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WhovianHorseLover's first round entry:

"Pepperstripe!" Fernheart called, her paws pattering the ground as she raced towards her friend. Pepperstripe was over by the fresh-kill pile, picking out a plump forest mouse. The lilac silver tabby she-cat looked up in surprise at Fernheart's urgent mew.

"Fernheart?" Pepperstripe mewed in concern, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you, have you seen Mosspaw? She went out at dawn and isn't back yet. I'm worried about her." Fernheart said, sitting down on the green grass beside her friend.

Pepperstripe frowned, "Fernheart, what if something happened to her? What if a badger had gotten her? What if-"

"Pepperstripe! Don't start assuming things! She's fine." Fernheart interrupted before Pepperstripe could get too carried away.

"Sorry," Pepperstripe muttered, bending down to eat the mouse. Pepperstripe nudged another mouse with her paw, "Fernheart, aren't you going to eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry." Fernheart stood up and said to Pepperstripe, "I'm going to ask Applepaw and Thornpaw where she is. See you later."

Pepperstripe uttered a muffled 'goodbye' as Fernheart glanced around the ThunderClan camp, looking around for Mosspaw's brothers Applepaw and Thornpaw. Fernheart saw Applepaw playing with Grassfur's kits.

"Hey, Applepaw!" she greeted the brown tabby tom.

"Hi Fernheart. These kits are a handful! They always want to play! Could you take over as I take a break?" Applepaw asked Fernheart. Fernheart purred as she watched the kits cling on to Applepaw's fur like burrs.

"Sorry Applepaw, I have to find out where Mosspaw is. Have you seen her?" Fernheart asked. Applepaw sat down thoughtfully and the kits tumbled off, landing in a heap on the grass. They got up, unnerved, and started a game of hide-and-seek. Applepaw purred loudly watching them. "I like kits. They're fun."

"And also a handful," Fernheart added. When Applepaw didn't reply Fernheart asked, "Um, about Mosspaw?"

"Oh! Sorry Fernheart, I didn't see her at all today. She must've left the apprentice's den early. Why? Is something wrong?" Applepaw asked with a hint of worry in his mew.

"Oh, no. I was just wondering. She hasn't been seen for a while, that's all. Thanks for your help." Fernheart replied and stood, "I'll see you around." She started walking back to the fresh-kill pile, looking for Pepperstripe.

"Wait! Fernheart!" Fernheart turned in surprise to see Applepaw racing towards her.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching the kits?" Fernheart asked worriedly, looking for the excitable litter.

"Thornpaw's keeping them busy. I wanted to ask you, do you have any advice for me? On...er..." Applepaw looked down at his paws, "On Pepperstripe?"

Fernheart looked at Applepaw to Pepperstripe, who was now sharing tongues with Snowfrost, a white she-cat who was heavy with kits. Fernheart looked at Applepaw again who looked like he was ready to bolt. "You like her?"

"Yes!" Applepaw looked at the ground in embarrassment, then looked back up at Fernheart, "Please Fernheart! I like her, a lot. Just tell me what type of tom she likes."

"Well, I don't know." Fernheart replied. Her heart was hammering in excitement. Pepperstripe was pretty with her soft lilac silver tabby fur and round, sparkling blue eyes. Compared to Fernheart's shaggy lilac tortoiseshell fur and her oval dull green eyes, Pepperstripe was gorgeous. When Fernheart was just a 'paw she'd envied her friend who was even pretty as a kit. However Fernheart was glad that Applepaw could be a future mate for Pepperstripe. Even though usually the tom was older than the she-cat, Fernheart thought that Applepaw and Pepperstripe would have wonderful kits together.

"Fernheart? Just," Applepaw took a deep breath, "Ask her. Please?"

"Sure thing." Fernheart purred. Suddenly seeing Mosspaw entering the camp Fernheart said, "Hey, I really have to go. Your sister just turned up."

"Oh, ok." Applepaw stood and walked slowly back to where his brother Thornpaw was playing with the kits. Fernheart raced towards the grey and white tabby she-cat. Mosspaw was hurrying towards where Pepperstripe and Snowfrost were still sharing tongues. Fernheart stopped her before she could go any further.

"Mosspaw! Where were you? I've been worried!" Fernheart scolded the apprentice. Mosspaw was usually a polite she-cat that was completely loyal to the Warrior Code and her clan. She tried hard and was a good hunter. She usually didn't do things like disappearing for half of the morning.

"Fernheart, I need to talk to Pepperstripe. I'll explain it later." To Fernheart's surprise Mosspaw pushed past her and headed towards Pepperstripe. Snowfrost had left.

"Hey!" Fernheart raced towards Mosspaw, but it was too late. Pepperstripe looked at Mosspaw in surprise. Mosspaw had her ears flat and her fur was bristling. Pushing herself into Pepperstripe's face Mosspaw snarled, "I know about you, Pepperstripe." She spat Pepperstripe's name out like it was mouse bile on her tongue. Fernheart was too shocked to say anything.

"Wha-what?" Pepperstripe squeaked. She looked terrified.

