl of pain, Ripplestar lay still, eyes glazing over.

  Well done,Shadeheart whispered in Shadowpaw's ear. She acknowledged it with a curt nod.

  With a gasp, Ripplestar sat upright again, poison completely gone from his intestines. His flexed his shoulders and rose onto his rigid paws, anger clear. He studied the clearing, green eyes landing on Shadowpaw and glaring at her harshly.

  "Who attempted to murder me with deathberries?"the leader demanded, rising to his paws. "Who dared to?"

  Shadowpaw faked a look of confusion and horror as Ripplestar's eyes bore into her's like gimlets. You've got no proof,she thought jeeringly.

  Finally, Ripplestar looked away. "Go back to your dens,"he ordered. "We will discuss this in the morning."

  "You go ahead,"Shadowpaw offered Wavepaw. "I've got to make dirt first."

  Wavepaw didn't reply, only slunk off to their den.

  Shadowpaw stealthily crept up to the back of the medicine cat's den, eavesdropping on the hushed conversation between Crystalpaw and Dawndrop.

  "Crystalpaw,"Dawndrop said sharply. "You do realise everybody is under suspicion, do you?"

  "Yes, Dawndrop,"Crystalpaw said quietly. There was a moment of awkward silence.

  "Crystalpaw,"Dawndrop meowed. "You aren't telling me something."

  Crystalpaw heaved a sigh. "I'm so confused!"she confessed. "Dovestar came to me in my dream. She said two prophecies-one completed, one our only hope. This is the first one:

A world of darkness and doom

A world of evil and spilled blood

The future is for the Chosen One to control-

Will she bring light and joy to the world,

Or sadness and useless battles?

  Dovestar said the Chosen One already chose her path," Crystalpaw remembered. "She then said this was the only hope for the clans-

Once friend, then enemy

Once step-sister, always rivals.

Once mate, then gone from the Clan.

The Chosen One, who has suffered too much darkness.

Only one shall live."

  "Ominous, aren't they?"Dawndrop wondered, deep in thought. "Crystalpaw, about the step-sister part, I'm afraid I can't help in this... You'll need to ask Coral. Ask her about your family history."

  There were a series of hushed whispers, but Shadowpaw didn't stick around to hear more. Immediately, she dashed off to the nursery, reeling with the information.

  She looked around cautiously and ducked into the den, and was greeted by a hiss.

  Shadowpaw heaved a sigh. "Hello, mother."

  With a growl of anger, Coral emerged from the back of the nursery. "You attacked Crystalpaw!" she snapped.

  Shadowpaw felt a surge of annoyance at her mother, then sat down. "Look," she snarled. "You and I haven't exactly been the closest. But I need your help."

  "Really?"Coral snipped. "Then you have to do me something in return."

  "What is it?"Shadowpaw demanded. Coral tilted her head, looking amused. 

  "I want you to tell Ripplestar you want to gather moss for me tomorrow,"Coral stated. Shadowpaw gritted her teeth, amber eyes flashing with anger.

  "Done,"she forced out, sealing the deal. "Now tell me about our family history."

  Coral looked taken aback. For a moment, pain, anger and grief flashed in her blue eyes, and they seared with grief and love that could last a lifetime.

  Then she started her tale.

For the full story of Coral I'm starting a book called Coral's Past and I'll publish it when I am done. Will tell you all when I'm done.

*It will be a short story not exceeding 10 chapters*

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