Chapter 4: A chat in the kitchen

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Saturday, the day every 11/12 year old should be happy. All my classmates must be having sleepovers with their bff's or going to some super cool roller coaster park with all their best buds from school.
Well, Julia was my last friend, and lucky me I got to spend my Saturday doing, nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Okay, that's not true, I did get to worry about that stupid brain break paper.
Why in the world did I choose yes? What will my teacher think of me? What if she sends an email to my parents saying I chose to leave them and save the world? They'd be terrified I didn't like them or something! What if they send me off to some freak school where kids were learning to save the world because my parents thought I wanted to go and save MANKIND!?
I really needed to stop freaking out and relax a little. I came downstairs to have breakfast at like 12:30 in the afternoon.
My mom was making macaroni for lunch and she eyed me in a concerned way. My brother was outside dribbling his new basketball.
"Levine," I looked up at mom.
Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wiping her hands on her apron that said 'Kiss The Cook' in bright pink letters.
"What's wrong? I know you haven't been sleeping all day."
I sat down at the rusty old table and started tracing my finger along the old cracks in it. Mom didn't remove her gaze, so I answered.
"There was this test at school that didn't make any sense, but, for some reason I understood it." I spoke understood as if it were some word no one dared to say.
Mom looked confused.
"So, how come that's so bad?" Mom asked.
I sighed.
"At school, I'm not all that popular and I'm considered as the weird girl no one wants to talk to."
Mom stared at me like there was a fish on my head. Her mouth gaped open and I thought for sure she would catch flies.
Even when I said this, my eyes didn't even water, it was like I had accepted it already, and I had.
I looked down at my bare feet and messy pajama pants. Mom recovered from her shock and cleared her throat.
"Listen, I know it's tough and I know what it's like to go to school and be treated unfairly, I went through the same thing."
Before mom could finish her great and inspiring lesson I didn't really want to hear, Arthur came in sweating and breathing heavily.
That's when we had lunch. While I ate, I was glad I didn't tell mom about the last question on the test. I didn't want her to think I was silly to be worrying about some question that wasn't important.
Sunday, I decided the test didn't matter. I'd probably forget about it real soon and it wouldn't ever affect my life.
But, I couldn't help hearing a soft and familiar voice whisper in the back of my head. A voice that told me to be cautious of my life ahead.

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