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Name: Darkviolet
I absolutely love this name.

Past Name(s): Dark-kit, Darkpaw
Probs didn't need to add the - but ya I jug the two ks next to each other it's makes sense.

Future Name(s): None

Why the Prefix: Dark is for her dark shadowy pelt and mischievous troublemaking.

Why the Suffix: -violet for her eyes and as a small homage to her mother, both being named after flowers.
You're telling me she as violet eyes? Cats can't usually have purple eyes unless they're genetically changed as far as I'm aware but don't quote me.

Appearance: Darkviolet is a short furred, shadowy black she-cat with sharp icy lavender eyes. Like I said earlier I don't believe realistic cats can have that eye colour. She has a no need for a as it makes it sound like one when you obviously mean all four are long since you say "legs" long legs and tail, and thanks to her rivalry with Whitewind, she is lean and somewhat muscular from all of there wrestling and races. Has long, rounded tipped ears and small paws, with a high rump. Has a small scar on her left ear from a practice battle with her brother.
So she's "lean and somewhat muscular from" just "wrestling and races"? With just that one cat??? That seems a little odd.

Gender: She-cat *gasp* would never have guessed.

Rank: Warrior

Past Rank(s): Kit, Apprentice

Age: 48 moons

Age of Death: 50 moons she's not long from death I see

Clan: GrassClan - this clan is located somewhere in Canada in a small birch tree forest. Was founded by a tom named Grass, who became Grass-star. Makes sense. If you have more about Grassclan I would love to read more if it isn't already in here.

Personality: Darkviolet is childish and snarky, and loves to cause trouble and pull pranks. Most cats in the clan labels her as the 'Warrior sized Apprentice' because of this. She does try to be serious when the time comes, but thanks to ADHD and being Bipolar, she can't stay still and her mind bounces around everywhere. When she was younger, she had a hard time showing feelings thanks to it, where she'll lash out by accident, but thanks to Whitewind when they were apprentices, she now has a much more solid grip on things. She is still prone to lashing out and having anger fits though.
Is Whitewind a friend?

Likes: hunting, play fights, her brother, most of her clanmates, rain, playing pranks
Playing pranks, of course

Dislikes: cats who have no sense of humor, loud noisey kits, a lot of snow, those who make fun of her brother for his handicap, snakes
I'm now intrigued about her brother.

Family (that is relatively note worthy)
So like the more important ones?

Mother: Crowblossom - a shadowy black queen with long tufts of fur on her cheeks, ears, and under her legs. Had a feathery tail, and icy lavender eyes, which Darkviolet got from her. Dead. Died from milk fever. Darkviolet doesn't remember her. When you say queen do you mean she was a permanent queen or that's just her rank at the time? Also I've never heard of milk fever.

Father: Olivebreeze - a tall, ginger tabby tom with hazy, half lidded olive green eyes. Has a scar on his nose from his son (Darkviolet's brother), and a noticeable limp in his right back leg. Alive. Rogue/could now possible live in a different clan. Darkviolet doesn't like him after he left her and her brother. I do hope you that it is mentioned somewhere why Olivebreeze got the scar from his son. I also haven't seen Olive as a named used before i don't think. It's different and unique and I like that.

Brother: Shadowshine - a tall, short furred, midnight black tom with a shorter tail and smaller ears. Missing his right leg after an accident with a monster, so now hobbles wherever he goes. Alive. Turns to him when she has a problem 9 times out of 10.
Dam the poor leg.

Mate: Whitewind - a long tufted, fully cloud white tom with dark blue-green eyes. His left eye is now welded shut and his right leg is useless thanks to an accident. Has a shattered right shoulder which makes thing unbearably difficult, but is a hard worker to help provide for the clan and his family. Alive. Loves him for how kind hearted he was to her and never gave up on her during their kithood.
So many of these cats have permanent injures, it's kinda sad but I'm actually taking a liking to it. It gives them more character and I feel like most people just don't think of that or don't want to their cat to be "scared" if you get what I mean. And Whitewind is her mate, gotcha.

Mentor: Deerwind - large brown tabby tom with a broad chest, long claws, long fangs, and long ears. Dark amber eyes. Dead. Died of greencough. Though the two didn't see eye to eye all that much, Darkviolet gives him credit for once being a hard worker.
I appreciate the hat you gave more information to why they are important or valued by her, I thank you for it.

