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A group of cats came into view. There tails were high up, and their ears were perked up and alert for signs of movement.

A dark brown she-cat lead the cats, and suddenly stopped, her mouth opened.

"Blazeleaf, Thunderpelt, Emberstripe, do you smell that?" The she-cat asked.

A ginger she-cat, Blazeleaf, nodded. "It's ShadowClan again, trying to take the Twoleg nest and its valuable herbs." She sighed.

Thunderpelt grunted his agreement with his mate before padding on. Emberstripe finally stepped into the conversation.

"What do you think we'll find this time? Stupid furballs guarding the place, just because of some measly herbs?" Emberstripe hissed, unfortunately angered.

Blazeleaf's vrother Emberstripe, got annoyed many times, especially when something is threatening the clan. That never ended too well.

"Look!" Berryblossom meowed, making Blazeleaf jolt out of her thoughts.

ShadowClan cats were surrounding the place, as Emberstripe had suggested.

"You see! Mangy crow-food eaters are trying to look for vital supplies in our, territory." Emberstripe snarled, bounding up to the ShadowClan cats.

"Look here you mouse-dung eaters! This is our territory! Out!" Emberstripe spat, drool coming out of his mouth every time he spoke. The ShadowClan cats looked at the gray and ginger tom for a second before turning back to picking at the catmint leaves,

"I said, out! Especially you Mouseshadow." Emberstripe growled.

A grey she-cat looked up and hissed. "Look here, youngster, we elders are looking for some catmint. Now shut you mouth or I'll stuff feathers in your mouth!"

"Never, Mouseshadow!" Emberstripe meowed, leaping at the frail elder. Mouseshadow screeched in agony as Emberstripe raked his claws down her side. He then leaped off, made a show-off spin, then barreled into the she-cat,

Her claws dug into the ground, but were ripped out of their sockets when she was pushed over.

She got up, shocked and started to blindly swipe at Emberstripe. He just smirked, but once he got hit in the face, it turned into a snarl. Blood welled from his cheek heavily,

He ripped her chest open, and blood started to pour out. The elder took a few choking gaps before her breaths became slower, and more faint, until there was no more breathing.

The surrounding elders (three of them) all gasped in horror.

"You will pay for Mouseshadow's death!" One of them snarled before backing away and running back towards their camp.


"Dovestar! Dovestar! We need to prepare for battle!" Berryblossom yowled.

The gray leader creeped out of her den and glared at Emberstripe. "What happened this time?" She asked.

Blazeleaf sighed. "He killed an elder from ShadowClan."

Cats around them gasped, including Dovestar. "Emberstripe, what is wrong with you? You have killed your own apprentice on 'accident', you've killed many warriors from other clans, and now an elder that is innocent and was meant to have many moons of peace in the elders den? Emberstripe, come see me in my den, along with your family." Dovestar yowled.

Shocked murmurs rippled through the clan and they cleared a path for the dark gray warrior and his family.


"But Dovestar, you can't exile him! He lost his mother, and his father." Blazeleaf argued.

Dovestar sighed.

"Can't you do anything but exile him? There must be another-" Blazeleaf was interrupted by Dovestar.

"We've tried so many ways. It seems like he's been trained to fight and side with the Dark Forest. There is no returning from the dark place. My final decision is we exile him."


"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the rock pile for a clan meeting!" Dovestar called.

But there was no need because every cat was already gathered. "Today, I have decided to exile Emberstripe. Even though he is a noble and fierce addition to the clan, he may not stay with all the killing going on. Any last words Emberstripe?" Dovestar asked.

"All of you are maggots! The elders and kits especially! I will turn ShadowClan on you, and you will regret your mistake!" And with that he sat back down.

The queens showed fear and wrapped their tails over their kits. The kits back into their mothers belly. The elders on the other paw weren't paying attention.

"Now, if we see you or any of you followers on our land, then my warriors have permission to kill you." Dovestar made her tail swish to dismiss the clan.

Emberstripe hissed and stomped out of the clans camp.


Thunderpelt and Blazeleaf nuzzled each other, happy to have privacy for once, not being put on patrols so much.

"I love you." Thunderpelt meowed deeply.

"Me too." Blazeleaf replied.

Suddenly, a leaf cracked and the two cats perked their ears.

"What was that?" Blazeleaf whispered.

"Probably a mouse." Thunderpelt meowed, nuzzling her muzzle once again.

"No, it's not a mouse. Prey don't come this close to a cat. They aren't that dumb!" Blazeleaf sniffed.

"Get up in the trees." Thunderpelt ordered.

