Dying Apprentince Ceromony

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Sometimes tragedy can come upon an Apprentice, where they are striped of the chance to become a full Warrior in an accident.If an Apprentice is dieing or is injured and unable to become a full Warrior, the Clan Leader can perform a special ceremony where they give them their Warrior's name even though they will never truly live as one. This gives the Apprentice spirit of the Warrior they could have been and if they are dieing means they can join StarClan as a Warrior.
This ceremony isn't usually done in a Clan meeting, it is done by the Clan Leader who will usually visit the Apprentice in the Medicine Cat den.

Leader: "I ask my Warrior ancestors to look down on this Apprentice. [ He/She] has learned the Warrior code and given up [ his/her] life in the service of [ his/her] Clan. Let StarClan receive [ him/her] as a Warrior. [ He/She] will be known as [ New Warrior name]."

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