Chapter Eleven: Christmas

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Oh my god! Today's Christmas! I got up and changed into this:

I hurried to the dojo to help Kim set up for her Christmas ball. I walked in my cheeks red from the cold. "Hey guys!" I smiled walking over to them. "Hey Pennie we're just getting ready to do the whole secret Santa thing" Jack explained. Kim walked over holding a box with names. I reached in and pulled a slip out. Jack. I smiled, I already know want to get him. I then helped Kim set up hanging snowflakes on the ceiling along with a few mistletoes here and there. "Mistletoe huh?" Jack chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Don't get to excited Jack" I stated sarcastically. "So who's your date?" Jack asked. I made a thoughtful face. "No one" I smiled.
"You?" I asked. "No one" he mocked. I giggled tucking a curl of hair behind my ear. Kim walked up to us. "Hey Jack, would you go to the ball with me" she smiled sweetly batting her eyelashes. "I um..." His voice trailed off as he stared at me. "Great I'll see you then!" She grinned skipping away. I sighed. "Well I have to go get ready see ya Jack" I walked away and I heard him groan in frustration. When I walked to my house I did my makeup light blue, lips pink and cheeks red. My theme was snowflake. I changed into this:

I wore Jacks necklace and I walked into the dojo. Christmas music was playing and I could smell fresh peppermint. I saw Jack and Kim together. I cringed. I walked over to them. Jack turned around and his jaw dropped. "Pennie you look....amazing!" He exclaimed. I giggled. "Thanks" I blushed. Kim glanced back and forth between us. Suddenly her song came on and she danced to it. I giggled as a more classical song came on. Jack turned to me. "May I have this dance" he offered out his hand. I took it giggling. We began to dance as he lifted me up in the air.
  We were doing this dance:

We stopped and I curtsied as he bowed. "Secret Santa!" Someone announced as we walked away. I grabbed a gift that had my name on it. I unwrapped it slowly to see a snowflake necklace. I turned it over. Engraved it read you are my snowflake. I smiled looking up to see Jack receive his skateboard. I smiled at everyone until my eyes landed on Kim. She had gotten a ring. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Jack thanking him. I sighed. I guess this was my cue to leave. I tore my eyes away from them as I went to the entrance. I heard footsteps coming after me and someone grabbed my hand.
I turned and saw Jack. "Pennie wait please don't go" he pleaded. I gave him a soft smile. "It's fine Jack with Kim" I was about to walk away when I heard the strum of a guitar. I saw him holding a guitar. "Let me explain" he begged and I slowly nodded. He began to sing:

I smiled as everyone applauded. We stood there in the doorway. "Look mistletoe" he pointed up. I saw the mistletoe hanging above us. He then pulled me into a breathtaking kiss. We pulled away from each other and I stared him straight into the eyes. "Took you long enough" I smiled as I kissed him again. For once in my life, everything was perfect.

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