"Don't pretend you don't know! I've seen you with him, with Flameflight!" Mosspaw seemed to be on a roll. "I've seen how you sneak out at night to see him! I bet you're carrying his kits right now!"

"Mosspaw, stop!" Fernheart cut in, trying to separate Mosspaw and Pepperstripe, "Mosspaw, there must be some mistake. I'm sure Pepperstripe would never break the Warrior Code!"

"Really?" Mosspaw hissed, "Are you a traitor too? Is everyone a traitor in this clan?"

"Mosspaw! Do you have any evidence? There must be a mistake-" Fernheart tried to defend her friend but Pepperstripe cut in. She was looking at the ground. "Fernheart, Moss...Mosspw\aw's right. I have been seeing Flameflight, from Windclan."

"What?" Fernheart stepped back in shock. Mosspaw looked pleased with herself. Pepperstripe hung her head, "I...I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to him, Fernheart. I didn't mean any harm!"

"'I didn't mean any harm.'" Mosspaw mimicked in a cruel, sarcastic voice, "Right. You disobeyed the Warrior Code! You deserve to be kicked out from ThunderClan! We don't need vermin like you, Pepperstripe."

Pepperstripe whimpered. Mosspaw continued, "I think you better leave, Pepperstripe," Mosspaw's voice was low and confident. She stood up higher like no cat could be better than her, "Leave. And join your friend Flameflight in WindClan!"

"Pepperstripe! You can't! Applepaw loves you!" Fernheart blurted out. Mosspaw and Pepperstripe both stared at Fernheart for what seemed like a moon. Then Mosspaw laughed a high, cruel, laugh. "My brother likes her? Her? That piece of fox dung?"

"Mosspaw, stop!" Fernheart cut in, trying to separate Mosspaw and Pepperstripe, "Mosspaw, there must be some mistake. I'm sure Pepperstripe would never break the Warrior Code!"

"Really?" Mosspaw hissed, "Are you a traitor too? Is everyone a traitor in this clan?"

"Mosspaw! Do you have any evidence? There must be a mistake-" Fernheart tried to defend her friend but Pepperstripe cut in. She was looking at the ground. "Fernheart, Moss...Mosspw\aw's right. I have been seeing Flameflight, from Windclan."

"What?" Fernheart stepped back in shock. Mosspaw looked pleased with herself. Pepperstripe hung her head, "I...I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to him, Fernheart. I didn't mean any harm!"

"'I didn't mean any harm.'" Mosspaw mimicked in a cruel, sarcastic voice, "Right. You disobeyed the Warrior Code! You deserve to be kicked out from ThunderClan! We don't need vermin like you, Pepperstripe."

Pepperstripe whimpered. Mosspaw continued, "I think you better leave, Pepperstripe," Mosspaw's voice was low and confident. She stood up higher like no cat could be better than her, "Leave. And join your friend Flameflight in WindClan!"

"Pepperstripe! You can't! Applepaw loves you!" Fernheart blurted out. Mosspaw and Pepperstripe both stared at Fernheart for what seemed like a moon. Then Mosspaw laughed a high, cruel, laugh. "My brother likes her? Her? That piece of fox dung?"

"She's not fox dung!" Fernheart exploded. Her emotions raged. How could Pepperstripe lie to her, to the clan, for so long? Part of her agreed with Mosspaw, that Pepperstripe was a traitor to the clan. Yet, another part of her, a bigger part, disagreed. Pepperstripe had been her friend even when they were new-born kits. They had done nearly everything together. They were almost sisters. How could she just throw all those memories away over one mistake? Both Mosspaw and Fernheart stared at Pepperstripe, waiting for a response.
"Fernheart, I think Mosspaw's right." Pepperstripe whispered quietly, "I have to go. After this, no one would like me anymore. I'll be an outcast."

"You deserve it," Mosspaw muttered. Fernheart hissed at her, hackles raised. Pepperstripe ignored the comment. Her eyes had a dull, blank look in them, as if she was giving up the fight. "I need to go, Fernheart. I need to be with Flameflight. WindClan will be my new home. You understand, won't you?"

"I..." Fernheart's throat tightened painfully. How could Pepperstripe just run away, and expect her to be fine with it? "Pepperstripe..."

"I'm so sorry, Fernheart. I never meant to hurt you." Pepperstripe whispered. Green eyes met blue, and Pepperstripe turned away. Fernheart watched her leave by the dirtplace tunnel, and her paws seemed to be rooted to the ground. 'Turn back, please turn back.' She thought desperately. But Pepperstripe didn't even turn around. The last Fernheart saw of her was the end of her tabby tail, which whisked in the air, and then disappeared.

Mosspaw snorted, "Well, that takes care of that." She turned a walked away, tail high.

Fernheart felt like a piece of her being had been ripped away. With a yowl, she bounded into the now-empty warrior den and buried her head in Pepperstripe's old nest. It smelled of Pepperstripe, her sweet scent always calmed Fernheart in trouble, now it brought back painful memories.

"Pepperstripe's gone," Fernheart whispered to the walls, "And now I'm alone."

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