Apprentice: none (there is no way in the Dark Forest Lightstar is letting this little demon rub off on impressionable children) it is what it is

Others: Part of my Mafia book: 'Killer Mystery' and 'GrassClan's Reformation'. Very nice

Backstory: Dark-kit was born with her brother during a horrible Leaf-Bare, when herbs were scarce and prey was little to none. Her father wasn't around (or so she remembers, everyone knew how often he'd visit, and would even bet on how many times he'd visit that day).
Bruh, what an amazing father

All she knew was that one day, her mother wasn't there, and didn't come back. (Dark and Shadow were only half a moon old when Crowblossom died, who suffered from a bad case of milk fever after standing in as a milk mother for other kits who lost their mother thanks to how bad that Leaf-Bare was.) ohhh so is milk fever like when she produce not enough milk or to much milk or over use or milk or something alone those lines? No one told them what happened, so Dark-kit just thought she left to go on a trip. Oooof

Her stand in mother was named Yarrowstripe, a long furred silver tabby with lime green eyes, who nursed her until she was old enough to eat prey. Thanks to her out of control fits though, most kits didn't like to play with her, and it was only her brother who tried to include her. When she was a few moons old, a denmate named Whitekit (who, yes, was bribed by Shadowkit) tried to play with her. The two surprisingly hitting it off and even became best friend and rivals during their apprenticeship. "Frenemies"

Around this time, Olivebreeze hardly ever came around Dark-kit and her brother, still grieving over Crowblossom, the two looking mostly like carbon copies of her. I'm assuming be become more distant because they were basically spitting imagines of his former mate but why so distant before her death?
Darkpaw wasn't really effected by it, and just thought it was normal for dads to be like that (lots of death that Leaf-Bare thanks to little prey and sickness outbreaks). Gotcha

Whitepaw tried to help her with her outbursts, the two coming up with what they called the spotting game (I Spy basically), which helped distract Darkpaw from what made her angry and helped kept keep her attention. Though they got along a lot, her and Whitepaw still had a rivalry they kept up, challenging each other to races, play fjghts was that j put their purposely? ,see who could catch the most prey, and even placed bets on who would anger grumpy old Elkfur, your resident grumpy old tom. Your resident grumpy old tom, I love it!!!! And Elk is a unique prefix I just say, or others just don't think or do their research before making names up.

It wasn't until their late apprenticeship did anything really bad happened. Her and Whitepaw came back from training, and learned that Shadowpaw was hit by a monster after him and Olivebreeze got into a fight over why the ginger tabby was a poor father. Just casually has fight near a road or where monsters are.

Their father left, and never returned, wait so did Olivebreeze just witness his son almost die and just go bye son, good luck?
while Shadowpaw lost his leg, and was forced to stay as an apprentice for over two more moons as he recovered. Darkviolet visited regularly, and when he finally left, it felt like things were returned to normal.
That would have been fun for the med cats at the time having to either remove what was left of his leg and/or "stitch" him up.

However, the k¡lling started up soon after. She was accused at first, thanks to her outbursts and personality; but was voted innocent. After four cats died, they finally caught the murderer, who was an apprentice named Rabbitpaw. She was a part of a group of cats who believed all sins could only be redeemed by blood, and even said that if Rabbitpaw did their bidding, they wouldn't k¡ll her for hers.
That was kinda random lol

Before the clan could settle on a punishment for her traitorous actions, Whitewind saw her tried to escaped and chased after her. She made him blind in his left eye, and after pouncing onto her and falling off a ledge, Whitewind broke his right shoulder. Rabbitpaw escaped, and didn't come back (yet). Bro the punishment should have been blindness.

Darkviolet stayed by Whitewind's side as he recovered, the two never officially saying it; but knew they cared for one another more then rivals, and silently became one another's rock to lean on. Darkviolet isn't sure what happened to her father or Rabbitpaw, but knew they were ready for when they ever came back.

Now she is expecting her and Whitewind's first litter, which coincidentally, is going to be in one of the most harshest Leaf-Bare the Clan has seen since she was born. Well that's unfortunate.

As you never specified stated how Olivebreeze received his wounds I'm just going to imagine that he got it the flight with his son. If you did mention it someone then that's on me for not paying proper attention lol.

Over all I think Darkviolet is a well made character and I couldn't find any fault to correct really. You described everything perfectly which lead to nearly any follow up questions.

I rate Darkviolet a 9/10 because there's always room for improvement.

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