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"Pepperkit! I'm so nervous!" Fernkit mewed in excitement to her friend. The two kits were being groomed by their mothers in the shady, cool nursery for their apprentice ceremony which was bound to start soon.

Fernkit's mother, Shadowmist licked Fernkit's ears, "Today is a big day for you, Fernkit." She purred, "And for you as well, Pepperkit."

"I'm glad Icestar decided to apprentice you two," Pepperkit's mother Ivyfoot remarked, "You two kits are getting way too big for the nursery!"

"That's because we're apprentices! Why didn't Icestar apprentice us earlier? I can't wait to get out of the camp!" Pepperkit wriggled free from her mother and bounced over to where Fernkit sat obediently. Pepperkit jumped in circles around Shadowmist and Fernkit.

Suddenly they heard Icestar's voice from outside, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"

Fernkit felt Shadowmist nudge her up, "It's time, little one." She purred, "Make me proud."

"I will, Shadowmist!" Fernkit squeaked. Her paws trembled as she walked towards the Highrock with her mother, Pepperkit and Ivyfoot. Some cats were already gathered there. Fernkit felt Pepperkit's pelt shaking beside hers. They were finally going to be apprentices!

Shadowmist and Ivyfoot paused at the edge of the Highledge. Both Fernkit and Pepperkit stopped and looked at their mothers. Fernkit felt slightly afraid. What if she messed up in the ceremony? What if Icestar decided that she couldn't be an apprentice? Fernkit felt her heart thumping loudly. Suddenly, she was engulfed in Shadowmist's scent, and that calmed her. "It's alright, little one. You'll do great." Shadowmist whispered, "No matter what happens, I'll always be proud of you."

Fernkit felt her heartbeat slow down. She took a deep breath as Icestar looked down from the Highrock and called, "Fernkit, please come up to receive your Apprentice name!"

Back in the nursery with Pepperkit, she had practiced a type of bouncy, confident walk for the climb up the Highrock. All this was forgotten now. Fernkit's paws felt like limp, dead mice, and her mouth felt as if she had just swallowed a mouthful of sand. She stumbled on her way up, and nearly fell, but Fernkit regained her balance in time. Finally she made it up. Fernkit's breath caught in her throat. She could see the whole camp from up here! Icestar smiled down at her. The dark grey tabby she-cat stood and called out, in a strong, powerful voice, "Fernkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed."

Fernkit felt herself trembling again. She blinked, and looked down at where Pepperkit, Ivyfoot and Shadowmist were sitting with the rest of the Clan cats. They all looked proud of her. "From this day on," Fernkit heard Icestar continue, "until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Fernpaw. Your mentor will be Narrowclaw. I hope Narrowclaw will pass down all he knows on to you."

Icestar turned and looked down at the crowd of eagerly waiting cats, "Narrowclaw, please come up and receive your apprentice."

Fernkit watched with excitement as she saw a tom with chocolate-silver tabby fur and amber eyes climb up the Highrock and sat beside her. Narrowclaw had a muscular build and Fernkit noticed a long scar on his left flank. Icestar continued with her powerful voice. "Narrowclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Mooncloud, and you have shown yourself to be brave and loyal. You will be the mentor of Fernkit and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

Narrowclaw bent down and gently touched noses to Fernpaw. Fernpaw felt like she was floating on air. Narrowclaw was an excellent warrior and hunter. "I'll do everything you'll tell me!" Fernpaw said, trying to please her new mentor. Narrowclaw purred, "We'll see, Fernpaw." He said in a deep, rumbly voice that resembled thunder. They broke apart as the clan started to chant Fernpaw's name. Fernpaw looked at Narrowclaw. It was a new beginning for her. She was finally an apprentice!


After Pepperpaw's ceremony, they were both greeted by members of the clan. Pepperpaw's mentor was a senior warrior named Mooncloud. Both Shadowmist and Ivyfoot congratulated Fernpaw and Pepperpaw.

"We go can now outside?" Pepperpaw yelped, jumping all around Mooncloud, getting so excited that she mixed up her words. Narrowclaw and Fernpaw, who were walking a few paces behind them, both purred loudly. "You have much enthusiasm, Pepperpaw, but you must learn to also be serious." Mooncloud said.

"And hedgehogs will fly!" Fernpaw snorted.

"So, are we going out? I totally want to explore ThunderClan territory!" Pepperpaw asked Mooncloud, ignoring Fernpaw's remark. Mooncloud exchanged a look with Narrowclaw, who smiled, "Sure, why not? But stay with us at all-"

"Yipee!" In a flash, Pepperpaw had raced out of the camp. Mooncloud sighed and turned to Fernpaw, "Is she always like that?"

"When she gets excited, yes." Fernpaw replied, purring. The sun shone warmly down. It was greenleaf and the weather was good. "Well, come on and find Pepperpaw before she gets lost!" Narrowclaw said and the two warriors and apprentice went out to find Pepperpaw.

Such marvellous sights! Fernpaw never knew the forest was quite so big! She had a million questions, but with difficulty she swallowed them down and followed Mooncloud and Narrowclaw. They had to find Pepperpaw first. Then she could explore! Narrowclaw was an excellent tracker, and they quickly picked up Pepperpaw's scent. Following it, they came to a recently discovered new valley which hadn't been named yet. The walls were made of sharp, dry rocks which could give way at any time.

"That's strange." Mooncloud sniffed the air, her long whiskers twitching, "Pepperpaw's scent leads up here."

Suddenly Pepperpaw's voice echoed down, "Hey, look at me!"

Fernpaw looked up and gasped. Pepperpaw had somehow managed to climb on a rock ledge and was now sitting down, her tail waving. "Isn't it great?" she called down, "And I climbed up by myself too!"

"Pepperpaw!" Narrowclaw called up sharply, "Come down immediately! The rocks are weak, you could fall!"

"But the view's great here! I can see so many things!" Pepperpaw whined. To Fernpaw, her friend looked half her size so high up. Fernpaw hated to think what would happen if she was to fall.

"Come down now!" Narrowclaw's mew was more urgent, "The rocks are unstable. You could fall!"

"Oh, alright." Fernpaw watched, her heart pounding as she watched her friend pick her way down. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Suddenly as Fernpaw watched Pepperpaw stumbled. She tried to get her balance back, but couldn't. With a yowl Pepperpaw fell, and Fernpaw watched with horror clutching her heart as she saw Pepperpaw's body land with a thud on the valley floor.


"Silverbird, how is she?" Fernpaw jumped to her feet as the medicine cat walked out of his den.

"Pepperpaw's back legs are both broken, but with rest and time, she should be alright." Silverbird remarked matter-of-factly, "You better go, Fernpaw," he added gently, "I know you're worried, but you need sleep. You haven't even had anything from the fresh-kill pile!"

"I wasn't hungry." Fernpaw muttered. "Can I go see her? Please? She must be so upset. It was our first day as apprentice and to her, being a warrior was so close but now she has to wait." Fernpaw begged, all in one breath.

"I'm sorry Fernpaw, but I can't allow visitors until she's strong enough. I'll tell her you came though. She should be happy to hear that." Silverbird turned and went back into the medicine cat den, leaving Fernpaw alone. The camp was dark and silent. It was late and most cats were asleep. Deciding to take Silverbird's advice, Fernpaw decided to sleep. As she walked into the apprentice den, her thoughts again drifted back to Pepperpaw.

"Soon, Pepperpaw," she murmured, her eyes closed, "We'll be warriors soon, you'll see."

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