White Man In Gray

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy.......

Here's Crying Fox's wolf form.

My device I'm writing on is messing up, and I cannot get a new one, until my mother returns from a funeral in Kansas, my grandmother's funeral.
Because it's messing up this app to this website continues to say it's not working as I write.

Werewolves like this have super strength, super speed, keen hearing, and keen sense of smell.
Their weaknesses are wolfsbane and silver.
They age like humans do, so they can die of old age.

War related crimes mentioned and gore too.


Walking Willow had served me the rabbit she cooked, and a vegetable soup, which was so good, it filled me up quickly, and it was late into the night when the funeral for Raging Crow's son Blazing Crow.
I could hear from the tent chanting and drum beats, and Walking Willow decided to stay with me, and not attend the funeral, but her husband who's also a medicine man Blazing River, who is seventy years old, had attended the funeral.
I haven't met her husband yet, because he has been busy with his work.

I stared at the flames of the fire; me worried about why the white man like me even approached this tribe.
I heard a gun shot suddenly, making me jump; then screaming of people, and Walking Willow walked over to the flap of the tent door opening, her saying to me.
"White man is attacking village!"
I then heard snarling noises of some creature, and screams of terror.

I walk over to her; me peeking out of the tent too, and I watched many Lycan looking creatures attacking white men on horses, them tearing the white men apart with their fangs and claws, and one Lycan looking creature stood out, one that had white fur with black blotches, and had hairless dark gray ears, and face, but had white long wild hair on top of his head, and he wore a brown buckskin loin cloth, a tribal feathered necklace, and leather banded beaded jewelry on his muscles of his arms, and white fur covered cuffs at his wrist that had buckskin brown leather on it.
The skin of his hands were dark gray with white blotches, and he had black claw-like nails.
He also had golden eyes.
He had lunged at the leader of the white man, who wore a civil war uniform, a gray uniform, and the wolf had torn out the throat of that white man, the other wolves did the same to the other white men, killing them all.
The horses were not even spared that the white man had, and the bloody gory scene was too much for me, so I looked away, me realizing this is what was reality back in this era, the natives fighting the white men like this, but in history class, the white man had overpowered the natives, due to they had guns, or should I say muskets.

"Crying Fox will move village soon after white man come."
Walking Willow says to me, and shielded me from the gory sight by closing the flap door of the tent.

"Where will we go?"
I ask her.

"Another place village has stayed.
Long journey."
She says to me.

I felt guilty that maybe I caused the white man to attack this kind tribe, but due to I want to keep my destructive abilities a secret, this occured, this massacre.
I do have the power to keep this village safe, but I'm afraid of revealing them, due to the village, and even the warm, and kind Crying Fox will shun me.

"Walking Willow; if I had destructive powers, would you shun me along with Crying Fox?"
I look to her, giving her a look I'm worried about showing them my powers.

Crying Fox adores you child."
She pats my shoulder in reassurance.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple Walking Willow."
I tell her honestly.
"My powers do have limits, but I have destructive powers that could destroy the white man if I wanted to."

She nods at me in understanding.
"Crying Fox never shun you child."

"Are you sure?"
I ask her.

"Yes sure."
She says to me.
"Not worry."
She pats my shoulder yet again.

"Why does he like me so much?"
I ask her.

She hesitates to answer.
"Cares about you is all."

"But why?
I'm a white woman; and he should hate me."
I say to her as tears started forming in my lashes.
"I mean the white man attacked your village again, so you guys should hate me!"
I sniffle as the tears finally fell down my cheeks.

White man wasn't your fault.
Crying Fox knows you have no white man connection."
She gives me a look she is serious.
"White man attack villages alot, due to hate."

"I don't understand why they hate you?
You people are so good natured and kind."
I tell her.

"It is our skin color.
We Sioux are beasts to them."
She says to me.
"You see us as Sioux not beasts.
Crying Fox sees good in you.
Other white man no."

"That's because I come from a time you people are going extinct, because of people like me, and I was raised to not hate your people."
I tell her.

The white wolf with the black blotches walked into the tent, and his golden eyes looked to me, his hairless dark gray snout was covered in blood.
He licked his chops, and I look up at him, my eyes wide.
Walking Willow sighs an annoyed sigh, her pointing at the wolf, and yelling at him.
The wolf spoke in her language and nods, and I watch his body morph, bones cracking, which was a grossest sound I have ever heard in my life, and I saw soon Crying Fox standing before me.

Crying Fox says my name for the first time, and he tugged me by my arm and into a warm loving hug, his nose going to my short hair.
He spoke in his language to me, which I could not understand.

"Crying Fox?"
I inquire; and he hugged me a little tighter, and I blink in shock, that I felt his hard on against my pot belly through the dress I wore.

I soon put my hands upon his chest, and gently shove him away, me looking up at him.
"Is it true we need to leave?"
I ask him, and Walking Willow translated for me.
He nods to me.
"Is it because of me?"
Walking Willow translated to him what I said, and he spoke in his language to her.

Walking Willow says to me what he says.
"Chris not at fault.
Chris has no family.
No connection to those white my men in gray clothes."

"Those men were confederate soldiers.
We need to find a safer place, because they will attack again, and harm the women and children."
I tell him.

Walking Willow tells what I said to Crying Fox in her language, and he spoke back to her, which she translated for me.
"How do you know about that soldiers?"

"Because right now the white man is having a war with each other, the union soldiers, and confederate soldiers of the white man are at war, to free people who are enslaved by the confederacy.
We will be caught in the crossfire if we do not go to a place that is safe."
I tell him.

Walking Willow translated to him what I said, and he nods, and spoke to her, and she translated.
"The caves where village used to live in many seasons ago will work.
Water is close to caves.
Deer as well."

"Then we should head there."
I tell him.

Walking Willow translated for me and he nods, and spoke to Waking Willow, who translated for me.
Chris smart.
Head to caves immediately."

Crying Fox lets me go; and left the tent, to I bet, hold a meeting for the tribe.
Walking Willow confirmed it for me as she says to me.
"Crying Fox will tell village we must leave to caves.
The journey will be harsh and long.
Crying Fox will make sure Chris comfortable."

"The war that's going on is the Civil War between the white man, so we should go into hiding, unless the women and children are harmed by both sides of the war.
Women and children are often raped by white men in war."
I tell her.
"But I didn't want to tell him that."

"Crying Fox knows that knowledge."
She says to me.
"Chris reminded him of knowledge of crimes of white man."

So I was back in time during the Civil War era, but this tribe hasn't been colonized yet, which is strange, but I think it's because of the wolf men in the tribe, and I hope it stays this way, or I'll have no choice but to help protect these kind and warm loving people.


To be continued.....

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