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ultimate_sanmich's round one entry:

This is through the eyes of my OC, Gingerleaf

I remember that day like it happened yesterday. I remember the day my best friend, Goldenwhisker, left LeafClan to go out to SeasideClan. This is how I lost her.

I ran as fast as my legs could possibly run. "Goldenwhisker!" I yelled, trying my best to catch up to her. "Please! Come back!" After a little more running, I saw Goldenwhisker reach the border. She stopped and turned to face me, and the clan she was leaving behind. I padded right up to Goldenwhisker. She was sad, and I could definitely tell. "Why? Why are you leaving? Don't you remember the memories? What about your family? They will miss you. And so will I." I said, with a sad tone to my voice. Goldenwhisker faced the ground, then replied with "I remember...I remember the memories of this clan. I remember the both of us, running throughout the clan as kits. I remember us helping each other as apprentices. And I remember us becoming warriors together. I remember it all. Don't you think I took this into consideration before leaving?" I frowned. "Well then, if you took it into consideration, then what reasons do you have for leaving us!"

It took Goldenwhisker a little bit of time before speaking. "Things have happened in this camp...Things that I let happen. I just don't belong here." I sighed. "What things? and WHY DON'T YOU BELONG?" I mewed, raising my voice. Goldenwhisker hissed. "Keep your voice down! I don't want to alarm anyone." I frowned and nodded. "Continue. And explain with good reason." Goldenwhisker nodded. "Well, I did some things in this camp I'm not very proud of. I have lost the trust of my leader, as well as about half of the camp for what I did." I interviened. "It was an accident! You weren't going to make it! It was obvious." Goldenwhisker frowned and raised her voice. "I could have made it! I COULD HAVE SAVED THEM. But no, I didn't. I let them die. I broke the code."

I frowned. As I was about to speak, Goldenwhisker interrupted. "I let the kits die. So please don't continue rambling on about how IT WAS AN ACCIDENT when it clearly WAS NOT." She said, emphasizing some important points. "I no longer belong in a camp where I'm disliked by almost everyone. Plus I can't live in a camp where those evil memories haunt me forever."

I growled. "Please! It was one mistake." Goldenwhisker huffed. "One MISTAKE?? Okay, so killing kits is a mistake. Yes, but a VERY LARGE MISTAKE! I broke the code Starclan and our ancestors set up long before." I frowned. She was right. It was not good at all to let kits die, even from another clan. "I...understand. But I'm sure if we speak with Ravenstar, everything will be fine." Goldenwhisker shook her head vigurously. "Nothing can fix the damage I've done to the clans. I'm running to a new one. It is on the far side, near the large waters. I will begin my new life, among the others. I'm no longer the Goldenwhisker you know or will ever remember, anymore." And with that, she disappeared. I purred quietly. "Farewell, Goldenwhisker." I said quietly as I roamed into LeafClan.

I have only seen Goldenwhisker once since this moment. She was traveling with a black tom, a white she-cat, and one tiny kit beside. I overheard them talking about that kit, and I remember the name. Her name was Hopekit.

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