Chapter Ten: Paintball

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Chapter Ten: Paintball

  I got up and smiled remembering it was paintball season. Jack and I planned on playing together. I changed into this:

I skateboarded to the dojo where we planned on meeting up. I was on a team with Jack, Milton and Jerry. I quickly ran inside. "What's up guys?" I smiled brightly. "Ok who are you and what have you done with Pennie?" Milton questioned. I rolled my eyes. I then punched him in the arm. "Yep still Pennie" he wheezed and I smiled. Jack turned to Jerry and Milton. "Listen guys I really want to win...and that will only happen if you stay dedicated and focused" he explained eyes lighting up with determination.
We practiced our aim and practiced almost everything. Well....Jack and I did. I walked in the dojo to see Milton reading a book on military survival tips. Jack walked in followed by Jerry. "Hey Jack I was just reading to help us prepare for the big game" Milton smiled. "About that....guys I would like to introduce you to General Calhoun" A man dressed like a General marched in. "He has offered me a spot on their team and I decided to join" he stated firmly. The man nodded his head in confirmation. "Its true, he is a way better fit on my team than yours" Calhoun said. "What about Pennie?" Jack asked. "Could she join too?" The General turned to me. "But she's a girl?!" He exclaimed. I huffed. "Girls are just as good as guys!" I yelled. He turned to Jack then turned to me. "I suppose I can make an acceptation" he grinned. I turned to Jack then to Milton and Jerry.
"No" I stated. "No?" He asked. I nodded. "Unlike Jack I'm not going to abandon my friends just for a game of paintball" I huffed. I then turned to Jack. "I knew you wanted to win, but leaving your friends that's not something I thought you would do" I glared. Jack looked a little regretful. "Let's go" Jack mumbled leaving the dojo.

At the arena....

  "Introducing the Wasabi Warriors!" The announcer yelled. We walked out. I was wearing this:

Jack stared me up and down and I rolled my eyes. "You guys won't stand a chance it's best you drop out" He stated. I huffed. "You lost the right to tell us what to do when you left" I glared. He looked lost for words. "3...2...1...go!" I ducked behind a large barrel Milton, and Jerry close behind. We watched as Jack shot multiple people. "Did you see that, he looked him dead in the eyes and shot him!" Jerry exclaimed. "Do you have a plan Milton?" Jerry asked worridly and Milton nodded. Milton walked out arms raised. "I surrender" he stated. "Drop your weapon" Jack ordered and Milton dropped it. "Where's your teammates?" He questioned.
"Jerry went crazy and ran away in the bathroom, and Pennie well she's right there" he pointed and I went down the zip line shooting his teammates. I did a front roll and landed perfectly standing up. We pointed our guns at him. Milton went to shoot and his gun locked. "This was almost perfect but I guess you didn't plan everything" he smirked. I chuckled. "Oh no we did" Jerry jumped out and shot him dead center. Jack was on a state of shock. "The winners are Purple Team!" They announced and we cheered.  "I'm sorry guys, how about I play with you next year" he offered and we nodded.
"But first" I smiled and got paint smearing it all over his face. "Revenge is sweet" I bopped his nose. He raised and eyebrow. I chuckled. Soon we were all laughing. I can't wait till next season.

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