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Name ↬ Ravenpool
Past Name(s) ↬ Ravenpaw, Ravenkit
Future Name(s) ↬ None
Name Reason ↬ Raven for her black pelt, pool for her calm and unwavering demeanor noice

Description ↬ An average sized she-cat with a very long, fluffy pelt that makes her appear bigger than she really is. That must come to her advantage.
Ravenpool looks pure black at first glance, however in certain lighting, her fur can appear to have a silver tint to it. Her tail is longer than average and has a slight poof to it, her back left paw is an off-white and she has green eyes that look slightly teal.

Gender ↬ female
Rank ↬ warrior
Past Rank(s) ↬ apprentice, kit
Age ↬ 36 moons
Age at Death ↬ 42 moons (there is a reason for this) of course
Clan ↬ DarkClan, known for their dark, shadowy territory and ruthless battle techniques a none canon clan, loving it
Past Clan(s) ↬ none sweet

Personality ↬ Ravenpool is a logistician, her defining traits being integrity, practical logic, and tireless dedication. Ravenpool enjoys taking responsibility for her actions, and takes pride in the work she does. If asked to do something, she will hold back none of her time and energy and complete the task with accuracy and patience. Ravenpool doesn't make assumptions, instead she analyzes her surroundings, checks the facts, and comes up with a logical and practical answer. She doesn't take nonsense from anyone, and once she's made a decision she will relay the facts over and over again to get her point across. Expecting others to grasp her point of view immediately. Ravenpool has little tolerance for indecisiveness and can become snappy when a cat takes too long to reach a decision. When she says she'll get something done, she means it and will finish any task once its started. Combining laziness and dishonesty is the quickest way to get on Ravenpool's bad side. To Ravenpool, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and her blunt statements may leave others thinking she is cold or uncaring. Failure is a huge obstacle for Ravenpool, and when she fails she'll often spend days upon days afterwards analyzing and thinking over her mistake to see where it went wrong, sometimes even becoming obsessive over it. Wow. Her floors and equaled out with her positives I would think.

Likes ↬ difficult problems to solve, honesty, analyzing things,
Dislikes ↬ laziness, HATES dishonest cats, failing, hot-headed cats, loathes making mistakes makes sense

Kin ↬
{ Mother } deceased
Darkwing • a fluffy dark gray, almost black mollie with pale ginger markings and amber eyes
• Darkwing was a very strict mother, and very protective of her daughter. She was a very serious mollie with a no nonsense vibe to her. As a respectable warrior, Darkwing trained Ravenkit well for harsh battle. And she would often push the kit to her limits. This resulted in a sort of distant relationship between the two, but they loved each other deep down just the same. I can see where a lot of Ravenpool's personality and traits come from now.

{ Father } status unknown so I imagine a nine clan cat then? It's funny how Darkwing is so strict to an extent and yet she's got a non clan cat as a mate or did have one.
Moss • a black tom with white paws and muzzle with green eyes
• Ravenpool never knew her father, but if she had been the one to go with him she would of found that he had a very carefree approach to life. He was a jokester at heart and he always had a joke or story to tell. He was very kind, something that drew Darkwing in as it was so much different than her harsh life with the clan, and he could smile through the hard times. Always saying, "if you just believe things will get better, they will. One way or another."
Two very different cats but I can see how they would work.

{ Brother } status unknown
Storm • a dark gray, almost black tom with ginger and white markings and amber eyes
• Not much is known about Storm, as Darkwing gave him to his father for him and his sister to take care of, so that at least one of her kits could have a carefree life. Far enough.
But if the siblings were to ever meet Ravenpool would find that he had inherited his father's carefree lifestyle, though he was a bit more serious than Moss. He had a somewhat positive outlook on life, but he also knew when to be realistic.

Mate ↬ none
Crush ↬ none
Mentor ↬ Blueflurry • a fluffy pure white tom with bright blue eyes interesting name, I don't think I've ever heard flurry used before.
• Blueflurry was a very cheerful tom, despite the situation the clan was in, and he would always find time to give a comforting word to the kits and apprentices, even if they were grounded in lies. Ravenpool despised this, and would often counter his reassurance with the harsh truth. Saying that if he kept pampering the young cats in the clan they would never survive as warriors. The two would often fight over which was the better approach. And as both of them were stubborn, these arguments could go on for days after the initial start. Fun times
Apprentice ↬ none not yet I would assume or does she just not get one?

