When the Stars Reach Us

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This was another story I had up for a while but eventually deleted because I got bored with it and didn't know what to do with it.

The story was supposed to be a story of finding what you need and accepting what you never had.

The two main characters were Pigeonflight and Sorcheye (Who was a half-blind lesbian! Good on young me). These two best friends had died not too far apart from each other.

Pigeonflight died alone, soon after breaking up with her old mate, who is now the leader of the clan she was in, because they had very different needs in life and couldn't fulfill them with each other. (Originally it was he fell in love with a different cat, but I changed it). She was disappointed she never lived old with a mate or family.

Enter Sparrowfeather, a fellow cat who died wanting a family. They bond over their losses and soon fall in love. They may never have kits but they have each other and that's all they need.

Scorcheye, on the other paw, died while getting her kits to safety in battle. She often visits them in dreams (One becomes a med-cat so that's fine but the other two are warrior apprentices who are doing fine). This is because her family never supported her. They wanted her to be a medicine-cat since she could never fight with her being blind and couldn't have kits since she was gay (jokes on them she adopted and became a nursery helper). Scorcheye has to learn that she needs to let her kits grow on her own and needs to let them let go of her. She has to accept her losses, and that's okay.

Some characters and such I want to talk about.
Hollowstar (Woodenstar?) Was Pigeonflight's ex-mate who became leader. I had a chapter where Hollowstar was becoming the leader and having his nine-lives ceremony. Pigeonflight had to give a life to him, which she hated. I don't remember what life she gave him, but I think a cool life could've been "Never ending/Undying love for your clan," and then he feels the pain of them breaking up again.

Another character was Galekit, one of Scorcheye's kits, who died of food poisoning. I dunno whether he would be better scrapped because Scorcheye's whole arc is letting go of her kits or if he would be more like a reminder to Scocheye that her kits don't need her anymore. They've grown from their kit stage, unlike Galekit who couldn't have, because you can't age in StarClan.

And the final character was Nightfur, who was a father figure to Pigeonflight, I think before he died of old age. I didn't do much with him but I now realize his potential is in the fact he never had a mate and kits, and he's fine with that. For one, it shows you don't need a mate and kits to be happy, that's just something Pigeonflight and Scorcheye wanted and never got the chance to experience due to death. He'd also be a good guiding character for Scorcheye in helping her understand the need that she doesn't need to be so involved in her kits life.

I think this was a great story idea, I just didn't know how to do it or write it. Didn't help I had no story outline for it.

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