The couple rose to their paws and climbed the nearest tree. Once to the top, they saw a large group of cats headed for ThunderClan's camp.

"ShadowClan." Thunderpelt breathed "Go warn the clan, I will distracted them."

Blazeleaf nodded, backing away and leaping from tree to tree like a squirrel.

Once she got into camp she ran up on the rock pile. "All cats old enough- oh, just come meet under the rock pile!"

Dovestar came out of her den. "What in the name of StarClan do you think you're doing?" She asked.

She silenced Dovestar with a flick of her ginger tail. "Thunderpelt and I saw a group of ShadwoClan cats, coming this way, being lead by Emberstripe." Blazeleaf yowled.

"But how? He killed one of their elders!" Crystalnose screeched.

"Yes, but he could have pretended to be some cat else. And besides, elders forget everything. Well, most of the time." Blazeleaf replied. "Get in battle position! Protect the nursery! Get elders in the nursery, apprentices I want you to get the patrols."

The apprentices nodded and took off.

Warriors guided the elders towards the nursery. "You young 'un's think you can get us in that filthy place?" Grasspelt complained.

Crystalnose just pushed the eldest elder into the nursery and stood guard at the entrance.

The apprentices burst in with the patrols, and right after them was Thunderpelt. "They are coming!" He gasped.

ShadowClan cats burst into the camp, right behind Emberstripe.

Emberstripe went straight for the leader, Dovestar.

"Hey you! You traitor! I'm going to kill you!" Emberstripe yowled, unsheathing his claws.

"I will never let you take ThunderClan down, Emberstripe." Dovestar cooed.

Emberstripe laughed. "It's not Emberstripe anymore, it's Bloodstar, and BloodClan now!"

Dovestar growled "What did you do with Stormstar?"

"Killed him of course!" Bloodstar smirked.

With a yowl of total rage, the white ThunderClan leader jumped onto Bloodstar. Bloodstar stood where he was, just staring and smirking even more.

"Do you not know? StarClan had destined me to save the clans! They gave me powers, thinking that I would be part of a prophecy, and take it seriously! Ha! No, I turned on the long ago and took those powers for my own power!" Bloodstar purred.

"What!" Dovestar exclaimed "StarClan will remove your powers! Look, your bleeding! StarClan will not permit or tolerate your selfishness!"

Bloodstar took the opportunity to lunge at the white leader. He took a large bite on her throat and bit down harder than he ever has. Blazeleaf looked on in horror as her leader went limp and lifeless.

When the whole clan realized she was dead, they stopped what they were doing and yowled with grief. The medicine cat, Lightbriar roared.

"Do not fear my clanmates! She is only losing a life! She still has four more." She yowled.

Murmur's of grief died down and sighs of relief were heard. Bloodstar kept on biting her throat, even though she was dead.

"Let her go Bloodstar." Blazeleaf


"No! Never! She exiled me." He roared.

"Does that mean you have to kill her? She was just doing her duty. You'll find yourself exiling some cat in your term of leader." BlazeLeaf added.

"Fight with claws and teeth, not words!" Bloodstar growled.

"No, I fight with both. Bloodstar, or shall I call Emberstripe, you know this isn't right, so why are you doing it?" Blazeleaf asked.

Bloodstar raked his claws down her side. She winced, but kept on talking.

"Please Emberstripe! Remember the nice days!"


"You leave me no choice Emberstripe- no, Bloodstar, because your a bloody murderer." Blazeleaf growled.

She faced him off, unsheathing her claws. Bloodstar did as well, and started to growl. Then he collapsed, and behind him, a golden she-cat with stars in her pelt glowered over him.

"What are you doing?" The golden she-cat demanded.

"Using my powers!" Emberstripe hissed.

"You are part of a prophecy, don't be selfish about it!" She roared.

"Do you think I will turn back to being a weakling?" He laughed.

"You give me no choice, Bloodstar." She meowed.

She scraped her claws down his neck and breathed at what she had done. She had murdered a cat, going against the Warriors code. Instantly, the ShadowClan cats fell apart and fled for the entrance.

Once they were gone, the golden she-cat faced Blazeleaf. "You are very brave Blazeleaf, that is why you will take the role of your brother in the prophecy. I will guide you through the toughest times." She meowed, starting to fade away.

"Wait, what is your name?" Blazeleaf called.

The she-cat smiled, and meowed "My name is Honeyfern, my apprentice."

Blazeleaf gasped. "You were the one who got killed by a snake and saved Poppyfrost and Jayfeather at the moonpool and fell in love with Berrynose!"

"Yes, I am that cat, yes I am..."

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