Backstory ↬ Ravenpool was born to Darkwing and Moss, a rouge so his status is known?
, into a time of war and conflict, where the average life expectancy was only 38 to 40 moons at best why?. Kits were expected to begin training as soon as they could walk and talk, however not actually join the battlefield until they became apprentices. Since Darkwing was her mother, Ravenpool was raised in the clan and trained for harsh battle by her mother throughout kithood. When she became an apprentice, a young white tom with striking blue eyes named Blueflurry became her mentor. The two were polar opposites from personality to appearance and while they often butted heads Blueflurry trained Ravenpaw well up until her first battle. The battle was fought between their bitter rival RapidClan, who wanted to snatch DarkClan's territory for their own. During that battle, Ravenpaw sustained many injuries and it's where most of her scars and torn ear came from. After the battle, Ravenpaw was approached by Darkwing, saying there was something she needed to tell her daughter before she died. And then, in a clearing away from the rest of the clan, Darkwing revealed who Ravenpaw's father was, and that she had a brother, who Moss had taken with him. Outraged and hurt that her own mother could break the code, Ravenpaw began to give her the silent treatment, ignoring all her pleas and attempts at apologizing. I bet this will stab her in the back.
Another battle came soon after and Darkwing died, feeling that if her daughter no longer wanted her then there was no reason to live in a world of hatred and violence. Ravenpaw was rightfully heartbroken, and started regretting her last actions towards her mother, wishing desperately to change the  past. What did I say.
Ravenpaw soon earned her warrior name, Ravenpool, for her tireless dedication and calm demeanor. And during the ceremony, Ravenpool vowed to herself that she would never lie to anyone, no matter how much the truth might hurt, for she knew that a lie hurt much worse. Ravenpool went on to live through 6 more harsh battles, before finally succumbing to a fatal throat wound. Ouch

Themesong ↬ Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie I don't think I've heard of this song before but I might listen to it, so I can get a better understanding of Ravenpool.

Other ↬
• Ravenpool got her pelt color from both her parents, with Darkwing's grayish pelt allowing for Ravenpool's fur to have a silver tint to it. Her white paw came from Moss, as well as her green eyes.
• Storm was named by Moss on behalf of his roots. As Moss considered the conflict in the clans a "whirling storm."
• Darkwing only gave Storm to Moss as she couldn't bear to give up both her kits, but didn't want to rid Moss of the joy of being a father. She also didn't want both her kits to live a war torn life. She's not so harsh as I thought her to be.
• Darkwing simply didn't flee the clans to join Moss as she couldn't bear to abandon her clan during its time of need. And Moss couldn't join Darkwing as it was strictly forbidden for any outsiders to be allowed in the clan. Most rogues found were either killed or chased off with many wounds to remember them by.
• Blueflurry lived to be one of the oldest warriors in the clan, dying at the age of 56 moons, which was quite a feat at the time. Definitely out lived the life expectancies by a longer shot.
When he joined Ravenpool in StarClan he often joked about how his approach to life was clearly superior to hers.
• While the war-stricken clans did believe in their ancestors, StarClan had little influence in their lives and was simply a place they went when they died.
• The clans had been at war for many generations, and no living cat can even remember what started the war in the first place. I was going to ask why they were at war but never mind.
• The code is generally very similar to the cannon one, with the only differences being that Medicine Cats could take mates and have kits as long as another queen could raise the kits and they had mentored an apprentice. Cats were to show no mercy in battle, as leaving an opponent alive was considered betrayal to their clan. Any cat who betrayed the clan was most likely killed, though sometimes they escaped into exile if they had a particularly kind leader.
Thanks for giving some extra details on Darkclan.

Ravenpool is another well thought out characters and there's only a few things that would really need to be fixed.

I give Ravenpool a 9/10. Fix a few things up and you've got a 10.

Thank you so much for putting in a form. It's was quite easy to rate and easy to read which was nice. I really appreciated the extra details.

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